Reviews (6)

  • Brian Regan is a legend and his stand up alone is worth watching here. But the show format is somewhat contrived and feels forced and deliberate in some parts. The audience questions are interesting enough but appear pre-arranged and coming from super fans (like me). The "floor manager" is completely unnecessary and too obvious as a cue for segues to segments or banal reactions. A complete distraction. Can he not host this himself? In essence, great, original comedy delivered in poorly conceived concept that adds unneeded waste and insults the viewer's intelligence.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    To be blunt: good premise, so-so script, bad acting. In the end, it uses soft lighting and emotional situations to try and cover for a marginal script, one-dimensional characters and, again, very poor acting.

    Not sure if the writers and producers were given the green light on this to be a summer pilot/series with only two weeks to produce the first episode, but wow is there some bad acting here. First and foremost is "little brother." I won't bore you with all the qualities that preclude him from being even a marginally good actor, suffice it to say you just know the instant he opened his mouth after running out of the bathroom....he's bad. Yes, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and watched longer, but it just got worse.

    "Hapless dad" started off OK, until I realized, during the dinner scene, he overacts. And overacts...and overacts. Wait! It makes sense - like father character, like son character.

    Finally, "attractive psychologist, social service worker, loving mother....aging beach bum" does not sell me here - where is the intelligence required for a character of this supposed depth and dimension? Oh, wait! Let's not forget the stereotypical, over the top, snob neighbor.

    Or the bumbling neurosurgeons who, when faced with the questioning of an obnoxious 12-year old, reconsider their entire theory about Kyle's condition? Is this a sitcom, or a drama? How many script writers does it take to kill a good premise? In the words of 'Party-goer #3': "Oh snap! Did you see that?!" Yes, yes, I did. And it was not good.

    To me, this is Three's Company meets the X-files. Either they need to lock it up FAST and let this story live up to its potential, or it will be the shadow of a memory of a TV show, faster than Manimal, the Lone Gunmen and Ferris Bueller.
  • Okay, with the addition of this film to his Good Will Hunting credentials it's now officially a (winning?) movie-making formula for Gus Van Sant:

    1.) Take a down and out kid with a life somewhat destitute, yet full of the love of a strong family and circle of friends, including thug-like buddies with hearts of gold,

    2.) accidentally discover he's a genius,

    3.) put him in a good school were he doesn't fit in and few accept him,

    4.) where he meets a wispy, brainy and free-spirited love interest that is his complete opposite,

    5.) give him an awkward, once-great mentor with a secret past he doesn't want to reveal played by a big name actor,

    6.) have the two bring out the best in each other, along with some tears,

    7.) change the world,

    8.) go on to bigger and better,

    9.) win a few Oscars.

    So, now that I got that out of the way... While this was formulaic and even somewhat predictable, it was actually well worth seeing! Connery is, no kidding, at his best here, as a likeable recluse with whom you can sympathize. He brought my review from a 7 to an 8. Although lacking in range, Robby Brown holds his own in this piece, as is no doubt on to a great career in film.

    I'll leave it at that. My recommendation: go see it. Although there will be times you know what's coming, it remains an uplifting story with great characters, solid acting, and a good script.
  • I saw this short film and could not recommend it more! Very creative, visually rich and insightful commentary on the reality behind the glitz and glamour of the proverbial "high life."

    Definitely for fans of Brazil, Monthy Python's The Meaning of Life and other films of that ilk.
  • Dave. The American President. My Fellow Americans. Happy Gilmore.

    All of these films have more credibility -- and believability -- than this tripe.

    I won't go into plot details here, suffice it to say that this ill-researched propaganda piece centers around the nomination of a senator for the position of Vice President of the United States, to assume the post from the recently deceased former veep.

    I almost made it all the way through this movie. When the president calls both houses to convene to listen to him attack the conservative members of the Congress, I had to leave. THIS WOULD NEVER happen. It's called checks and balances my friends, look it up.

    To wit: a conservative ex-congressman (and also father of the senator in question) who is strongly opposed to prayer in school. I thought it was (even generally and colloquially) the other way around?

    A senator who begins her career as a republican then switches affiliation to become a democrat. I thought it was the other way around?

    A senator who allegedly sleeps with an entire fraternity (as a freshman in college), oh, and also happens to be an atheist, continues to get a ringing endorsement from the president to take over the number-two position, even though a staunch conservative is running her nomination hearing and wants to uncover anything to ensure her failure.


    I know, I know, suspension of disbelief might solve all this, right? Wrong. If you can't establish a credible context for the film, how can you believe the story?! I am a sworn fan of the West Wing, so it's not like I can't appreciate good political fiction, with or without an underlying political message (both this film and TWW have democratic presidents and administrations, and seemingly support those agendas). But I was insulted by the "creative license" this film takes. They didn't even give the right political beliefs to the right people!

    Another example: It is revealed that the quasi-antagonist conservative congressman -- who wants the senator to lose the nomination -- personally championed a law that would make hate crimes a federal offense. Noble, but that would NEVER happen! Conservatives are generally for SMALLER government, so they would presumably let the STATES handle important issues like, oh, CRIME.

    Completely false, implausible and muddled. Read my lips: No Con-ten-der.
  • An outstanding, true story that touches upon ethics and accountability in American business, journalism and families.

    With LA Confidential, The Insider and now Gladiator under his belt, Crowe has become one of the most versatile a-list actors in the industry. Pacino, as always, is powerful and passionate in a role that was made for his talents. The Pepsi girl is much less obnoxious than usual. Jessica Lange plays well what she was given: the stereotypical "concerned wife" role common in films of this ilk (see Patriot Games, JFK, The Right stuff, etc.)

    A great story with a great cast and director. Not only entertaining, but educational.