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From the perspective of a movie fan
First of all, I am not a historian so I don't really care about historical inaccuracies in this case. There are some core points where this film gets hate (apart from historical inaccuracies), one of them being that it feel messy/choppy whatever you may want to call it, as if it should have been longer. In some ways I do agree, there are many parts where they just decide to jump in time, and then once again.

Some people find this film boring, I disagree. It is no Gladiator but I thoroughly enjoyed all battle scenes and most of the "private-life" stuff along the way, sometimes I wondered where the film was heading but I didn't consider it to be boring in any case.

The film may be bad for people who wanted a realistic depiction so those reviews make sense, but if you just want to watch a grand-movie at the big screen then this is one, especially cause of the battle scenes, and of course Phoenix too.

The Northman

Quality film
Young director Robert Eggers is back at it again with his most recent take on a movie based around vikings, now first of all I have to give full credit to the film when it comes to capturing the brutality of vikings because it is done spectacularly. The film itself is entertaining and the cast delivers great performances all around, this role shows that Alexander Skarsgård has what it takes to be a top tier dramatic actor as he arguably delivers a career-high performance.

Now for people contemplating whether or not they should see the film because Eggers' films so far have been "too artsy" and "not for the general audience" should put their worries aside and purchase their tickets because there isn't much to worry about even though there will be many classic Eggers shots he is typically known for.

As for the small negatives about the film; I felt disappointed in how little we got of Dafoe as he often shines with these types of directors. I do also have to say that the movie isn't exactly how it is shown in the trailers (less action in the final product), some people claim the trailers are superior and even though I enjoyed my time in the cinema I slightly agree with those claims.

The Batman

Another major step for DC
After consecutive years of average and less than average movies DC has gone and shown that they are capable of putting out excellent films too. Matt Reeves' The Batman is alongside movies like Joker and The Suicide Squad a piece of work showing the quality of DC if they actually don't hinder directors from creating what's on their mind.

The Batman is a dark and brutal movie really pushing its PG-13 rating to the limits with Robert Pattinson with a great performance alongside the likes of Paul Dano, Colin Farrell and the rest of the cast. The cinematography and score is excellent too but I do feel like I wanted to see more of Paul Dano.

All in all The Batman is a major stepping stone toward the right direction for DC and comic book movies and it is a perfect example that taking risks pays off, it is the first time we see the dark and gritty side of Batman this clear and it doesn't disappoint.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

The biggest movie of the year fails to satisfy fully
Spider-Man: No Way Home is undoubtedly the most hyped movie of this year and it's ambitions are quite high. Now Spider-Man fans will love this movie, it is what I call a "fan service" film which is the reason why it may fall flat for regular movie goers.

The main problem of this movie is the fact that you can guess most things that'll happen, now this may not be a bad thing but when the most hyped up film of the year has a less than amazing and guessable plot you feel kind of disappointed. Also Spider-Man couldn't be any stupider, I won't spoil anything but all of his decisions are guessable and extremely dumb for the most part. Now let's talk a little bit about the goods because this movie isn't bad, the main highlight is the visuals, the film has inception-like scenes and it's a feast for the eyes. The actors also do their job and seeing Willem Dafoe without his usual green goblin mask is a great addition, his villainous face was wasted under that piece of metal.

Spider-Man: No Way Home is a fine movie overall, Spider-Man fans will probably love it but I would still recommend it to regular movie goers or people wanting to know what the hype is about, 7/10.

House of Gucci

How did it go so wrong?
This movie has enough things to be amazing, a spectacular cast and a great director, but it turns out to be a huge disappointment. The cast does their job, nothing particularly amazing but it definetly still is the highlight of the film, but what is so bad about it then....? THE WRITING, whoever wrote this movie should not get any more jobs in the film industry unless they change something. It is the longest 150 minute movie I have witnessed in my life, it felt like an eternity in the cinema. The writers have taken a very interesting topic without any success. The screenplay feels like it has come out of that one whispering game where someone whispers a sentence and then everyone whispers to the person on their right in a circle until you have a final sentence. This story feels like the final sentence compared to the true events.


Goes on and on, and on, and on and a little longer
This movie doesn't get close to what it could have been and it is EXTREMELY slow at times but let's start with the positives: Kumail Nanjiani and the visuals... that's about it more or less.

Now to the negatives: I will try to not spoil anything but the characters make the stupidest decisions, they stand for something during the whole movie and then do a one eighty and do something completely else. Also Kit Harrington is in the movie for about three minutes. The characters, oh boy... most of them are really uninteresting and boring (Sprite, Druig, Thena, Makkari) had to Google all of their names while writing this cause I really couldn't care less about them. For me the most interesting ones were Ikaris (potential wasted) and Kingo. Also this movie seriously lacks an interesting villain. 6/10.

The Last Duel

Has it's flaws but still entertains thanks to the great cast and the last 15 minutes
The Last Duel isn't a flawless movie, it is a tad bit overlong and repetitive at times but it's still a great experience. The acting is phenomenal and the cast is probably one of the main reasons why so many people will chose to watch this movie. Scott is also in good form but the last 15 minutes of the film is easily the best part, the intensity had my heart beating and the conclusion was satisfying. Definitely recommended.

No Time to Die

Mixed feelings about the ending, still a great film
A great film all around, not Craig's best appearance as Bond but still an enjoyable ride. I personally didn't enjoy the ending, Malek's villain wasn't particularly eye catching either.


Sublime, a visual masterpiece
Dune is an immaculate experience, I chose to not watch any trailers or do research before the film and I'm quite happy I did. Some people may find it overlong and I could agree with 150 minutes being too much for the first part of a film series but I still was sitting in the edge of my seat wondering what was about to happen the whole time. The acting was great and Hans Zimmer delivered as usual. Villeneuve has put his soul into the film and every single shot is an artwork in itself. Hoping there'll be a second part, go and watch this film.

La vita è bella

Schindler's List. That is the film you should watch if you want to see an amazing film about the holocaust. This movie starts as a 40 minute long unfunny comedy, I smiled once during the first half. Then the tone changes and the movie suddenly becomes about the holocaust and how a father tries to distract his son from the brutal actions of the nazis. The movie isn't terrible as the second half more or less is satisfying enough to save the film but it still isn't good enough. I honestly became bored about all the "this is a game" talking between the father and the son. My intentions was to watch a movie about the holocaust but this barely qualifies as one, it is pretentious and overrated. The score was good though.

Avengers: Endgame

Becomes worse the more you think about it
I had high hopes going into this movie, I liked IW and would give it 8/10 and hoped for this to be much better but I was disappointed. The fact that every fan theory already had solved the plot about this time travel idea a whole year before the release is proof that the plot is bad. I feel like they tried to make as many viewers as happy as possible and therefore didn't take risks which in my opinion was a bad decision. The movie is overly long and I was extremely bored after two hours and the last fight didn't make up for my boredom. I will admit though, when I first left the cinema I would've probably given this a 7 cause the last minutes are fairly intense and enjoyable as every bit of the puzzle comes together. But the more I found myself thinking about the movie the worse it became, that's why I'd rate it a 5/10.

Prison Break

Prison Break was the first ever American series I decided to sit down and watch through after hearing good things about it from friends. The first season was amazing and I was unsure if they would be able to continue keeping up the quality in the second season which they did, even though it was a bit of a downgrade. I was excited to watch the third season but it all got extremely repetitive, towards the end of the season I was thinking about not watching the show anymore which I did a few episodes in to season 4. Only watch this series if you don't have anything else to do and be ready to stop watching as soon as season 2 ends because the following seasons ruins the legacy of the show.

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