User Reviews (817)

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  • This a typical mass produced movie by netflix. Nothing special, just had to make another movie with a good idea and typical non-artistic execution. I wonder sometimes how they choose their directors. Is it just who is available from college?

    They get great actors and just embarres them with what they have to work with. They are mass producing B movies.
  • kjg00816 August 2020
    Nothing really stands out here. Average story, average performance by actors, weak world building, average action scenes. Just average film.
  • Number one in the UK, the number of times I've fallen for that one. Project Power is not going to be a film that will live you for days, you won't want to buy it on blu ray or collect memorabilia. However, if you want almost two hours of pretty well made nonsense, then you may just enjoy this, I'm not a huge lover of this particular genre, so perhaps I'm not the best judge, but I didn't switch it off, or skip through it, so that's a positive.

    The story is very much x men territory, with some modern day drug problems thrown into the mix, Jamie Foxx is good value as always.

    It is entertaining enough, but has b movie vibes, 6/10.
  • Maybe I'm the odd one out but I genuinely like movies like this. I wasn't expecting to be blown away by this and of course you can tell from the beginning exactly how it will end, but I don't mind that. In fact, I found it highly entertaining! The actors look like they're having a good time making it. Is it a cinematographic masterpiece? No. Is it something fun to watch while you're chilling on the couch? Absolutely.
  • Let me start with the positive: Whoever worked on the VFX in this knew what they were doing. Everything looks sharp, and the colors pop the way a comic book style movie should. I hope more action movies in this genre can add more pop to their color.

    What needed work: The story starts off pretty good and I was into it but the third act felt like it came to an end pretty quickly and it feels like there was something missing. I could've totally seen this as a tv show, and I think in that format they could've explored more angles.
  • Decent acting, really good CG, meh plot. Don't expect to be blown away or anything, but if you go in just wanting to be entertained with some fun action and cool powers, it delivers.
  • I knew this movie was coming and considering the track record of Netflix lately I wasn't expecting much. But I was pleasantly surprised. I expected the intersectional check list to be thick on this one. This was actually not the case. Whilst there were some mentioning of systemic racism, it felt more natural to the movie and was not forced. The story line was a bit bland, the bad guys were a bit superficial but the acting of the main characters was good, the concept of powers in pills was actually a great and unique one and the special effects were good. They could have made better use of this but nonetheless not bad at all. I think this movie was better than many of the previous new films and series of Netflix. Because I thought this movie was a pleasant surprise but the story was a bit bland and superficial I give it an 7.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found this movie to be so cringe. It's bland, predictable and hollow. It seems like Netflix is trying to appeal to everyone and in doing so it appeals to no one. Lemme save you two hours. Good guys, bad guys, good guys win.
  • From the genetic mutation of the X-Men, to the radioactive spider-bite of Spider-Man, to the cosmic blast absorbed by the Fantastic Four, the moment superheroes receive their powers on page or screen tends to be an irrevocable, life-altering event that forever changes their very DNA. Not so in Project Power. Netflix's action-thriller offers an intriguing tweak to the superhero mythos - here, those who take a 'Power' pill are gifted supernatural abilities for just five minutes per hit and they don't know what hidden ability they hold until they take one.

    Despite finding a fresh angle on one of cinema's most oversaturated genres, Project Power never fully capitalises on that potential. Like the streaming service's other summer genre exercise The Old Guard, its hooky premise is trapped in a generic plot involving a shadowy organisation led by a cabal of boring baddies.

    Project Power has considerable style yet a disappointing lack of substance - but an attention-grabbing performance from Dominique Fishback and an intriguing twist on superpowers give it just enough juice.
  • scott157715 August 2020
    It's astounding that you can have a film in which a pill gives you superpowers but still ends up being absolutely rubbish, how's that even possible? Poorly executed in every aspect.
  • If you've got a rough life, quit school, sell drugs, dream of becoming a rap star. That's the message.

    This could have been an awesome movie, too bad the wrong people influenced the script and directing.
  • This movie is awesome and unique, unfortunate it got hate! Drug chasing well filmed adventure of sorts, wild ride that is fun entertainment that's all it should be. Maybe I'm odd I appreciate things differently I do have Asperger's. I love this movie it's super cool and has incredible effects!
  • In New Orleans, a distribution group create a bunch of pills that can give each person superhero abilities and deadlier reactions. Meanwhile, a teenage dealer named Robin, a local cop named Art, and an ex soldier named Frank must team up to save the cop's daughter and take down the people who created the pills.

    Upon hearing of the title of the movie and the fact that Jamie Foxx and Joseph Gordon Levitt were starring in it, I watched the whole thing this morning and what I got was actually pretty decent. It's not a perfect movie, sure, but it has some good elements in it.

    Now there are some problems I do have with the film. The story does deliver on the action, but the execution leaves something to be desired mostly due to the whole idea of pills giving you superhero abilities not being fleshed out enough. Plus the villains are very one-dimensional. Not the actors themselves, but the way they were written and they were underdeveloped. Also, the side characters haven't been given much to do.

    That being said, everything else is really good. The action sequences are really superbly intense and gripping, the pacing's very good, the music score from Joseph Trapanese (who did the music scores for the Divergent sequels) fits the atmosphere and does it job, and the cinematography along with the special effects look really nice, but the best part would have to go to the acting. Everyone involved did a good job the best coming from Jamie Foxx and Joseph Gordon Levitt. Dominique Fishback is also likeable and her chemistry with Jamie and Joseph is spot on especially during the action sequences. Not to mention that there are some witty one liners and some funny moments along with some drama that doesn't feel sappy and shoe-horned in.

    Overall, it's not a perfect movie and it's certainly won't win any newcomers, but this is a decent superhero flick that's got some good action, solid performances, and nice cinematography. This is only worth watching to those who love action movies.
  • iamdrumil14 August 2020
    I was expecting this movie to be a marvellous sci-fi action movie which is dark and uses its R rating to its advantage, but it was a huge disappointment the action scenes are executed poorly you barely understand what's happening and the movie doesn't feel mature because of a Dominique Fishback's character Robin whereas she does best with what she was given to be truthful but the writing for her character (basically she is that annoying kid who goes places where they are not supposed to).

    I don't know how Netflix can get such star power Jamie Foxx and Joseph Gordon-Levitt they are the reason why I thought this movie is going to be something great. Also, Casey Neistat has a cameo in this movie which I was excited for and he is in an action scene which was probably the worst action scene which I have seen in a while.

    All in all, this movie doesn't deliver you don't get a single good action scene, the characters don't feel fleshed out and they wasted something that could have been a good concept and if executed well we could have had an excellent sci-fi action movie.
  • The effect are very good, only for that the movie is worth your while, as a brainless action flick. For the story, for some reason Netflix has to put in an annoying kids in their movies, in this movie the kid can't act and really, really get on your nerves.
  • silascriss14 August 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Story line: 6/10 I went into this movie blind. I just opened up Netflix to watch anime and this movie was recommended to me so I gave it a chance. The story line is weak. Nothing makes sense. This is the kind of movie you turn your brain off and watch nonsensical stuff happen on screen and eat popcorn. I made it though the movie without getting bored. But once the movie ended all I could think was wtf was that movie and wtf was the ending.

    Acting: 7.5/10 I love Jamie Foxx so I give him 2 thumbs up and Joseph Gordon-Levitt did a goodish job. Their lines were okay and I believed in the pain they felt.

    Music: 6/10 Mostly random Hip-hop clips. I like hip-hop but hearing a random song for 10-20 seconds is not memorable. During some of the fight scenes the music left the hip-hop genre and played some Orchestra type music and I was like finally...

    Chance I will remember movie in 5 months: 4.5/10 Overall the character's lines were forgettable, the story line... made no sense. This is the kind of movie where it tells you what will happen, but not why or how.

    What bugged me (non-spoiler): I'll give you a non-spoiler portrayal of a character in this movie. Imagine you're a military super soldier (one of the best soldiers on the planet), while you're in the military defending your country overseas you also have the time to create the most significant and complicated scientific discovery in the history of humanity that will evolve humans as we know it to literal Gods. But how you crated this medical marvel, where you found the time, where you got the knowledge, did you even go to college, etc... is kept a secret.
  • The performances, special effects, and creativity are all great with this one. It's much more than your standard super-dudes trading punches. They really show how dangerous these sorts of abilities can be.

    Aside from that, it seems there's alot of real world problems they seem to draw comparisons to. Drugs, government sketchiness, family hardship, natural disaster, and even a bit of PTSD. It seems like alot, but they manage to pull it off without you thinking about it too much.

    My only gripe is that they remind you they're in NOLA every 5 minutes. I don't think I've ever seen a movie mention the name of the city so many times, or drop other direct references so often. Nothing against the city (I'm from the area), but it's just weird to do so many times.
  • Project power is a great film related to storytelling and character development. The action is good but there was more potention in it. That's because the bad guys felt a little too easy (not with every action scene). The special effects and the wide shots were good and beautifully made. The acting of Joseph Gorden-Levitt, Jamie Foxx and Dominique fishback were all done well. I see protention that netflix is going to think about making part 2 because not everything has been answered yet about the future of the pills. I give this film an 8 for the acting, special effects, story, character development and the action.
  • onexmillion15 August 2020
    Started off good. Film has style and initially keeps you engaged. But getting half way in, there's too much subplot, too much meaningless waffle - the movie just needs to cut that junk out. Got a little boring around halfway through and a little confusing in places.
  • This movie is very good, has great action scenes and a good story. However, the script left a simple film, and could be excellent. Anyway, it had the potential to be better, but it's a good time-passing action movie
  • Otte114 August 2020
    This is wasted potential.

    The concept, certain special effects could be a foundation of a multi-sequel exciting series.

    The movie's direction and editing is absolutely horrible, just horrible. We get 3-minute uninterrupted scenes of a teenager rapping, but a shooting scene so haphazardly edited that you have no idea who the good/bad guys are. Even as picture ended I have very little idea what is going on.

    Pros: Concept: People take pill gives them temporary superpowers unknown before you take the pill. Gives the movie a different take on the mutant craze.

    Special Effects: Varies, but one special effect with the invisible man is off the charts and almost single-handily gave the movie an extra star.

    Cons: Direction: All over the place, bad writing, bad characters, just bad. Jamie Foxx and Joseph Gordon Leavitt can be excellent actors, but here there is no material to work with.

    Editing: Long scenes of nothing, edited scenes of the action you want to see. Too often you just saw bullets fly, and people fall without knowing(or caring) who died.

    Writing: You can't have stupid one-liners in the middle of murderous violence. I can't watch Marvel movies for this reason and they are PG-13 and geared toward teenagers and fanboys. Doing it in R is even more stupid and removes any pretense of tension.

    I was debating between 4 and 5 stars, but if there was a sequel I would not watch. Four stars it is.
  • A good action movie. Easy 8/10. Compelling story, good acting, great CGI for a streaming movie
  • Not too shabby. It has a good cast, great special sfx. It's shot nicely. Technically, it's amazing to watch. But the story is nothing new. Film writers just added a few twists and turns in the form of superhero powers. I didn't even find this movie till I enrolled on Netflix for Squid Game. Production value for this film must be up there. They didn't miss a beat but the storyline, which has been done over & over again.
  • How did Joseph and Jamie get talked in to doing this rediculous movie.
  • It has a good storyline, the acting is good, the visuals are good. Sound effects are absolutely poop. Some sounds in places that just should not be there.
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