User Reviews (22)

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  • Its an ultra-low budget movie with stilted dialog written so poorly that it yanks you out of the story - like characters speaking in the first person but using adjectives and adverbs fit for the third person, such as "My mother and I were understandably baffled."

    if you can get past the amateurism, its a story about what its like to be traumatized by an attack and feel like no one understands you now, not even the people closest to you. In a clumsy, Stockholm syndrome way, the only person who understands what the protagonist went through, and has now become as a result of the attack, is the person who attacked her.
  • Low budget crap with any sense... waste of time! Cinematography in XXI century it is a disaster.
  • This movie was 90 minutes that I regrettably wasted out of my life watching. Did the writer make any effort at all to make this movie make any sense? A complete underwhelming blood clot.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We are introduced first to Soren (Zach Steffey) who has the boyish looks of Jon Voight in "Midnight Cowboy." He hears voices in his head which instruct him to kill. He was been stalking three girls in Barstow and abducts Miranda (Annabel Barrett) who was the only one introduced to us, aka "The Final Girl." However, our final girl gets her throat cut soon after being abducted, but comes back to life. After killing Miranda three times, Soren gives up and the two of them bond attempting to figure out what is going on. They meet characters along the way like a Greek play.

    The film was confusing by design. It is a comedy/drama/tragedy that is not for everyone and I am not sure if it was for me or not.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My name is Maggie Brown (owner of Purple Magnet Productions).

    I Co-Produced this film with Jordan Henderson. Of course, I am giving it 10 stars.

    Words to describe it: Indie, Weird, Campy, Spiritual. It gives you a new perspective.

    We made this film for $50K, which is INCREDIBLE when you consider most films are made for millions of dollars.

    We released during Coronavirus 2020, so my producing partner and I did not get a chance to speak out on the film at festivals or theater Q&As.

    Here are some fun things about the film.

    To me, the script was honestly so good. I love the way it plays on death and how different people view death. In college, I took a class on "Death, Dying, and Bereavement," and this film touches on so many important "end-of-life" themes. I think there is a lot of symbolism and audience interpretation allowed.

    As a feminist, I do NOT love the ending. As a Horror and Romance film lover, I DO.

    The set design, by Bijan Souri, was crazy good for us having such a low budget. Annabel Barrett, who played Miranda Veil, gave us her ALL. Our drone operator, Eric Algorri, at the time, was a law student/friend that just "happened to own a drone."

    There was a rumor the shack in the desert we filmed at was haunted. No one wanted to be there alone at night.

    There was no wardrobe department. The Director, Levin Garbisch, and I took Annabel to Forever21 and had her try on "brand-less" clothes. We bought like eight of the same shirts for all of the kill scenes.

    Our Art Director, Bijan Souri, used a watermelon as Annabel's head for the ax kill scene.

    We made sandbags to hold down pop-up tents by filling Target grocery bags with sand. We made them as heavy as possible and placed them on the corners of the tents, so the wind would not blow our film set away.

    The gas station scene was tricky. We had to physically turn around every single item that had a label. The actor in the gas station scene was the gas station manager, not a professional actor. We bartered giving him a role in the film to use the location.

    The cast/crew started the project camping on a rented plot in the desert, where we filmed the campfire scene. We thought it would be cheaper for the budget to camp for housing. (Many of us were experienced campers.) Little did we know, this was a terrible idea. Through the next days of shooting, we ended up moving the cast/crew into small, cheap AirBnbs, and finally one big AirBnb.

    Once we all got into one big AirBnb, we did not have enough rooms or beds. Many of us ended up sharing beds. Our AD, Alex Taylor, made himself a "proper" bedroom in a small walk-in closet.

    We filmed day and night. Suzan Jones ran ALL of special effects makeup, hair, and general makeup; except for the few days she was unavailable. Her husband, Kelton Jones (who also plays Miranda's father), stepped up as our substitute makeup artist.

    Bijan Souri, who oversaw all things ART, made numerous molds of Annabel's fingers and arm. I drove around with one of Annabel's bloody finger molds in my car dashboard for about a year after filming.

    Zach Steffey, who plays Soren, is actually a comedy actor. We all agreed that he was an interesting choice for the role because comedy and horror are closely linked.

    Annabel Barrett, who plays Miranda, is adopted from Russia. She has a very strange personal history. The actress grew up with a politician mom, spent time in her young adult life homeless, and then rediscovered herself at a Buddhist temple. She is now following her dream of embodying different characters as her career and art.

    Levin Garbisch, the Director, grew up with "hippy/art" parents. If you think our film is weird, that is because Levin has watched every horror film you have NEVER seen, and then used those films as his inspiration. Levin lives in Echo Park in LA. He has a pet bunny and loves to go for long drives in the middle of the night. He really loves weird things and we love being around him because of it.

    Josh Andersen, the Cinematographer, brought me this project. Josh is a painter and artist. This is his second film with Levin. He brought a lot of fun to shoot days with his childlike wonder, and determination to get every shot we needed.

    Jordan Henderson, my producing partner, owns a production company called "Planet Froth." I met Jordan at a friend's concert. He was Salsa dancing and I wanted to learn how to Salsa dance. Next thing I knew, I was introducing him to Levin, driving to Burning Man with him, and then Producing this film! Jordan was an amazing Co-Producer for me. He took over leadership of keeping track of the budget, and I am still grateful.

    Alex Taylor, the Assistant Director, was a friend I met on a DGA union shoot. He has very cool British accent. Alex has the ability to drink more than anyone, then wake up "fresh as a daisy." Both of his parents are ADs; he was literally trained from birth for the role. One of his parents ADed on the movie "The Titanic."

    We used Alex's car as Soren's car, because he bought it off of a film set. It is painted with a non-reflective, film friendly, paint.

    Overall, I am so proud of the way this film turned out. Considering it was made for $50K it is phenomenal. I am excited to see what we can do with even more money!

    Hint hint, find me and give us more money to make the next one! :)
  • Despite of the bad reviews, I've decided to watch and found Miranda Veil an interesting, funny and engaging movie. This can be such a diversive movie like Under the Skin, which is my personal favourite. I didn't want to give it a 10 just to compensate the bad scores, but it's a strong 7/10 in my opinion. I liked the actress. She reminded me of Scarlett Johansson. :)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first act is too long, with none of the characters seeming to have lives and means of support - none going to work or school etc,.

    The film doesn't really get effed up and interesting until after she dies, with conversations and scenes from there that seems to be written to answer the "What if" questions about 'super' characters.

    Some of the dialog by the supporting cast should have rewritten in to more natural language - letting in some ad-libs could have sorted that.

    The cinematography matches the mood, nothing exciting, just straightforward shots that get out of the way of the story telling. Some of the audio tracks start or end sharply, but all the dialog is easy to listen to and clear of the background sound, which is a change from many recent productions.

    Sure, the ending is a little predictable, but the journey to get there is diverting and intriguing.

    Bet on seeing these two leads being seen in many future productions.
  • I couldn't really tell where this story was headed, but I couldn't stop watching.

    It had a somewhat "Donnie Darko" vibe to it, but not quite as tragic. The acting was decent, but what it lacked in acting, was totally redeemed by the story. Most of the gore was done in a way where it was performed out of view and left to the imagination. This movie wasn't a huge budgeted production, but I'm glad that the writer/director was able to put his story out there with what he had.
  • For a low budget indie/horror film it delivers on the premise. Get into the movie a little deeper and find some comedy/drama mixed in.
  • Low budget bad directing bad special effects (more like none) bad acting

    but with all this cons the movie is a masterpiece with a true original story on a class apart from 99% of all and everything done in the last decade

    with higher budget and better special effects and better directing and acting this would be a true BLOCKBUSTER

    • it is not a 10 star movie for sure but i can not give it less then 9 stars its that amazing.
  • I have to say that I really enjoyed watching this movie. It was quirky and weird at times, but that added to the charm. Annabel Barrett and Vida Ghaffari did a great job playing their characters. The writing at times felt a bit forced and unnatural but it didn't detract too much from the overall production.

    Essentially, aside from the kidnap and torture, the movie is about a quest for identity for Miranda. What is she, and what does that mean for her? I wou.ik wholeheartedly give this movie a chance.
  • nanou-111310 June 2021
    Great acting performances... excellent chemistry between the main characters.

    No need for special effects here, or anything else... very well done, with talent and creativity.

    I would have watched one or two more hours of this magical ride...

    Interesting, symbolic, and unique story. A must see... for all thruth seekers out there.
  • beadamscohen15 June 2021
    I loved this film so much. It takes you on an unexpected journey as genres bend and blend. Prepare to be transfixed as you set forth on an epic quest towards self-discovery and the unknown that will have you thinking Wizard of Oz just entered the Twilight Zone. Superb acting, thought provoking writing, and expert film-making.
  • A wannabe serial killer picks a victim, only to discover that she can't die. What starts as a gruesome horror movie quickly turns into something completely different. Miranda Veil is a very strange film, full of contradictions and changes in moody and style. It's also a daring and quite cheeky film. Does everything work? No. Does everything make sense? Absolutely not. Did I still love every second of it? Abso-freaking-lutely! I can't think of a more delightful movie experience this year.
  • Engaging, funny, brutal, and interesting. This isn't a film you can compare anything else to, which is awesome. All too often, films seem to regurgitate the same tired narratives and ideas that have made finding a good film appear to be quite the task. Miranda Veil took me back to a time in the 80's when you would go to the video store and find that trippy indie gem, then tell all your friends at school about it. It's different. The performances were solid as they balanced the comedic aspects and dramatic areas extremely well. By the end, I wanted to know more of this world and where it could go in the future. I actually cared about that instead of holding only a temporary feeling of satisfaction when finished before moving on. That's the mark of something worthwhile. The special effects were simple, but decent. Nothing overdone, which can take you out of a film. I definitely recommend this film and hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was both intriguing and refreshing. I enjoyed the genuine banter between the two lead actors throughout and the musings of our unreliable narrators kept me engaged the entire film.

    Miranda is cool, honest, and relatable. I felt an instant bond with her character as a practical and unapologetically direct woman. I was impressed as the film went on and she displayed her empathy and humanity in her affection and patience with each iteration of the deer. Each offered their own parable and added deeper meaning to the storyline.

    Miranda's monologue in the hotel room was a moving and timely addition to the story. The last line of it added comic relief without being too outlandish. The story moved quickly from there, leaving resolution for how Miranda has truly accepted she cannot return to her old life.

    All told, I did like the ending. I do see Miranda and Soren more as companions than lovers, but I am a sucker for the whole "driving off into the sunset" ending. It gives the viewer permission to fill in the blank.

    I want to thank the cast and crew for their persistence in creating and sharing this story. I look forward to watching this film again to focus on Soren's perspective.
  • Gem of a film. If it were just slightly more grim, sedate and in Russian it would have seemed like a lost Taskovsky film. But I'm glad it's not.
  • thirdsaints3 July 2021
    I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this movie. The premise was kind of sketchy, but the two lead actors made this an enjoyable watch! The actor who played Soren played the character with a perfect balance of self pity and humor. The actor who played Miranda seemed to be having fun with the role, which made her character arc very engaging. I am hoping for a sequel, that dives deeper into what she is! Great Movie!
  • Loved this movie. I wouldn't say it had a profound message about life the universe and everything, but every scene was so refreshingly different from 99% of horror movies out there. To me it was just pure entertainment from start to end. Acting pretty decent. Hope to see more of the leads. Just go into this with an open mind and desire to be entertained. Another reviewer here said they could watch one or two more hours of Miranda's adventure .. I Agree!!! Give us a sequel please!!
  • If you're open minded to low budget indies then you really must take a chance on this one.

    It's a wonderful journey for both of the main characters. The path along the way explores this subtle mythos with interesting encounters and self awareness. It's funny, heartfelt, weird and entertaining.

    I enjoyed this film way more than I expected. The imdb rating was low but the marketing line was enough to entice me to watch anyway. I suggest you do the same.
  • Loved this so much!!!!

    Created an account for this movie over thousands of others!!!! If you can make it thru some horror, the rest Amazingly kept me smiling or laughing!!!

    No BS-10/10.
  • I was going to give this movie a 7 but after reading the producers own review of her movie I decided to up my score.

    I have no issues with a political viewpoint. Everyone has one. What really annoys me is when it is shoehorned into a movie in an attempt to preach to the audience.

    The fact that Maggie took the option to tell a good story instead deserves kudos.

    We primarily watch movies for entertainment and abit of escapism and Miranda Veil ticks both boxes with a nice big dose of quirkiness sprinkled on top. Definitely my kind of indie movie.

    More mainstream movie makers should take note.