User Reviews (30)

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  • Is it just me or does this guy look like a cross between an ewok and sam kinison?
  • Firstly, i am biased... I have actually been to this store and met Slobby when the store first opened.. and Tbh he was a dick to us. (And after seeing this show, i understand we aren't his typical rich kid/hipster/shoe hoarder customer... We are in our mid 30s and took our kids in.. They were 14, 8, and 6 at the time) That being said, if you can get past the stupid lingo, and annoying store employees, and are looking to reminisce, this show is watchable. It is like 95% about fashion, with very little about collectables.. So if you are looking for info on collectables, this will probably bore you. Things i like about this show.. I like how Slobby has his own aesthetic. I like how passionate he and other collectors are. I enjoy seeing the fashion.. Although I find it so funny that most of his stuff is thriftstore crap that i see all the time and pass over...
  • Good binge watching show for hype beasts, slobby is a character.

    Side note, anyone know why he can sell bootleg bags ?
  • Everyone who is complaining that this is "Fake" then shouldn't watch any show on TV or Streaming services they are all scripted. Every single "reality show," Sorry to burst your false reality is scripted; Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Counting Car's, WWE, Survivor, just look at the IMBD for all if these shows and you will find many "actors." Get off your high horse and enjoy the entertainment. If you don't know Every show on History Chanel is scripted and every reality show ever is scripted then your are in the fake reality lol
  • First few episodes were ok but then the way they talk and the attitudes get old.
  • Slobby Robby at first comes off like a poser, but the dude is very knowledgable and passionate about the memorabilia. Plus its awesome seeing stuff from my childhood. Show definitely only is appealing to adults who grew up in 80s and 90s, if you fall in this category i would recommend it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Robby is beyond obnoxious and every episode is so obviously scripted. Nobody in their right mind would pay the prices he was presenting and the "customers" were horrible actors. We didn't make it past episode 4.

    I also thought selling counterfeit items was illegal. How is this store still open?
  • tnt707830 January 2019
    Binge watched every episode I could find! Learned lots and hes got taste!!!
  • jcasterline-1140611 January 2019
    Slobby, as he presents himself on camera, is just obnoxious. I use the f-word profusely, but even I find myself thinking, "Just talk like a human being!" multiple times per episode. Personally, I find his gold grill and jewelry gaudy and stupid. Overuse of "fire" and he just comes off as scummy trash with wannabe class.

    Seeing stuff from when I grew up was kind of neat, but the presentation and Slobby himself just make this show unbearable. "Your mileage may vary." Obviously.
  • popekoller17 January 2019
    Love the show. As a antique dealer gave me some amazing tips.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I tired to give this show a chance. I couldn't last ep5 , the host or owner of the shop is a joke. He has no idea what a 80's and 90's pop store should sell and I'm shocked if the store doesn't go under soon. He is proud of him self that he sells illegal reproductions. After watching the show , I think all the buyers are low skilled actors. Ep.1 the man that bought the shoes , Had me rolling. No one that pays 1000's for retro shoes would ignore a damage box. they want a huge drop in price, even if they are going to wear them. and he was a bad actor :P unlike the woman afterwards, sounded like she was reading from que cards lol

    pass it this one up, you won't miss anything
  • I feel like as a young entrepreneur in the early days of the resell world this is really inspiring. I like that he brought context to things and gave value to bootleg gear / old vintage promo gear.

    If there's a second season I'd like to see him bring out more of the educational side as well. I'd like to also see them make some custom gear. I'd also like to see him educate people on the history of things more.

    I think the show is underrated and deserve more credit.
  • I love vintage items, especially from the era that is the focus of this shop. That said, I couldn't even get through the first episode. The owner is an onboxious, foul-mouthed, slob (clearly "Slobby Robby" isn't just a clever name).

    He clearly is knowledgeable about his business, but you may not know it given how hard he's clearly trying to sound like an idiot.

    I can't decide if my favorite part is where he creepily suggests to a female customer that she should wear the t-shirt she's buying, and nothing else, or if it's where he tells a different female customer that the fanny pack she's buying has a perfect place to hide drugs.

    How anyone could find this guy entertaining is beyond me. How he got some TV network to give him a show is even more mind-boggling.
  • This is a really cool show and Slobbie really knows his stuff!! He is very knowledgeable and I really like the way the crew interacts!! I hope they keep making new shoes!!
  • The thrift store picks are so fake it's painful to watch! Everything is so exaggerated. Lastly the main dude is just plain obnoxious and his "employees" are horrible actors. Do yourself a favor and skip this trash.
  • gcom-4154429 October 2020
    No misses. Every episode slaps more than the one before. Season 2?
  • I know guys like him. Very obnoxious and believes it's okay for him to say anything he wants to a woman if he sounds like he's joking. I watched like 15 minutes of the first episode before I gave up. Two stars for the shoes I now want to make mine
  • OldZombie11 January 2019
    Very fake "reality" TV show. Pass on this. Seriously anyone who calls themselves an expert on 80s and 90s culture should know who Stone Cold Steve Austin is, and the customer who buys all this stuff because she identifies as Austin should know that Austin 3:16 isn't the same verse as John 3:16. Fake
  • Here is a fun game while watching an episode; count how many time Robbie says "bro".

    I can't believe the customers can't see that he is just a great salesman selling them bootleg t-shirt for $100. I guess it's true that a fool and his money are soon parted.

    Second episode and I'm bored. Next!
  • cuzcuzcuz2 May 2019
    Absolutely embarrassing. The premise alone is laughable and the cast is unlikable to say the least. It's astonishing that anybody would consider this watchable. The main character is repulsive and his voice and persona are beyond obnoxious. Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time on this garbage
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is one of the fakest reality TV show I've ever seen. Why would rich people buy used t-shirts that you could find on eBay or Salvation Army? Stone Cold 3:16 cause "he loves Jesus", this is a cringe moment and hard to watch. That being said, you can watch these idiots with low expectations and just kill your boredom.
  • paq31 December 2020
    I swear to God, when I first saw this I thought it was a a parody series mocking "Pawn Stars" and the like, and only realized it wasn't when it turned out not to be funny in the least.
  • OldZombie15 January 2019
    Horrible fake reality show that the so called experts don't know what they're talking about. Pass on this.
  • Most of us won't make it past the first episode because of the way this "slobby" guy is. It's beyond staged and the acting is horrible.
  • sendhollynews9 February 2019
    This show is ridiculous, they dig around thrift stores pretending items are worth high amounts. He also encourages selling bootleg items and the prices he (Slobby Robby) quotes are made up nonsense. I'm sure it's in effort to promote his business. It's like the show Pawn Stars minus anything valuable or outside of what you'd find at your neighbors yard sale.
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