User Reviews (4)

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  • ops-525352 January 2021
    On the addiction issue. good film good acts,depressingstory,and awful recognizabel.

    the grumpy old man reccomends
  • The unbelievable story, which makes you sad and angry in equal parts, was perfectly staged here. The sets are super authentic and the 90s were captured nicely. The make-up, which shows the decay of Sandrine, is depicted as realistically as possible.

    Camera, editing, music and the acting are just great. And in my opinion, Luna Mwezi and Sarah Spale deliver the best acting performance so far in the entire history of Swiss film.

    A strong and important film.

  • fxOCR29 December 2020
    Made an account here on IMDB, just to recommend this movie. Apparently only ONE other recommended this? This is one of the best movies I've watched in a long time. I stumbled upon this movie by chance, and decided to give it a try. It was very much worth it!! I haven't watched any Swiss film before, at least to my knowledge?

    It's absolutely amazing. The acting from both Sarah Spale and Luna Mwezi is sublime and extremely believable. At times it's really hard to get through, since the story revolving around Mia and her mom is very sad and somewhat depressing. The daily struggle of the daughter Mia, trying to help her mother, is very touching, although very sad.

    I had to stop the movie a few times, just to get a break. Definitely cried through a lot of the tough scenes. I had to remind myself it's "just" a movie, but it felt very real.

    Anyways, if you get a chance to watch this movie - I thoroughly recommend you should.
  • "Platzspitzbaby" is a heart-wrenching and powerful film that explores the devastating effects of drug addiction on families. Set in the 90s in Zurich, the story follows Mia (played by Luna Mwezi), a young girl who lives with her drug-addicted mother, Sandrine (played by Sarah Spale). Mia is forced to grow up quickly and shoulder more responsibility than a child should when her mother's addiction spirals out of control.

    The performances in the film are outstanding, particularly from Mwezi and Spale. Mwezi gives a nuanced and sensitive portrayal of Mia, a child caught in the middle of her mother's addiction, while Spale conveys the desperation and fragility of Sandrine's character with great skill. The supporting cast also deliver strong performances, bringing depth and complexity to the story.

    Director Pierre Monnard skillfully captures the gritty and chaotic atmosphere of the Platzspitz drug scene in Zurich, using handheld cameras and close-ups to create an intense and immersive experience for the viewer. The film's cinematography and editing are also excellent, conveying the emotional turmoil of the characters and the harsh realities of drug addiction.

    Overall, "Platzspitzbaby" is a powerful and moving film that shines a light on a difficult and often overlooked subject. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the strength of family bonds, even in the face of immense adversity. Highly recommended for anyone who appreciates emotionally charged storytelling and exceptional acting.