User Reviews (13)

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  • I agree with all the opinions expressed here about the quality of this film and how it's such a good story done on such a low budget. However, there is one glaring fault that made the film borderline unwatchable for me: the enunciation of the actors. I'm not English, and the regional accents are SO strong that many many lines, even after a lot of rewinds and rellstening, are completely unintelligible. I have no idea what many of the characters were saying, and I'm a native speaker of English. God help those who've learned English as a second language! I find this problem more and more with modern films for some reason, either the accents are so strong or the mumbling and poor enunciation is so bad that the lines might as well be in Chinese. I took a few courses in phonetics, linguistics, etc. as an undergrad many years ago, so I could go into glottal stops, fricatives, etc. etc. but it would be useless detail, the bottom line being that the speech is not intelligible by a large percentage of the English-speaking population, and that's such a shame for a film of this quality otherwise, especially since it advertises itself as being in the English language. I'm not agaiinst any accents at all which would identify the characters as being from a particular locality, but this is ridiculous. I find this problem not only in film but in our society as a whole. I sometimes get wrong numbers on my voicemail, messages left by someone working for a corporation who want who knows because the speech is so fast and poorly enunciated, and this is a business call! The culprits are always young people, so I see this as a growing problem with youth. They're not learning how to speak properly nor the importance of WHY it's important to do so! I don't think I'm the only old geezer who notices this.
  • watcher201911 January 2020
    Thought it was never going to finish. some great acting but just too boring not enough dialogue and very little real action.
  • psxexperten6 November 2019
    Words cannot express how horrible this movie is. Watching paint dry is quicker & more interesting. Script non existent as well as a plot. Bore yourself to death. Worse Than Passing a Kidney Stone. Dont believe all the 10 ratings, it's from the friends of cast and crew.
  • Lie Low is a tense drama about a man named Parnell who is on the run after witnessing a stabbing. Parnell and his mother lay low on the French countryside with other family members, while we slowly piece together parts of the family's past as the tension and looming danger grows.

    Apparently the film was made on a remarkably low budget, with just a small Sony A7Sii camera, and in only 13 days. What the filmmaking team accomplished with those limited resources and time is remarkable. From looking at the credits it is apparent that director Jamie Noel worked in multiple capacities on Lie Low and he deserves applause for his skillful handling of the film. I think that often the best low budget filmmakers use their budgetary limitations as creative fuel to find new and original ways to make movies, often surpassing the overall quality of big Hollywood films. The cinematography was particularly excellent, utilizing beautiful camera movement and wide lenses up close to lend energy to the frame. The soundtrack was also a standout. Performances were good as well, particularly from the lead actor. I have to say that I enjoyed seeing a film set in another country as opposed to the same Los Angeles locations over and over again. If you're looking for a suspenseful drama, I highly recommend Lie Low!
  • Very impressed with Lie Low. Atmospheric and gripping right up until the final scene. Tension continues to build throughout, but there is also time for character development and unexpected friendships to form. An outstanding effort considering the shoe string budget, and I would like to see what this director could do with more resources.
  • Lie Low is an incredible, tension-filled, gripping drama. It's set in England and follows a young man on the run after he witnesses a stabbing. It was so refreshing to experience a film like this. We so rarely see indies from overseas and I'm so glad I found Lie Low. It's shot beautifully and also has a fantastic score. Performances were top notch. It's impressive all around. Highly recommend!
  • This film was terrific in every which way. It had a lot of tension coupled with truthful, honest acting. The acting was on point. All the actors did such a wonderful job. I thought the pacing of the film was good and I enjoyed the story. It kept me engaged from beginning to end. Strongly recommended.
  • While most consider themselves a fan of ground-up, uncompromising art, "indie film" is actually rarely taken in on a per-capita basis. Part of it has to do with wanting to spend allotted spare time seeing universally viewed films, so one can have a coherent conversation around the proverbial water cooler -- it's no different, really, to preferring stadium acts over the promising local band. Another part of it has to do with the fact there are a lot of crap indie films out there.

    Lie Low's production team proudly (and rightfully) tout the fact they made this film on consumer-grade equipment at used car prices. Behind-the-camera film geeks will be stunned, but I'd rather they bullsh***ed me by saying it was made for millions, as I would've bought into that sell without hesitation. Quite simply, there's nothing that isn't premium grade about this wonderfully crafted film. It need not differentiate itself in any way from a major studio effort, as the cinematography is immense. The tone of the film is aspirational in its unique brand of intensity. And beyond its elite craftsmanship, it's simply great storytelling, which is why we watch movies.

    Lie Low is a triumph by any standard. If you'd like to consider the fact it was made on few financial resources as you stack it up against great major studio films, that is your prerogative. But the filmmakers involved here have ensured that Lie Low can enter any storytelling arena and triumph purely on the merits of what we see on screen.
  • As a fan of films that tackle spiritual, moral and existential issues, this was right up my alley. This was a well told thought provoking film that delves into the psyche of a troubled man dealing with the demons of his past. Tightly woven script, Beautiful cinematography and strong performances from the entire cast. Looks like this was all done without the backing of a major studio. i look forward to watching it again.
  • It's rare to see something so beautifully made. Good gritty realistic story line. Fantastic portraiture of characters and lots of detail has gone into the filming, it's a cinematic experience, the soundtrack and space and silence in this film gives it a more french feel in concept than English - yet it hasn't compromised one bit. Excellent!
  • I love the British crime dramas. They're gritty and laced with dark humour and great characters.

    "Lie Low" is no exception. My attention was held throughout the film and it stayed with me long afterwards. You really have to listen and observe as the plot unfolds, but the journey is worth it.

    Very well written and directed, with great camerawork and performances, I would recommend watching "Lie Low".
  • Lie Low is about vengeance, honor, truth, and family.

    It's a hard look at the cycle of vengeance and how difficult it is to shake. This film is beautifully filmed--utilizing a shallow depth-of-field-but-still-wide-angled aesthetic that provides the viewer with enough perspective to get a sense of the space while also highlighting how narrowly focused or willfully blind the characters are.

    The performances in Lie Low were all uniquely strong, whole, and complex. The actors brought heart to an otherwise hypnotically bleak landscape.

    If I have one criticism, it's that the film is a disturbing downer with very few glimpses of light and humor, which makes it difficult to sustain (as a viewer) for its 98 minute runtime.

    That being said, the subject matter requires darkness, and by and large, it should disturb you. Make no bones about it--that's what Lie Low aims to do and it does so quite successfully. It's not for everyone, but for those who enjoy bleak thrillers that provoke thought, this is a "can't miss."
  • ferdmalenfant25 September 2019
    I saw a lot of 10 *s and 9 *s and though "ok, someone giving fake reviews to boost the ratings. Boy was I wrong. I will remember this movie for a long, long time. Jamie Noel (writer, director...) may never top this imaginative way of showing us that anyone can screw up and we are all the same... everything's connected. Excellent movie!