
IMDb member since July 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 10 months


Blazing Saddles

Enjoy the Ride
Way back in the 1970's a man called Mel made a movie about the law, racism, governmental corruption, sexism, animal cruelty and inappropriate table manners.

It was friggin hilarious.

We used to be able to laugh at these things, I thinks most of us with any sense still do . We understand the concept of humor.

We understand that by making fun of the things we find repugnant we lessen their importance Brooks understood this. He was a master at tearing into our darker impulses and making them look petty and foolish , all the while making us laugh This his masterpiece. Sit back, grab your favorite snack and enjoy the ride Blazing Saddles is a gem.

Tulsa King

I really really like this show
Talk about a fish out of water story- it doesn't get any better than a hardened Mafia criminal landing in the middle of Oklahoma. Stallone absolutely knocks it out of the park as Dwight Manfredi and the supporting cast is equally incredible. Every episode weaves is full of twists and some unexpected turns A perfect mix of dark humor and drama makes this another hit from Taylor Sheridan. The writing is impeccable and the storylines just pull in. This has become my Sunday morning show to watch . You wont regret giving this one a try- and then you'll be hooked on it too. Wish there were more shows of this caliber on tv.

Big Fish

One of my favorites films
Tim Burton can tell a tale like no one else. Both brilliantly written and acted with a touch of whimsy and stark reality. Simply a story about a father and his son and the complex relationship they have. This is a gem of a film, watch it with someone you love.

Don't Look Up

Just Don't....
I really wanted to like this. Its a stellar cast, great premise, tons of promise that falls like a ton of bricks. Twenty minutes in and I shut it off. The worst part about it was I won't get that time back.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Not the Danny Kaye remake I was expecting
Very different from the original classic, but just as magical. I loved what they have done with the story while keeping the basic elements of Walter Mitty intact. I thoroughly enjoyed this version and its on my favorites list. Well done Ben Stiller.

Nine Perfect Strangers

I enjoyed it alot
Interesting characters, somewhat predictable at times. A central storyline that Im sure many of us would try if given the opportunity. Definately worth a watch.

Reservation Dogs

I couldn't love this more
A perfect balance of comedy and drama. The richness of a culture , steeped in traditions set against the humor and fragility that is adolescences . The cast is wonderful, the characters are well written and its just a really great show. I highly recommend giving it a view.

Sweet Tooth

Silly Name- Good Series
I'm really pleasantly surprised by how good this story has turned out to be. The lead characters are wonderful and the little boy is marvelous. It's nice to watch something that doesn't make me feel like I've wasted my time. I'm on the 5th installment and I hope it continues to be as good as the past 4. Well done.

Thunder Force

Why ? Couldn't find a better way to spend what it cost to make this garbage
Melissa McCarthy and Octavia Spencer need to fire their agents- its's awful and it's boring, and its not funny and it's awful- did I say that already? It's awful.

Safety Not Guaranteed

Quirky and Likeable
A nice small film. Good for a rainy afternoon. Reminded me of the Travolta film Michael.


I tried, I really stuck with this one. It looked like it was going to be part Matrix, Part Eternal Sunshine- but it failed to be anything as remotely coherent as either of these. I'm sorry I lost two hours of my life on this.


You won't be Disappointed
I watched the entire first season in one day. I couldn't walk away from it. Billy Bob Thorton is amazing and the rest of the cast is outstanding. The writing is incredible and delivers characters that are deep and dimensional. It's a pleasure to watch a program that is entertaining and intelligent.

30 Monedas

I'm hooked
These characters will bring you into their world and I dare you to try and leave. This show is everything you could want from the horror genre and more. Original and edgy, certainly worth your time. The cast is amazing and the setting is gorgeous

Dances with Wolves

In my top Ten Greatest Films
An epic journey through one mans discovery of his soul and who is was meant to be, set against the Great Plains. Breath takingly beautiful cinematography. A movie score that captures the majesty of the land and the people that inhabit it. The Indian nations of this land haver never been depicted with such reverence as they are in this film. This is how a movie should be made

Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai Can
I thoroughly enjoyed the first two seasons, I really hope they come back for a third. Love the cast and the story arcs. Well done

A Cure for Wellness

No words to describe just how bad this is
2016 must have been a difficult year for actor Jason Issac financially, that's the only explanation I could think of as to why he would star in this drivel. I was really hoping to see a well crafted suspense film, instead I was subject to utter crap. Don't waste your time, your money, anyone else time or money. I cant express how bad this movie is

Field of Dreams

I cry every time
There are few perfect things in life- this film is one of those things. I couldn't love it more.

The Peanut Butter Falcon

The title is silly- the story is wonderful
I was absolutely enchanted by this film. The friendship that grows between Tyler and Zach is beautiful. Watch it with someone you love

What We Do in the Shadows

Don't know why I love them, but I do
I was channel surfing one night and found my friends from the other side and I've loved them ever since. The writing is amazing and the acting is superb, the dead have never looked so good.

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

My wife..............................
I would love to see Borat navigate his way through this pathetic "woke " culture we find ourselves in right now.

Hector and the Search for Happiness

Finding Hector made me happy
I've been a big fan of Simon Pegg ever since Shaun of the Dead, so naturally when I came across this , I had to give it a go. I was not disappointed in this utterly charming, humorous, insightful and entertaining film. Wonderfully vibrant locales and characters , set in a beautifully photographed journey of personal discovery. I loved this movie

The Shining

Brilliant Horror Classic
So different from King's horror classic, so incredible as it's own entity. Nicholson's decent into madness, Duvalls slow realization that her husband has gone insane and Danny's mounting terror all collide in a timeless masterpiece of horror. It is as terrifying now as it was 40 years ago. A must see masterclass of horror


A bad Twilight Zone Episode
The trailer looked intriguing, unfortunately the movie was not.

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

What could go wrong with a cast like this
I had high hopes when I saw the cast in this movie and none of them disappointed me. The story on the other hand was so ridiculously contrived , no amount of talent could save this mess. Don't waste your time, this is a truly stupid movie

Almost Famous

I had read about this movie for years and never got around to watching it. until the other night. This movie brings me back to my youth and reminded me of all the amazing music we had. Hanging out with our friends, listening to records and dreaming of the future was a magical. Cameron Crow captures all that and sneaks us inside the music business of the early 70's just before commercialism took over. Brilliant casting, especially Frances Mc Dormand and Phillip Seymour Hoffman who bring stellar performances as always.

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