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  • If you appreciate that this movie is produced in Germany with a B-Rated crew and cast then you will not be disappointed. The storyline is based from child books and with the budget they were operating from produced a simple family movie.
  • sjeanalle14 October 2020
    All six stars fod the special effects. The rest felt cringeworthy as few elements resemples of that in Harry Potter. I think the acting would be appreciated if there's no dubbing.
  • A solid movie with magic sprinkled in for the 7 to 10 audience, plus an added coat of slapstick and cringe jokes. If Rowling sued for infringement on her Potter books, i am not 100% sure she would lose that case.

    This is an adaptation of one of Wolfgang Hohlbein books, and there is four others about this world alone, as he have written over 200 fantasy books, i am happy his books finally end up as movies, but instead of wasting so much time on quirky humor and cringe moment, this movie had been better by chisel out more of the world they live in.

    We see very little of the side characters, and the school in general. They make a huge deal of the main characters different weaknesses and how they have to overcome them, when they all can get rid of them at the nearest place that sell medicine, for cheap, btw, as this is in Europe.

    In the end it is hard to figure out what they wanted the movie to be, to few jokes to be a comedy, not enough happening for it to be action, no romance or development of feelings for a family movie, a couple of riddles is also not enough to make it a mystery movie - in the end, it is ( perhaps due to low budget ?) a movie where some stuff happens. Even the big finale is kind of , meh.

    If you babysit children age 5 - 10, this is perfect to make them sit still for 90 minutes, the rest of us kan skip it without thinking we have missed something.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is Germany's answer to the Harry Potter series, except it is for a younger audience. Vlad, a vampire, goes to magic school for the first time. He makes a red headed werewolf not named Ron and an elf, not named Hermione. They are misfits. Vlad throws up at the sight of blood, Wolfie is allergic to fur, and our elf who flies is afraid of heights. They must battle he Lucifer, who we know can only be Mayor Louis Ziffer. They was so much plagiarism, it was hard to notice the horrible dubbing.

    I am sure the younger kids will like it.
  • rahulrm-9383220 September 2020
    The acting was far from convincing, the English dubbing voices are HILARIOUSLY bad. The story is predictable, the plot very generic. The worst thing is the acting and the cast. The only decent acting was done by the witch, but that's about it. It feels like a movie made on a high school classroom budget.
  • ilenahlea3 August 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    The movie was pretty bad, I'll be downright honest. The characters are just horrible and I hate their personalities. In fact, almost everything is horrible, except for the scenery, effects, and acting ofc. Overeacting : The kids start crying just because they vomit when they see blood, can't fly, and are allergic to fur. This is just plain-out stupid. This should've been what was the main problem throughout the story and would've been some great character development for the characters. Instead, for the entire movie they just run around gathering useless information--their parents suck btw why aren't you taking care of your kids? The power scaling : The kids are able to beat this supposed "all-powerful and mighty century-old" demon, "Lucifer" in a matter of minutes. And remember, these are kids. Kids. If this "Lucifer" was all mighty and powerful, he would've had the knowledge from all those years he has lived and the strength to beat them right at the very beginning. Instead, all he did in the movie was scream, shout, and stomp like a baby while his witch friend ever so miserably to retrieve the "blood-fragment". If he's so "powerful", he could've just taken it from Vlad at the very beginning. Love : Vlad and the fairy girl (I forgot her name but idgas lmao) kiss after just meeting. ... I am so mad at the movie, first of all, they are kids. Kids ffs! And they just met, you don't just randomly kiss after a few days. The witch (forgot her name too lmao), uses a love spell on Vlad's dad, which works only for a little bit, but when she uses it again it doesn't work. These are supposed to be "powerful" and "illegal" spells that should've worked. And she didn't even want him to find Vlad, which is the sole purpose for why she gave him to the potion. All she could've done was get her "witch mirror", look for him, and just take it from him. He's a kid lmao. There is ofc more that I want to write but, nothing is coming into my head. All I can say is, the movie was pretty bland to begin with. At least it had some nice lore, although i don't understand "Lucifer"'s reasoning why he wanted to rule the world. There are a lot of things I still don't understand. The scenery was nice at least. Very vibrant and gives off that "fairy-tale" vibe. The acting was nice, and the actors did a pretty good job. Special effects were very realistic as well. Overall, I give this movie a 3-star rating for that. Sorry, I was just really upset at the movie earlier. But in all honesty, it was a pretty simple and bland movie. Cliches everywhere ha ha

    There is more I want to talk and complain about but, I don't know writing that well myself as I am only 13. So others may have different opinions on this movie. This is just mine.

    I apologize for any typos.

    I made an account just to give this movie a review lmao. Really upset at the writers, but I'll give some credit to the actors, and the workers behind the scenery and effects. Great job!
  • Worst movie i ever seen in 2020 and casts also not so good
  • I MIGHT change my mind on the 2 star review, but I'd have to smoke a full ounce of pot first, then watch it again.
  • I love this and especially the actors. The actors are great I love them. I love the story 😍😍😍😍😍. I cant wait to see part 2 of this movie I thought this movie was realesded ages ago but it was only realesded 2020. That means part 2 will be only realesded maybe few more years later.
  • Horrible dubbing! I would rather read the books, then, the only lips moving will be mine and in sync with the book! 🤣 If the dubbing and acting was better then I could see it being a cool movie. The one boy, (the redhead) his dubbed voice is horrible. Other movies with dubbing and acting are worthy, not this one.
  • The dub version isn't as good but the actors are great and this is a fun film. Tubie has some awesome movies I've never heard of before.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As I was watching this movie I got more and more aware there were so many similarities to Harry Potter and the Sorcerers/Philosphers Stone.

    I understand there are a number of films that have similar ideas of magic to Harry Potter but this seems to repeatedly hint at HP throughout.

    A stone that can bring about the return to dark times if the evil guy gets hold of it.

    A caretaker that is similar to Mr Filch (but not as mean)

    Three children getting together - the main character, one a ginger haired werewolf and the other a girl - very similar to Harry, Ron and Hermoine.

    Going through a dangerous forest to access the school/town (Forbidden Forest)

    A dog guarding the Forbidden Library (like Fluffy guards the room to the Sorcerers Stone - and a forbidden library like "The Restricted Section").

    If you like the Harry Potter films I'm quite sure you'll enjoy this and see so many similarities!

    The language in the show has been dubbed to English and watching the lips you can see the mouths not always following the words, also there are a number of times in the show where there are signs on buildings and rooms in what appears to be Dutch (Verboten Bibliotheek for example - Forbidden Library) but overall it's a good film.
  • takumi-mitsui22 June 2020
    Is like harry potter but involved mythic creature.. 3 misfit kids a vamp,werewolf n fairy against the odd vs lucifer... Is a mid budget movie
  • royrsramirezg15 February 2021
    Action, fantasy, comedy, surprises... What more is needed? Entertaining.