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The Day the Earth Stood Still

Absolutely Disappointing
For a movie that was such a classic in 1951, in a time when communication was so hard to come by especially for world leaders and the common public, in the time of radio glory and TV not having as many broadcasters as today, and produced by an empire of visual effects and owner of Fox News for example, let's see a few points that probably went through the screenwriter's head, or probably the producer's zero to none creativity restraining the screen writing in what could have been an epic movie.

1.- The president of the USA would have been one of the first characters that we would have been, it's not 1951, put simply with a fictional movie, ID4, Bill Pullman doing some even not presidential things, added so much to the movie like the speech, however in this case, Kathy Bates is placed in a character that is neither there nor there, a servant to the president where they are treating the "Greatest discovery of mankind".

2.- The message. The 1951 movie was all about the message Klaatu was bringing to the world, and at the start even Gort was a lot more violent than what we see at first, simply desintegrating, literally all arms and potential dangers when Klaatu is shot. Now not only he is biological which was a good point, which "seemed" more threatening but there's no payback, since this one simply stays still as they pull him underground and even lets itself be "drilled". But back to the message, some parts of the movie were effective as what an arrogant race we are to think that we pose any obstacle to anyone who might arrive to earth with such technology, and does it even more magnificently so (no offense to the USA) by portraying Kathy Bates telling him about the President of the USA as if Klaatu should have heard of him, let alone of the way our planet works.

However when they are to pass the message, in the meeting where Klaatu passes the epic "We have created a race of robots..." speech, simply goes by as if the whole production crew, director, screenwriter and anyone forgot that was the point of the movie! a Second chance but having showed they would make the earth stand still, instead they do it with these nanos which would have been better used if they did that to a couple of areas, then back to Gort, however Gort "disappears" when the nanos go flying out! The earth stands still, and he leaves... What message then? What did the world learn? which world leaders heeded to the message? ID4 even had more success at this than this fiasco of a remake so promising from the trailers.

And one last point, why giving such an annoying kid (which the actor is so badly chosen) such a preponderant role? Seems that was the quirk they wanted to poise since in 1951 the kid was Klaatu's friend from the beginning. Professor Barnhardt, who is a major figure in the original film only lasts a few minutes while they reach his place and the obnoxious kid calls the cop on him, I think Scott Derrickson had just seen X-Men 2 but has to realize that it takes a good director to pull an epic movie off, someone like Bryan Singer at least.


Inarritu manages to embarrass Mexico... AGAIN
Warning - Spoilers

Put simply, after the morbid journey of "Amores Perros" which relies on gore, violence, sex related subjects, blood and the same kind of "Reality clinching" scams that Alfonso Cuaron for example has used again to play the "look at us poor Mexicans, everything's dirty here, everything is poor, lighting is poor, places are lacking in elegance" as Cuaron did with his pathetic direction of Harrry Potter 3, Inarritu manages to go again on this bleak side of Mexican Cinema.

Violence against animals, played out as "look I'm a director with the balls to shoot it" while the real talent lies in not having to rely on these pretty cheap artifacts which are easier to accomplish than an elegant story told with brilliance.

You can feel from minute one, (by the way, this he does also embarrassing the Morocco people by comparing them to our Mexican sub-cultures, for example, the maids, and the Mexican babysitters, in other words, employed and only belittled by people in the United StateS) reality is very different, we ourselves, who live in the cultured part of Mexico (where Inarritu comes from too), people are clean, shaved, well dressed, and we're not barbaric as we've seen portrayed in all Inarritus movies, it is obvious that a sick writer like Guillermo Arriaga (who those who are cultured don't like at all, starting with myself) manages to portray all that can be offensive, vulgar, and sex oriented.

Inarritu this time couldn't even spare the sex part and this time he justifies it with the oriental culture which is an offense as well, the same topic would have been successfully played out without having to show the girl's genitals, the violence with animals could be portrayed without showing the barbaric way in which poultry is killed, and without portraying the drama with the Jackals.

You can see the "dirtiest" side of Mexico as well by showing the poorest part of the country's story, based in sub-cultures which have 1 or 10 people who know how to read or speak properly even in Spanish (embarrassing places like the north of our country).

This story would have probably been a good one were it not for the painful taste-lacking cinematics which are being exploited by our Mexican representatives, who are all boosted by tons of money, tons of mixed interests which Mexican cinema doesn't like to talk about, and making a huge killing in revenues by playing this "look at how well done is this movie that is so real, so bleak as reality, so lacking in illumination, so lacking in taste overall".

This side is being exploited in a way that has been undignifying to so many of Mexico's people including myself. our real filmmakers are Guillermo del Toro, or even Paco del Toro who's also sold himself a bit to this part which is so profitable because few movie makers dare to denigrate themselves and their roots as Inarritu and Cuaron.

I'd hope that movies like Amores Perros, Y tu mama tambien (by another well-known sick filmmaker and with Cuaron's hands mudding it too), Babel, as so many other movies would stop being our face to the rest of the world.

Let's support real filmmakers who are more eager to create art rather than to fill their pockets with this distasteful selling campaign. Good filmmakers would include (EDIT), Guillermo and Paco del Toro, and people like Adolfo Martinez Solares (who has himself some pretty cheap schemes but at least he's more loyal to his principles) who are really movie impassioned people.

Inarritu for the worlds knowledge is one of the protégées of the Mexican most morbid media monopoly in Mexico, a created "idol" by tons of money, who first was pushed into radio with the same deceiving marketing strategies until we all were sick of him. Then he goes to Cinema where he just gets his name and "plays" director, while he still doesn't know anything about real film-making that takes talent, that word is invisible in his dictionary, whether in English, Spanish, or any other language.

Shame on you again, Inarritu.

p.s The edit was related to Luis Peje Mandoki who has found his way to fall from grace after the film "fraude".

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Worst director in the Potter series
So many things were out of character, and definitely out of pace with the previous movies. I understand that it strays from the book, the whole movie series has a life of its own and it has been great so far, leaving enough surprises to be found in the books for those who didn't get to read them first.

Every character lacked identity for the first time in the series, which points NOT to bad acting, but to LOUSY direction. Dumbledore became the kind of school principal that everyone gets to hate too much instead of the wise old man he used to be, from his appearance, his lines, but most than anything his whole screen attitude. Same goes for professor McGonagall, and even Snape seemed less sinister and more fake than any other time.

And off to the main characters, Alfonso Cuarón once again managed to try and "Imprint" His personal style thinking he is larger than Harry Potter and all of the magic that surrounds it, he added that grim quality which turns every single one of his movies into a "want to make art even if it spoils the movies", he gave Harry, Hermione, and Ron a "bitter" teenager quality that simply didn't fit. It was amazingly overdone and obviously he tried to hard, there are moments of brilliance among so many lousy embittered moments. Hermione lost her charm, Harry lost his cool and the feel he has in the books, and Ron came out as a completely "gray" character and Cuarón relied way too much in his "pouty" kind of performance, which in the previous films Columbus managed to make feel natural.

Malfoy became just a cartoon in this movie, no opposition whatsoever and even his annoying nature came off out of character and fake.

The story is really good even when Cuarón managed to make it a story with very little explanation which made it hard to follow at the start in his attempt to be "faster" in building suspense than Columbus did. Columbus is an artist and a magician in this sense, you don't need such hectic scenes to make a movie get off to a good start, Cuaron instead tried to give it a caotic and frantic kind of beginning which fell so very out of place.

I'll buy the movie as well, since it's magically saved by the storyline, but it was a huge mistake to select this "wanna-be artist" director who is all the time trying to glofify himself at the cost of a very expensive, very awaited and very good movie.

All in all it gets a 7 out of 10.

Man on Fire

A really annoying director destroys a good story
Warning - Might contain spoilers --

The movie while Scott wasn't trying to show his "artistic" view, of which he has absolutely none, was pretty good if not entirely fluid. The plot points were absolutely ruined by what he must have expected to be "artist-oid" cinematics, really sad and annoying, since they made the movie hell to watch, the screenplay seems to be very good, performances as well which obviously survived the lousy third-rate direction.

Watch this movie preparing to watch some really bad sequences where the movie could hold on its own due to story, and not to some director that has never been able to prove himself.

It's really sad that a movie I was enjoying is messed up by the arrogance of a wanna-be director. Definitely Scott's lesser brother.

Thumbs up, as always, to Denzel Washington and Dakota, really amazing actors even with lousy direction, a tough test on their careers.


From heartfelt laughter to the phoniest "On cue" laughter
Really sad for Matt LeBlanc, from being a pivotal character on a show to live more than 10 years to be forgotten in 10 minutes and possibly making people who adored him turning to grow sick of him in 10 episodes.

I was really looking forward to this show, it seemed like it would be the best next thing to come since Friends, but I thought it would have involved the same creative minds behind, that Martha Kaufmann at least might be behind the show, but it's obvious that everyone behind the show are simple amateurs with very dumb high-school-like sense of humor.

The laughter, my God, one of the things that makes the show unbearable. After the most dumb jokes there always comes an outburst of absolutely fake laughter and reactions, overdone, incredibly exaggerated, and it reminds me of the Simpson's Satire of bad shows when Mr. Burns takes over open TV, "Joey" is the very same than that show.

The cast is one of the worst ever put together by Warner, who told these people they can act? It only fits the dialogue : "Everyone here feels they're actors", same goes for the show. The music and overall tone is more than "Juvenile", if Juvenile means being brain-impaired, then it would fit.

Really really sad day, I was really excited to see Matt again and to find some of Friends' spirit even if in little bits of the show, but from being a lovable character, Joey becomes one of the dullest characters ever made. Really a waste and what a lack of vision from the people who got the get-go for this show. If it makes a second season it will be a real shocker. There might be hope if they completely turn the show around.

Dancer in the Dark

As powerful as sad
Can't believe all the "hate" comments I see here, but there's only one reason for them : they were impacted by the movie, just didn't have the stomach for it.

Some Spoilers might follow, if you haven't seen it, stop reading in this line.

Indeed it is an amazing film, Björk stands out and gives a performance that very few actors can deliver in such a way, since it has all kinds of colors when it comes to the kind of performance. One of the wonderful things about this movie, is that surprises are only there as human aspects of life, people can betray you in such a way that it borders in inhumanity, and the saddest part is that it is too human to act like this.

You see her trying to take it strongly, and you actually see her cave in, you see the hope of someone who knows things are hopeless now and the most impressive contrast in the fact of becoming in some moments simply insane, the escape from reality works in a way so powerful that it simply takes you away... The way we cling to hope is overwhelming and this movie shows it in a disturbing way.

The surprises on the "bright side" are just realistic, there are close to none. This plays out in such a powerful way. Really amazing and can leave you with mixed tastes of the power of hope, and the impotence of hopelessness...

Taking Lives

How to waste good budget and performances
Amazing that Angelina Jolie would fall for such am amazingly formula-made wanna-be thriller, a real snooze-fest as many have mentioned.

It just proves that with right connections and the whims of some really bad movie-makers who can get away with an absolute waste of good money and talent can buy-off the audiences, get away with a movie which should be probably broadcast by a TV channel no one ever gets to see, that way, at least it wouldn't be a waste of time of the audience.

Look for the plot-points (actually, how can you miss them? they're formulaic and clichéd) The third act makes the whole story have no sense whatsoever, not to mention that it has the typical "I'll explain how I did it so the audience might feel the rip-off a little less" sequence with predictable flashbacks that make no sense at all, the writer of this thing probably started writing this one from Act 1, then trying to make a justification for his script on Act 3 in a lousy, lousy way.

Also what a shame to see Kiefer Sutherland give away his talent for such a minor and dull role.

This movie should actually be taken to the 10 worst movies of the decade, it would be right up there.


Amazing waste of time
There are lousy movies, there are terrible movies and ten levels down there is Venomous, it might become a new definition for absolute waste of film, money and time. Dialogue more than in the nose, incredibly unbelievable performance, one of the poorest directions I've ever seen, it's amazing this movie is not signed as an "Alan Smithee" film. The music goes with the plot, absolutely unimaginative. Foreshadowing comes a mile before you get to the scene you've guessed long ago. I believe it's a waste of time to add more reviews, but after reading the "best movies go straight to video" comment really struck me as misleading to say the least. Probably the reviewer is the writer himself. I've seen college stuff that is a thousand times better than this film, and I'm talking about the worst projects! If you're in for a good laugh at how some movies can get to be stupid, rent it and prepare to laugh. The sheer mention of John Carpenter in the review is insulting. John Carpenter is good at its job. This pseudo-filmmaker is an obvious relative to some producer or investor.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Amazing way to turn a legendary sage into a leaping cartoon, Everyone said Star Wars was not for sale, but...
Excessive effects and poor plot. Star Wars, for any diehard fan, was a legendary trilogy, we were waiting for nothing less. But it seems George Lucas has decided to trade one of the finest pieces of film into the commercial industry of Special Effects. Star Wars was beyond special effects. The characters, in contrast to the original trilogy (Episode IV to VI), seem cartoonish instead of intriguing. It also contradicts the force in Yoda, who explains so many times to Luke in the original trilogy, how things are only large in someone's head, and not harder to move, when he saves OB1 and Anakin. Too extreme a gap also between the "can I play Mommy, can I play mommy" Anakin in Episode 1 to a dark Anakin in Episode 2 while he could have fixed it by playing Anakin in Ep. 1 stronger, darker, more focused. And the names! Tyrannus! This has become a cartoon, not a movie anymore. Special effects and sound might be great, but a legend has turn into "one more in the rack".

The Majestic

Leaves you without words and welcome tears
Not enough words to comment on this film. Put simply, Darabont still is and will be one of the greatest directors in history, and time will grant reason to this comment. Jim Carrey simply shows the GREAT actor he is, it was about time he received roles and direction like this, he is among the greatest now. The movie overall might be a little long, but not one scene, in my opinion, is wasted, it all builds up and simply could be considered as a work of art which would deserve a lot more recognition.

Should become one of the 250 greatest films ever made.

Y tu mamá también

Previous comments have been biased
As proud as I can be for being a Mexican, I also have to obbey honesty. Much to my sorrow, this movie proves once more a deceptive lack of talent in the Mexican movie-industry. Alfonso Cuarón is a director from the very select few who get the chance to make a movie. (New talent is severely hindered by our 'glorious' empire Televisa and its counterpart TV Azteca with their film industry branches.

A mediocre work such as most of the things we've seen on screen (both silver and TV) that probably leaves people with the idea that there is no talent in Mexico. Sorry to say, there is a great deal of talent, but too many persons involved in hindering it because of personal reasons.

Once more, sorry to say, "Y Tu Mamá También" falls in the overrated lousy stories with a tired and overdone screenplay, a misspent production, and a terrible direction which leaves us wondering if we have such lousy actors or if this is the director's fault alone.

Don't waste your time and don't bother watching it.

Steel Chariots

a little better than other race flicks
  • Might contain spoilers -

As a former karting and formula driver, I have to admit that as always, this movie leaves the same incomplete and dull flavor of unfairly treated racing, but definitely, considering the real trash that movies in general have done with every movie that touches the racing theme, this is definitely better than so many others. Consider the real piece of trash Stallone made with Driven, now there's one to forget!

Some of the racing flicks that have been somewhat interesting, or at least amusing have been Days of thunder, even if too much Hollywood is felt throughout it all. The best racing movies to date though, still remain 24 heures du mans with Steve McQueen and Grand Prix. Another amusing one without being a good movie, could be Six pack with Kenny Rogers.

One more thing is that at least the movie involved Nascar, which is actually a joke. They always compete in Ovals (Just like IRL), most of the drivers are cowboy-like which means the movie is not so far off the mark, and the series has little concern for the drivers' safety, which makes it very competitive while not REAL HARDCORE RACING. Problem is when they consider true racing, such as Formula 1, Formula 3, Cart, Karting, Motorcycle racing, Prototype racing, Touring racing, etc... Which are the true essence of racing. So I disagree with the so called nascar fan who commented before on this movie, sorry pal, you should really learn a little bit about true racing.

Watch it when you got nothing better to do, at least it will keep you amused. Let's hope screenwriters delve a little more into racing before throwing another unfair flick to this noble sport.

Amores perros

Inarritu Should have never left the radio
A movie that stands out in Mexico. What a surprise. I totally agree with it being an intelligent attempt to reach super production levels, of course, stealing ideas of Film Noir with no remorse. This comes as proof that Mexico, if attempting to ever reach a deeper level in cinema, have to rely in items that sell : Cruelty, blood, gore, etc... commercial items. nowhere good enough for a well-crafted story. "If you can't develop a good story, splash the screen with blood and gore and thee shall triumph" seems to be Inarritu's philosophy. He was great at radio, he should stick to that gift.

Definitely it's a good movie compared with all the trash Mexico renders year after year, but this is also proof that if you are influential in the industry and have connections, it doesn't matter if you have a tad of talent, Inarritu is living proof.

There are amazing talents in Mexico, but if they're stories are well crafted, it doesn't matter if they haven't sold their souls to our monopoly (people in mexico know who I'm talking about). For international movies, Amores perros is but another piece of film noir gore rendering tape.

Sexo Pudor y lagrimas, another example but of a different kind. in general I don't think Mexico will ever acquire the level we once had with comedy films like those with Pedro Infante, Jorge Negrete, Joaquin Pardave, just to mention some. This is a shame, I'm twenty-six and can see that already.

Mexico, wake up, we're still swimming in mud when it comes to film industry. Let's wait and see what other piece of c**p is rendered by our corrupted industry. Even more of a shame it s to acknowledge that this movie will become a school that will finish killing every instinct of a good movie with young filmmakers who get to break into Mexican cinema.

Any objections, there you have my e-mail address so be my guest, I welcome all feedback.

Mr. Murder

Once again
I felt compelled to write this review, although not much to my satisfaction. If you liked this movie, read the book, the book is a real piece of art. I regard myself as probably Mr. Koontz' biggest fan in Mexico. The movie, to be honest, is once again proof that his novels are real hard to put onto screen due to their amazingly crafted content. The cast, very disappointing. Stephen Baldwin is a great actor, just watch "The Usual Suspects", but the direction is to blame in this one, he just doesn't come up to the expectations of the colorful Martin Stillwater from the novel, far from it. And even more, miles away from reaching the powerful role of Alfie. The girls render a fairly good performance but obviously not helped by the director.

The scene where he reads the story is a moment to remember in the book, while in the movie it just comes out mellow and way too corny and cliched, at least some effort was made to remain truthful to the scene in the book.

It's a shame that no one has ever reached the power to render a good Koontz' story on the big (or even the small) screen. As a screenwriter one of my greatest wishes is to write an adaptation, particularly for "lightning". Don't know what else could I say, I guess the movie turned out into an international intrigue type instead of the human-dwelling experience the book is. The explanation about mistaking the blood samples is simply an insult to imagination and creativity, I am disappointed that Mr. Koontz' as Co-Producer would go with that. I am looking forward to finding a good adaptation of his novels. Phantoms wasn't that bad, but it wasn't in the same vicinity as the novel, despite the fact that he has the screenwriting credit. Hideaway, is a good movie, but doesn't reach the depth of the ending sequence in spite of all the effects. Servants of twilight, same story, face of fear, really to turn off the TV with the very first twelve minutes. I still have to watch the "Intensity" mini series.

Watch this movie, but also read the book.

Man on the Moon

Simply one of the best films
Jim Carrey stands out, it's good that after so many years, with his outstanding performance in The Truman Show, people are realizing how a great actor he is instead of making him just act in "faces-grimaces-sneers-pouts" movies.

I read from someone that Andy Kauffman wasn't that funny, well, whomever wrote that comment definitely didn't ever watch him. As Latka Gravas, Andy was Unique, whomever I've shown tapes from Taxi, can't help but laugh out loud with the first ten minutes of watching Andy. So that was a pretty judicious comment by someone who might be just jealous of Kauffman's talent. Just a comment in my opinion.

I really loved this movie. 10/10 in spite of the small goofs the movie shows in continuity and others.

The Confession

A movie not only silly, but also VERY BAD
It amazes me producers can actually take the time to get past the sixth page of the script, and even worse, tarnish great actors like Ben Kingsley and Baldwin, who, despite their brilliance, could never make up for the absurd proposal of the movie. A good premise, poor executed, with a lousy direction. Simply, a total waste. Watch it yourself, you might be acquainted with the oath doctors take upon their course's completion. In Mexico we have a terrible service in Public Health, however, I've never encountered an E.R. that doesn't take two seconds even on a break to take a look at a patient, plus this opening scene is nothing but as predictable as anything you've ever seen.

Watch it yourself, then post your comments. It's a shame this premise can be torn down by the execution of the actual movie. I mostly write positive reviews on the movies I find worthwhile, but this was too much an insult to everyone's intelligence.

Wo de fu qin mu qin

An outstanding film
A superb photography direction, touching performances, a dialogue that hits the nail in the head with every line.

A long time since I felt this overwhelmed about a movie, no words to describe it. You feel what the characters are going through.

Probably the strongest showcase of loyalty to a true teacher, and the best scene about two people joining their hearts, in a very unique way, without them being together when it happens.

The characters transition from young to old is also staggering.

The landscapes tell you the story without the need of dialogue or other tools.

Simply, a unique experience. A must see for anyone serious about movies.

The Spitfire Grill

Unique... words would never be enough
Nowadays it's extremely hard to come across a movie that involves so much in the simple premise. The plot itself is riveting. A flawless plotline where the nail's hit in the head at every point. The direction alone is soulsearching. Alison Elliot delivers one of the strongest performances I've seen in years, as well as the rest of the cast. And I know I can "say that twice and mean it". This movie is a must for everyone who enjoys art at the top of its form. I won't let my words spoil the film if the reader has not seen it yet, just lay back, and enjoy one of the best pictures I've seen and felt, I know too many words like this can cause people to look for a flaw wherever they may find one, but I can only say that this work is deep enough to bear wrongful comments and survive and still be such a warm story. Two thumbs up.

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