
IMDb member since November 2000
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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Wait worth waiting?
I waited and waited for this game to be released here in Australia. I deliberately ignored other Japanese and American reviews, and finally its release here in mid march came and I snapped it up quickly. 2 weeks later I finished the game playing 1-2 hours every 2nd-3rd night.

My verdict: a little disappointing. Game play was fantastic with all the new moves, Controls were set better than MGS1, Graphics and realism were second to none, Sound and Music were brilliant. So why am I a little disappointed?

The story! Yes the story is good(ish) but I think its a little too complicated for the game. There were too many twists and it just got a little ridiculous. The cut scenes in MGS1 were mostly short and too the point, but in MGS2 it just dragged on and on. There were also way too many in too short intervals which really p!ssed me off especially whilst playing in suspense.

I honestly hope they put out MGS3 which I am sure will be even better. But I hope they focus more on a game rather than an interactive movie.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

I'm a big fan of X-men, I expected the movie to suck, but it was fantastic. I'm a huge fan of Tomb Raider and I expected the movie to suck as well..... well, after thinking a little bit about it, I changed my expectations. I only thought that Eidos and Core wouldnt allow 2nd grade material. Boy was I wrong! The storyline was largely predictable and made simplistic to capture a larger audience, for those who are not familiar with the Game. This was a Sell Out and a half. As for the action?? Textbook late 90's - early 2000 stuff. Nothing special. Same with the computerised special effects. I will not comment on Angelina Jolie because IMDB would refuse to put my comments up if i did. Despite all this, it is the best Video Game to Movie adaptation so far. I only hope Final Fantasy will be much better.

Brave New World

i cant believe this!
I just dont know what to say. I cant believe I wasted the energy of programming my video to record this. I cant believe I spent an hour and a half to watch this. I cant believe that Leonard Nimoy would associate himself with his. I cant believe that they were allowed to destroy a masterpeice like this. No further comment.

Reservoir Dogs

masterpeice of garbage
why do so many people like this film? is it because theres heaps of swearing? is it because theres lots of violence? whatever it is, its certainly not because it has a good storyline or interesting characters. sure, there were some good classic lines in the movie, but over all it is a very dull and boring movie. at the time of its release, i guess it gained attention because it was different and "innovative". it should be cut down to 30 mintues and take ever 2nd f!@# out so only every 4th word is f@#$. pulp fiction is a far better movie. so i wouldnt recommend this film to anyone except for kids who think eminem is cool cause he says "f!@#" alot.

Metal Gear Solid

best game ever
when it comes to video games, i tend to be choosy about what i do or do not play, since they take up a lot of time and cost a lot of money. i first played metal gear solid after hiring it from a video store, just to sample it from all the great reviews it got. i was expecting either a quake all out action game or a boring RPG game, both which i dont really like. man i was suprised, right from the beginning, the game was interesting and had some good action. after spending 8 hours on my first sit, i felt totally captured in the storyline and action. needless to say, i spent the next day playing it continuously playing it for a further 12 hours and not returning the game that evening. i eventually bought the game after it was getting expensive hiring it. all the characters in this game are totally cool and has their story in the game. the action, the stealth, ... basically everything in the game was excellent. i cannot recommend a better game than this one, only street fighter ii captured my attention as much as this game.


historically inaccurate?? who cares!!
i've read alot of peoples comments on this movie and the only real negative comment was that it was historically inaccurate. it is a movie!! who cares!! if every movie was historically accurate, everything will be plain boring. having said that, it was the only negative comment about this movie. it was highly entertaining, even my brother with an attention span of a 12yo was taken by this marvellous peice of film. exceptional performances by f murray abraham and tom hulce, an entertaining storyline, along with mozarts brilliant music made this movie a 10/10 for alot of people including myself.

i started learning classical music/piano because of beethoven, but i fell in love with classical music because of mozart and this movie which i watched as a youngester. they had picked out a great selection of mozart music for the soundtrack, showing a range of mozarts talents.

this movie is my #1 drama movie of all time, i could not recommend a better movie to anyone looking for great drama that appeals to both sexes.

Apocalypse Now

a bit overrated
greatest movie of all time? a definite no no! i watched this movie on the advice from many friends telling me it was their favourite film and/or war film. whilst there was some good parts in it, i found the movie slow and boring. i spent 4 sittings trying to watch the movie over 2 days. great cast and some cool memorable lines, none more so than duvalls "i love the smell of napalm in the morning" this is my 2nd favourite movie in the "could be a great movie.. if it was cut down to 60 mins"...

All Quiet on the Western Front

world war 1 in the eyes of the enemy
there are not too many movies about world war 1 out there, but what there is, is nothing to be excited about. this movie however is an exception. ok ok... its not an exciting movie, but what i liked most about this is that the storyline is mainly a first person view from the "enemys" (german) perspective. it shows that germans, like the british, french, american etc were all human too, who did the same things. i feel too many war movies portray the the enemys (whether theyd be german or russian) as monsters. it was an entertaining movie with a good cast. i have yet to see the original, so i wont comment on the quality of this remake.

True Lies

best arnie movie!
I've seen this movie countless amount of times as with all the other arnie movies, but this is my favourite for sure. Whilst it doesnt rate as high in action compared to the other Arnie movies. This is definately arnies best comedy and with the above average action, it makes this movie Arnies best overall movie. Heaps of good explosions, shooting and hand to hand combat and hilarious comedy from all cast members. Art Malik and his men were hilarious especially when they were trying to be serious. Tom Arnold is perfect for his role, hilarious without even trying. But the funniest of all would have to be Bill Paxton especially while he is in the car with Arnie describing Jamie Lee Curtis to him and role playing a secret agent. Truely belly aching laughter! Tia Carrera and Jamie Lee Curtis were absolutely gorgeous. Who could ever forget that striptease by Jamie Lee Curtis? A 10/10 for me. I havent felt so good after watching a movie for a long time.

Color of Night

a bit of everything good in film (action, sex, violence, mystery)
A lot of people dont like this film because it is (at the time) so un-Bruce Willis-ish. I loved this movie, and think its one of the best Bruce Willis films and definately the best Jane March film. I found the story line most interesting with many little twists and turns and a bit of drama and suspense. Action was lacking compared to Die Hard, but at least there were some. The sex? I thought it was done very well without making Jane March look cheap and slutty. Jane March is different to most Hollywood beauties in the way that she is very beautiful naturally and I believe this film brings this out. Ok, shes not going to win any Oscars too soon, but she did pretty well on all 3 characters. This is one of Bruce Willis' first movies as a Psychiatrist and he has played a few recently which shows how he suits the role. Even if your not into Psychological Thrillers, If you have time and a few dollars, rent this movie on Video, I think its worth it just to appreciate Jane Marchs feminine beauty whether your Male or Female.


more than car chases
Typical action movies of the nineties tend to focus more on special effects rather than storyline. Ronin isn't a typical of the nineties action movie. Yes, it has great action without too much special effects, the car chases were brilliant as everyone who loved or hated the movie would suggest, explosions weren't overdone, and a few neat gun fights. The storyline of the movie was very good, lots of little complexities which the cast bring out brilliantly, especially with Mr "are you talking to me" De Niro and Jean Reno makes the perfect Frenchman. Did you know they also cast the last two James Bond Villans (Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies) for this movie?? Interesting eh? Both Johnathon Pryce and Sean Bean played major roles in this movie.

Tomorrow Never Dies

Bond lives!
From a disappointing effort from Timothy Dalton's movies, and an average opener for Pierce, I was lead to believe that Bond was going downhill. Tomorrow Never Dies had resparked the Bond series with awesome action, stunts and gadgets and a cool story line with some good humour. At this time, I had still not accepted Brosnan as Bond, but I can honestly say he did not fail to entertain.

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