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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Nice to see Fallon working on her new empire. It was nice to see her take it over in the last episode. The story with Liam in it was pretty good, let's see where it goes. But I am still happy to see that he is back, he is one of the better characters. I am worried about Jeff hope he will make it. And Alexis has a new face now that she is very happy with. Wonder who it was that Liam made them make her face look like? And will this change her attitude towards him, she was already blowing him kisses, maybe they will be a team now. Hope this actress is as good in this role as Nicolette Sharidan. I also wonder why the Carrington's didn't hear anything about the fate of Steve. Could it be that he is not gone either?
  • A lot of cliches and boring scenes. I couldn't care less about this whole Football club tbh
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode had more action than the one before. It was great to see Fallon building her new empire as a book publisher and seeing her come to a crossroads with Liam was really exciting. I loved seeing her convince that woman to sign with the publisher, and how she went above and beyond to make her happy. This is definitely more like the business-savvy Fallon of last season. Cristal's subplot involving her family was also interesting, but I believe they could have done more with it. I really liked the friendship between Kirby and Fallon here, and although I'm not super happy she kissed Culhane, it was really sweet to see Fallon opening up to Kirby and forgiving her despite their occasionally rocky friendship.