User Reviews (286)

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  • Now that this show has gotten new life streaming on Amazon: PLEASE watch tell all to check out, respond whatever outlet! if there is enough viewers and interest we may get a second season, so PLEASE! ty
  • william-lane616 January 2019
    I find myself surprised with just how much I enjoyed this short YouTube series, and I don't claim to be a great writer, or a professional critic, or even anyone worth listening to, but I thought I would share my opinion, and give an honest account of why I like this show. As the title suggests, it's just plain fun, everything from the numb, out of touch, violent, 16 year old Wayne, to two simple twin brothers who are like watching a continuous Laurel and Hardy sketch, to some insanely over the top 'bad guys' with a golden grill and a pet alligator. Everything about it is just balls to the wall chaos, with the occasional poignant, heartfelt moment sprinkled in there, some great music used throughout, and quite frankly one of the best performances I've seen from Dean Winters who I thought really shined throughout. The show is vulgar, sometimes hilarious, nihilistic, has some real punch in the gut moments, and overall fun to watch. If you're looking for a Breaking Bad, or a The Wire, or a Stranger Things, you won't find it here, but if you're looking for a violent, over the top, low brow show to binge over an evening or two, this will most certainly do.
  • ysstog17 January 2019
    This show is better than just about anything on Netflix or Amazon at the moment. The two leads are fantastic and fantastic together. Terrific acting and great chemistry. The editing and music are also top-notch. I wish the rest of the Youtube Originals were this good.
  • WIth a killer soundtrack, over the top grit and action, Wayne is one hell of a ride. Packs a punch and makes yah laugh along the way. Amazon Prime has picked it up over on PrimeVideo, which gives us another chance to continue Wayne's Antiheroic journey.
  • k-m-bernardi269 November 2020
    This is so good I am addicted to it. I want it to continue, del and Wayne need more time.
  • I know that I shouldn't like this show at my age. It's vulgar, nasty, ultraviolent, everything I should find appalling and shocking, yet I can't stop watching. I started watching mainly because the title character has my name, but there are so many more reasons to watch. Give it a shot. You won't be disappointed.
  • TheDyingGirl19 May 2021
    A gem!
    I often hate the comedy genre. I just don't find a lot comedy shows actually funny but this one takes the cake. Loved it. Only thing I hate is that it was cancelled. Haven't laughed this much in a while. Some characters are overly comical like the step brother with the grills but it is all fitting. A great story too, bot could just not catch a break. Also loved the backstory of how he knew del. I just wish they had delved more into his story. Especially growing up with his father and brother etc.
  • I actually did one day as an extra on this show in the Episode 9 scene in the bus station. Although I did not make it into the final cut, I loved the show.

    Why did an old guy like a show about two mid-teens, you may well ask. 1. The story is really interesting and the characters all seem surprisingly genuine, even though they are mostly on the extreme end of one spectrum or another. 2. There is real tension in the show, you really expect anyone could die at anytime. 3. Some of the characters are quite relatable, at least in some of their beliefs and actions. For example, I can really identify with Wayne and his dad's strong sense of justice and fairness. 4. The music is pretty awesome. 5. The sound is very good and even with the thick Bawstun accents, I could understand almost all the dialogue. 6. There is a lot of action and violence but it does not seem overly gratuitous. You can almost believe that some of this really happened. 7. The chemistry between Wayne and many of the other characters, especially Del, is really amazing. 8. The story lines all move along nicely, except for one twist near the end of season one. I won't give it away but I could not figure out any plausible way it could happen.

    9. I love free and Youtube Premium is giving us one month free. Thanks Youtube Premium, thanks cast and crew of Wayne and thanks for reading. cheers, Jim
  • Perfect casting, awesome acting, great music selection - fits the action, riveting plot, and the most important - *writers with talent*!

    No social agendas, nothing pc, just entertainment.
  • I absolutely loved this show. Loved the characters and the exaggerated stereotypes. Let's face it...... Stereotypes are funny cuz there's a truth in there. Reminded me of "The End of the Fu*#ing World"..... Another series that I fell in love with. I hope the performances that Mark McKenna (Wayne) and Ciara Bravo (Del) gave set them up for long and successful careers they deserve. Let's not forget Dean Winters (Allstate's Mayhem/Del's "Daddy") either! I loved seeing him in this and he gave a great performance, as well. Unlike some of the other reviewers here, I think the topics touched on are completely relevant for today. Kids are parenting themselves, guidance in school is a joke, and they are lost and ANGRY. Who's to blame here? Hmmmmm
  • By far the most entertaining tv show I've watched in a long time every episode felt great and worked well together. Hoping for a season 2.
  • This show says a whole lot about class and privilege in a liberal democracy, and says it with all cylinders firing.

    I grew up decidedly on the wrong side of the tracks, but I was gifted and managed to rise above my financial beginnings to something much better (no electricity cut off in the middle of the summer, no skipped meals because we had no food, etc.).

    But I'm still haunted, like when I get upset my carefully constructed accent falls apart and I sound like the kid from the hood I am. I'm still haunted often by feelings that I'm a fraud, that I'm not good enough, etc., even after a successful career full of achievement and leadership positions on more boards and committees than I can remember, yet I've known in some folks' minds I'll never be good enough, just trash from the wrong side of the tracks regardless of what I accomplish and the change for good I make on this planet.

    This show not only stirred all that stuff back up, but really made me look at it all through fresh eyes somehow, and helped answer some long nagging questions about identity, social mobility, and sometimes having so many strikes against you right from birth that if you aren't extremely lucky and smart, you aren't going anywhere. It wasn't explicitly a social critique, but that's what made the message even more effective.

    I love shows, I hate shows, but rarely do I feel indebted in some way to art, but I feel a genuine debt of gratitude to "Wayne". I couldn't recommend it enough.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Wayne is a good tv one season show. There were questionable to real life and fiction comparison best not to think about. I lowkey thought this was based off Bruce Wayne when I simply heard of the infamous last name. I was in disbelief on how a tad bit of relation the main character is. Amongst various others including as well. The soundtrack has to be the elite part of it all, grange manly rock tunes. Definitely something to keep around on your Spotify or Apple Music. It involved badass butt-kicking sequences that is out of this world incredible! Still needs a continuation of seasons, it was worth the watch in my opinion. It was a fun while it lasted. I wished there was at least a few more seasons to tell the story off the rightful way. The story seemed too good to be true. Though, we never gotten a chance to see Wayne's biological brother throughout the series. He happens to be mentioned in the very first episode however. The potential 'Wayne' had for more seasons would've been extraordinary!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have watched only 2 episodes and I might be wrong, but I can see why people might like the series. A guy who learns emotions but is numb to physical pain, sounds interesting. A girl that has lots of surprizes is a good fit for the main character's development. I think female audience of the age 14-17 would love this tv show. It has pretty obvious turns in plot-wise, the enemies are foolish, the comedy isn't high quality, imho.
  • This one came out of nowhere for me I was not aware it was even coming out and there is literally zero things I found that could have been better. YouTube establishing themselves firmly as a big-time content provider in one swing. Can't say enough about the cast and really everyone that took part in creating this absolute gem.
  • kristi23747 November 2020
    I am so glad that Amazon picked up Wayne! I love this show. Please give us a season 2!
  • marcusdrennan19 January 2019
    This show is the only reason i got Youtube Red, I loved every episode, sure there were a few cringe-worthy moments where it was painful to watch but it was worth every penny, i hope they make a season 2 or carry on with the first season (i don't know their plan). As one of the other reviews said this reminded me of Scott Pilgrim vs the world, just a little more violent. Overall the actors were great, the story was written pretty perfectly and i want more of it. I thought Wayne was so good that i even made this account a few minutes ago just to show my love for it.
  • This show is fantastic. The characters are well written and feel like real people. It's dark, funny as hell, and has some brutaly gore ridden action scenes. Seriously check this out if you have the chance.
  • ...It would be Wayne. It has the heart of a superhero story but the stylistic flare of a grindhouse action flick -- coupled with some (quite well done) Romantic Comedy elements here and there. One of the best new shows in months.
  • This show was exceptional and needs, deserves, requires!! an ending to the story. I could've settled with a cliche ending for the first season and that could've been it, but seeing it opening so much in the end craves for a second season. BRING BACK WAYNE!
  • veryprivateswag21 January 2019
    Dunno that it deserves all those 8-10/10 scores but its pretty fun in a non serious way though some parts have too much useless jibber jabber that brings nothing to the show.

    Would like to see a second season to see where the story goes.
  • stevegeach-6905526 February 2021
    The best thing I've ever seen on tv it's like a Tarantino movie in a series
  • I'm enjoying it so far but it's clearly an Americanised version of TEOTFW. If you haven't seen TEOTFW, watch it, and you will see for yourself.
  • What the hell all the good reviews about, i just wached 2 episodes ,almost didnt finish the second one, and it was very bad. A show about "cool" kid who bit up and the charecters are not intresting, shallow and come from no where. The acting was bad and overall it feels like the show was created by some kid.
  • zpit-2077919 January 2019
    Really good. Lots of action and humor. By far the best show youtube has made
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