User Reviews (150)

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  • No masterpiece here but entertaining watch. A few good actors, nice costumes & decor. Recommend as an easy binge.
  • odarrien27 May 2019
    This is a well written show that was so engaging that I watched the entire season 1 over night.

    The characters were engaging, and the twists and turns were a real thrill ride. Pretty decent acting by most of the cast. I look forward to season 2.
  • This show was a great one to watch. I was going through the reviews and from what I've read viewers are annoyed that the dialogue doesn't match the subtitles, the actors can not act & the the lip syncing is not accurate. I watched the show in Spanish & I can say without a doubt that all those are not true. In its original language the show is great. Lots of plot twists and I look forward to the second season! I gave 8 stars because the show is set in the 1940's and some of the hair, costumes, and scenes are inaccurate for that time but over all good show.
  • ...loses its charm quickly.

    If you're expecting a murder mystery plot similar to Agatha Christie's novels, you won't find it here. It's more of a soap opera with some silly dialogs and clichés. There is a mystery which was the only thing that kept me but it was solved quickly. Starts good but goes downhill fast and fails to deliver a proper and believable story. It's like Gran Hotel. After the resolve of the main mystery it keeps having "twists" similar to "oh I finally found my lost relative", "oh this character has a secret", "oh this character's secret has a secret" etc
  • munyasimorven29 January 2021
    I thoroughly enjoyed this show. The cast n the mystery solving was on point. If you're a sucker for dramatic/romance cliche Spanish soaps then this one is a good one :)
  • This show was all over my Instagram feed which is why i decided to watch it . I actually got bored a little bit in the first episode but as the show progresses it gets more exciting . I really appreciate the gorgeous cinematography and the color editing and the great effort that was put in the decor to make us live in and the feel that time period with the actors . The CGI , although it felt like it wasn't real , but it was well done enough to not bother me , the acting as well was fairly good . What I didn't like is the story line , it felt a bit lost , like they didn't know where they were going with it and it felt like they were setting up a second season because in the beginning were going slow then fast then in the last episode they didn't arrive at a draw which was disappointing for me , I wish the show consisted of more episodes , or the episodes were longer a bit and it had only one season without stretching the story further over multiple seasons .
  • I just finished season 1 tonight. The show is so great that I stayed up all night watching. I only wish I had season 2 to watch now. I loved the fact that it was dubbed in English and the story is amazing and so full of intrigue. Even though at its heart it is a mystery it is also a story of love, family and friendship. As a period drama the sets, costumes and acting were wonderful. I loved each of the individual character stories. But like I've said, I really can't wait for more.
  • This is a perfectly entertaining show to have playing while working on a project. A fun, simple little mystery that is easy to follow, turn off it gets to be past your bedtime, and pick up again the next day. I was not compelled to binge watch, but did finish the entire season one over a few days. While the characters aren't very complex, some of them are aggravating and get what they deserve, which is somewhat satisfying. My big issue is the gold. Seriously, how much do you think a suitcase of gold weighs? I found the ease with which multiple characters handled it to be distracting and eventually, aggravating. The story could have moved along nicely without bricks of gold being waved around like paperback novels.
  • I don't know how they achieved the look but they have these wonderful glowing colours through the show, sometimes blurring slightly which also adds to the effect. Nice dark shadows too.

    The influence of Art Deco is there in the ship set designs and maybe the clothes too, all of which are stunning.

    And the story and acting: I must say I don't find it off-putting like I do nearly 95% of the British-American-Canadian-French-Indian and other productions. Basically, I cannot watch hardly anything that comes off Netflix or Hollywood today. Maybe this Spanish series is getting something right.

    I'm into the third episode, so unlike what someone said, the first is not the only good one, imo anyway. So while, the plot etc. Is nothing radical it's far from the worst Netflix series, and far far ahead of the others. It's not reliant on realism, randomly shot, quick shaky camera, Euro Cannes style film making which irritates with its total pretension.

    In short, beautiful, easy to watch, while not really insulting your intelligence or emotions.

    I only saw Season 1 and that was enough. I wasn't watching for the twists which actually put me off. It's not like I want to keep watching a series till the end of time.
  • An amazing telenovela! The plotlines are outrageous, the costumes are stunning, and the acting actually pretty good.
  • I very much enjoyed season 1 & 2 but not season 3. It is so movie movie and so predictable you know what is going to happen next before it happens. Too bad as I was looking forward to seeing it.
  • Beautiful sets and costumes. Each episode ends with a cliff hanger, so I was compelled to keep watching non-stop. I really didn't intend to spend so much continuous time watching this series, but I couldn't pull myself away. Again, amazing clothes.
  • chushik4 June 2019
    The show started with a potential to be an interesting mystery drama, but the writers killed it pretty fast. The plot doesn't seem coherent: random twists here and there, too many people with secrets and their own crazies. No character is well developed and no character interactions seem real and sincere. This seems more like a first draft of a story with all the details still to be drawn out in the revisions. Unfortunately, the draft is what we got :(
  • durcek13 August 2020
    The rapidly-revolving drama and some carelessness with details kill the noir in this season. At one time some characters act like they are outside the scene (as if unaffected by the physical and temporal conditions) and in the next act, they are jumping back to the scene in light speed, understanding things the viewers might be still questioning.
  • Everything was fine, not perfect but good enough. I wish movie producers googled the weight of a gold bar though, not the first movie and probably not the last where they carry 10-20 bars of gold in a suitcase like it was not heavier than a plastic bag full of groceries. Come on, for crying out loud! Gold is very dense and heavy.
  • Enjoyed watching this high seas murder mystery. It has a viable plot and storyline. The sets and costumes are beautiful and well done for the post WWII period and the cast does a fine job with their parts. Watch for the end of season one when the gold is found in a small suitcase. One big flaw in the script. The cast moves it around with ease. Judging by the size and layers of gold bars it would be impossible. Being one bar weighs in at 27.4 pounds, this suitcase would weigh over 1000 pounds!
  • ... This is just what you would expect from Netflix España. Very interesting, well written, nice sets, great chemistry and what I like in these type of shows, is that everyone gets to have a story of their own. There was only one moment I think it should have been handled better but that doesn't make it less charming and mysterious. I watched it in one night and I need to know what's next!
  • drarzudogru2 August 2019
    Just finished it. I can say just three words about this serie: Waste of time. Yes good costumes, good ligthing, good decor but what a pitty poor acting, poor casting and very poor story.
  • Two sister discover some VERY disturbing family secrets aboard a ship sailing from Spain to Brazil. The entire movie is cast in Castilian Spanish and lip synced in British English. But don't fret, this is a wonderful series with a great soundtrack. Turn on the surround or use your best headphones as this show has some stellar musical numbers and great sound effects! Have a jolly time with this, as you'll thank me for turning you on to this show! Enjoy, Murf
  • somil-tech7 June 2019
    It's is a good show to watch. It keeps you hooked with lots of twists and turns (far too many that at one point it starts feeling overdone). Good for binge watching though I have seen much better shows. Has a Agatha Christie touch to it.
  • The show was good for the 4th episode, but then the events were going very fast, the acting became terrible.. They jump to conclusions before they even got the time to think.. The last episode was very ridiculous and naive
  • I could not stop watching. they seriously leave you on every episode wanting to watch the next. Such a good story that keeps you guessing. I read some of the reviews on how the acting is bad and I couldn't disagree more. I'm wondering if it's because they are watching it translated so they get a different vibe ? I watched it in Spanish and the acting is very good. These actors are actually very good well known actors in Spain. I'm a huge fan of Spanish shows and this one is one to add to the list. Probably not the best Spanish show I've watched but its definitely a very good one. Can't wait to see season 2
  • kaspa-0976826 June 2019
    Nothing too special, but it kept me hooked and watched the whole show in two days. Though there are way better shows to spend two days on.
  • Don't take it as a serious drama. It is a beautiful comics put on screen. The settings, characters, dialogues, spoofs, and even the sharp turns in the story line should note taken seriously. If you watch it as if you read a comic from 1940's you will get the most out of it.
  • kalel-7239219 September 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    It is difficult to give one rating because there are really two separate and different stories, with seasons 1 and 2 comprising one and season three the other. To seasons 1-2 I would give 9 stars. The twists and turns and unexpected ending were fantastic. It loses one star because of some minor, yet glaring, errors. I know I'm a nit picker but the writers should know that gold is really heavy, They carry around a case of it like it were filled with cotton balls. They should also know that a wooden box is not going to hide the smell of a decomposing body. And, although he did have an assault charge hanging over him, I can't figure out why the doctor, who was terrified of going to prison, or worse, would murder Carlos in front of a gazillion witnesses. Also the ghost at the end kind of negated the common sense of Eva and Nicholas, though maybe that was kind of cool.

    Second story, season three, was great until the last episode. It was so bad that it ruined all the good stuff that came before it (went from 9 stars to one). Leaving aside the fact that they never thought to replace the doctor, and the chase scenes where the person being pursued escapes by walking briskly (and I was disappointed no one thought to use the secret passages we learned about in the first seasons), in what universe does one respond to a ship full of sick people with a battleship sent to sink it? Have they never heard of quarantine? Nicholas had radioed that he had a medical emergency. He didn't say he was carrying a virus of mass destruction. Do you sink a ship full of people with the flu? He never even said it was viral. If it were bacterial they could have sent over some antibiotics. Did anyone realize that the lifeboats could also be sunk.? And they had plenty of time to radio, before the radio room was conveniently destroyed, to send a message that they had a mini Mengele working on a cure and all he needed was a few more minutes. But this story could not possibly have any credibility with a covid aware audience when the doctor using the blood of one immune person and a couple of beakers and test tubes made dozens of serum doses to eliminate the virus. Fabio must have felt silly going through all that trouble trying to find a virus so dangerous that one doctor could end the threat with the ingenuity and supplies last seen by the Professor on Gilligan's island.
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