User Reviews (478)

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  • It's official; this pandemic has broken me because not only did I choose to watch this romcom. I... enjoyed it. I'm a horror and crime fan so I can't understand what's going on. This film is funny after a while and the 2 leads definitely have chemistry. I actually (jeeze I can't believe I'm going to say this) wanted them to get together. Of course, it could be that I'm trying out gin properly for the first time in my life, which I also normally hate, so I've added a mix of other booze to make it drinkable. So, overall; a funny, feelgood film to watch during a pandemic. If you're drunk and expecting to die soon. Cheers!
  • It is no Richard Curtis film (e.g., Notting Hill, Love Actually) but a pretty good romantic comedy nonetheless. The acting was good; Emma Roberts was good and so was the supporting cast. The storyline was what I expected but it kept me engaged thru out, and I even shedded a tear or two during the last scene. If you are looking for 'depth' you should probably choose another genre of film. Though, to be fair, the film does touch on a very important issue facing many Western democracies today, that is, loneliness. But this film will cheer you up for 90 minutes at least.
  • I haven't seen a good comedy romance in a while, yes it is cheesy but sometimes we just need these movies you know the end, but it was original and it was funny and romance, so i do recommend it .
  • I wouldn't think I'd like it so much because it's a kinda cheesy rom-com but it made me feel good. Might be about the holidays. There were some hilarious moments too. Definitely worth watching.
  • A typical rom com that follows something similar to friends with benefits storyline with holidays added in.

    Easy going, fun and feel good

    Don't expect more than that and you'll enjoy it
  • The chemistry between the two leads is so great. They are very convincing as lovers, which makes it particularly enjoyable to watch.
  • Why all the bad reviews?? People seriously get over yourselves don't be scared lol to enjoy a nice simple RomCom or yourselves on that matter. No it was not an Oscar winning movie but I thought it was cool and enjoyed it. I thought everything about it was good in sense of acting, storyline, chemistry, characters all the way to the cinematography. I passed an hour and a half pretty good. Lol why the guy was Aussie I don't know but who doesn't love us Aussies lol all in all enjoyable movie and haters again get over yourselves and stop taking yourselves so seriously it makes YOU boring not the movie
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Same basic crud, they always gotta have a fight near the end, they break up. Then the character realizes they love the other, they rush to the airport or make a speech, and all is well. So very tired of these awful tropes.
  • darcyjae-0194230 November 2020
    Some of the critic reviews on this are way too harsh. The clearly don't know the genre well. My sister and I watch a LOT of sappy Christmas romances. I mean a lot. And many of them are just downright awful, so our bar is admittedly low. This one was actually a really good time and we quite liked it. The chemistry is there with the very likable leads. They both brought a lot of wit to a script that was admittedly awkward and stupid at times (though it had its moments). Luke Bracey in particular was very fun to watch.We laughed ourselves crying a few times, and overall we really enjoyed the film. Critics need to lighten up.
  • Oh my gosh. I'm actually still watching the last couple of minutes of it. It is the most predictable, cliché, over the top, stupid show.... and I am absolutely loving it and I really don't know why. I have seen the actors elsewhere so I know that they can act but in this there are so many overacted or slightly off moments. It is forced together to make the most stereotypical romcom ever. Its so bad its good, or maybe I'm just in a great mood.
  • MisterFusion201523 December 2020
    There is nothing redeemable here. This movie is unpleasant, predictable, vulgar and obnoxious. This is not a "feel good move" unless you're a deranged sociopath. It's not funny unless you've never seen a comedy in your life. I gave it a generous rating of one star per laugh. Please save your time and skip this one.
  • This movie is a cliche that kinda makes fun of cliches. It's nothing original and a lot of the jokes you've seen been before. But for some reason I absolutely loved it. One of the best Netflix romcoms I've seen.
  • rnixon-1566319 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Holidate 2020 15 Director: John Whitesell Starring: Emma Roberts, Luke Bracey, Kristin Chenoweth, Frances Fisher, Andrew Bachelor, Jessica Capshaw, Manish Dayal, Alex Moffatt, Cynthy Wu, Jake Manley, etc

    Overall rating 76/100

    Holidate focuses on two single people Sloane (Emma Roberts) and Jackson (Luke Bracey) who are tired of being alone over the holiday season so agree to be each other's platonic dates for the holidays but they fall in love with each other along the way. Holidate was a lot of fun and had a lot of loveable qualities to it so let's get started.

    First of all the movie had an interesting plot, was hilarious and had likeable characters with a good set up between the two main characters. The actual idea of the movie having someone to be with over the holiday with no strings attached was a really interesting set up and concept, it left a lot of humour to have fun with, The movie was also hilarious, the dialogue was very clever, the characters comedic timing and chemistry with each other was excellent and the movie was just infectious and put a smile on your face, it didn't hold back or play it safe with its comedic moments as well which I Loved. All the characters were also extremely likeable, every singly character played their perfectly within the film, Kristen Chenowith especially was fantastic and her comedic performance with her character was excellent. Finally, I also loved the set up between the main two characters. I loved how the movie spent time on where both characters were at with their love life, with one being the only single one in the family and the other just getting out of a crazy relationship it set up them meeting very well and set the tone well for the rest of the movie.

    My next couple of positives would be the cinematography and the great self-aware tone and dialogue. This movie actually had fantastic visuals which I wasn't expecting, there was some beautiful set pieces in transitioning between all the different festive periods, and some really nice uses of colour that was visually striking especially in the club or party scenes. I loved how self aware the movie was in terms of it's dialogue and how the plot developed, the movie knew what kind of film it was and the dialogue exchanged especially with Emma Roberts made the film a lot more fun and easier to watch knowing what kind of movie you were watching you could just sit back and enjoy as the movies plot developed.

    My few negatives for the movie would be that it was still very generic, had very corny dialogue in parts and there was a lack of development or change to the plot for a long period of time. Despite the movies self aware tone it was still very generic, it would have been nice for a few surprises or slightly less obvious character decisions with the plot, so this effected the movie slightly, I also thought some of the dialogue was very corny in places. In parts the dialogue between the different characters was very awkward and not all of the jokes landed, a lot of the dialogue just lacked freshness. Finally, my biggest issue with the movie for me was the lack of change or development to the plot, I liked the decision to have the main characters not together for the whole film, but Holidate got itself stuck in a rut where it was just constantly changing holidays and there relationship still being the same with no development, it just made parts of the movie feel very repetitive, and made the original and cool idea go slightly stale, this was fixed eventually but it definitely effected the movie a fair amount.

    My final few positives would be the chemistry between characters, development of the main characters relationship, and the satisfying ending. I thought that Emma Roberts and Luke Bracey has absolutely fantastic on screen chemistry, their relationship was believable, charming and heart-warming to watch evolve throughout the movie. I also loved how their relationship developed, the fact that they stayed friends for a while for me worked really well and added a really interesting dynamic to the movie as you got to see two different side to their relationship. The final act was also despite being predictable very satisfying, despite seeing them get together from a mile off, the way it was executed in the final act was excellent with more polished dialogue that worked for all the characters and ended the film in a positive way.

    Overall, despite having some dialogue issues and being creatively stuck in a rut for too much of the movie, Holidate is a funny, charming and likeable movie that will do very well over the holiday season and shine a light on the comedic talent involved within the movie.
  • I won't even begin to say what was bad about this movie because it'll just make me mad. Everything was terrible. The script, the acting, the cliches, the plot made absolutely no sense. I was so uncomfortable throughout the whole movie. Please don't put yourself through this
  • Don't you just love cheesy rom coms? With everything going on right now, this is a great quarantine movie. A story about not being alone during the holidays and just needing someone to spend those days with to not have to go about it alone. I enjoyed how fun and cheesy and cute that this movie was. It's not going to win any awards, but it is a great start in the run of movies that will get you in the mood for the holidays.
  • ts-000029 October 2020
    Has the overall genre,been done before? Yes! That said.. Some laughs & clichés,but enjoyed it! Casting & cinematography,was decent also. Many have given it low ratings,watch it & decide yourself.
  • What I want from a rom-com is decent acting, good looking leads, makes me laugh, makes me cry and even cringe worthy moments. It checks all the boxes of the rom-com formula and I enjoyed it for what it was.
  • Oh come on, it's a perfect light movie to binge watch on a Wednesday evening with a popcorn..! :) Just enjoy, that's it! :)
  • catamella24 April 2021
    I simply couldn't stand it. This story line has been made one million times already. Sometimes they manage to come up with small elements that add to a new movie, but this was an exact copy of everything that has been done before. Bad acting, bad performance, incredibly stupid senseless story line. I like some cheesy rom coms, but this was just plain awful even for the genre.
  • lillyhms28 October 2020
    Well, basically all we need for holiday is Cliché Holiday RomCom. That's why 'tis the season we're gonna have similar romcom story with different actors yet we still love it. And this movie is actually way better than your average holiday movie. The chemistry between the two main lead is on, and oh their visual are adorable.
  • I see people writing things like "why does stuff like this still get made", and it makes me wonder...what on earth did you expect? Wat do you compare it with?

    And to answer that question; they get made because some people enjoy this kind of lovey dovey feel good movies around the holidays. See it for what it is and you'll enjoy it.

    As far as feel good Xmas movies go, this one is better than many.
  • It has to be, wow. All the tropes, all the stock characters, all the regressive and sexist dialogue--there is no way this isn't a satire of the formulaic romantic comedy film.
  • carlhannan-1831129 October 2020
    Watched with no high expectations and was much better than I was expecting. Easy to watch, funny feel good movie.
  • The storyline is by no means revolutionary in any way, but the rather generic rom-com plot is executed fairly well by a charismatic cast. Great chemistry between the main characters portrayed by Emma Roberts and Luke Bracey. Not to mention, Kristin Chenoweth is absolutely hilarious. Overall, a light hearted film (though a little cringe-worthy or saccharine sweet at times) that is easily re-watchable.
  • Seriously one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Hallmark movies look like modern day masterpieces next to this.
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