
IMDb member since June 2006
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Eye in the Sky

Absurd....propaganda for dummies
The film is excellent in creating tension, the actors are top rate, the director is quite good, music too...for a FICTION it is fine. But we cannot separate this event apart from reality. And in this context the film is absolutely another thing. Come on...hours of deliberation about a military act, to save the life of one single person...who the hell do you think we are, who is going to eat this crap? No one I expect but as I see the overrated 7.3, it is obvious that the "moral problem" is at least, taken as "real" for most people. So if you enjoyed "London has fallen" or "Rambo 3" you can watch this film without contradictory feelings. But again...excellent realization. It is sad to see so many good actors involved in a complete lie. If you American people, have remorse for these kind of events, please do something OUTSIDE the films.

The Bunny Game

I wish if I could ask for my lost time back!!!
Sincerely, no word in this language could help me to classify this piece of crap. I wonder why so many people in cinema industry tend to believe that showing a person suffering for two hours could be called "a story" and could end being a "script for a film"...Maybe we can discuss this question when we are talking about "The Texas chainsaw massacre" or even "Hostel"...but this is not the case. The director is pretty good. The scenes are strong. The acting is absolutely fantastic. The photography and sound are excellent. But...the story is absolutely inextistent. Just 90 minutes of boring action, repeated torments, repeated sadism...just so boring, so ... Make yourself a favor, don't loose your time watching a crazy man tormenting a young prostitute. It is useless.

Los Marziano

A disappointment
I have just spent two hours watching this film. I have lost two hours of my precious time. Luckily, this movie has tremendous actors so it added a bit of value to this time spent. Los Marziano is pretentious, has no humor, has so many "sub scripts" which conduct you to nowhere at all...the main conflict in this movie leads you nowhere too...so I hate to say it but it has been a complete disappointment. I think the main problem in this movie is the script. writers use to lack auto-critics...so this may be the case. It can be one reason for this "apparently intelligent" film, which is so boring and lack of interest. There is no intelligence nor sensitivity in the characters, situations, etc. Direction is good, but as it is trying to give support to a weak script, it doesn't help. If you don't believe me, just go to the cinema.

Eat Pray Love

A film about narcissism, mediocrity and poor spirit
What happened here? name the most popular actors and you'll find them in the movie. But as usual, actors are not enough. You need a story, for God sake....you need a story. And let me tell you something: to write about spirituality, self knowledge and wisdom, you need a little of the three. A mediocre mind can't produce more of what he has inside. That is something that happened when I wasted my dear two hours of time watching this film. Two hours following the path of someone who I am not related to, watching her wasting about one year of her life trying to solve a simple problem. Most of the time I wondered how did she do to be so complex, so inefficient in looking for simple solutions to simple problems (let's face it: divorcing is not sooooo problematic today). How did she need to go to India to solve a guilty feeling about divorcing? and the dialogs....let's take a little osho, another little of deepak Chopra, some self-help best seller and that's it. you have the movie. Boring, long, mediocre in script....with really good actors, that's right. The first prize in this long series of common places is the way Javier and Julia meet each other....I can't tell you but every south American soap opera has the same situation. Ufff.... keep away of this movie.

The Other Guys

Funny but not enough
Well...first of all, let me say that I love Will Ferrell. I can't forget Blades of Glory which to me is one of his best. About this film...lets say it is not bad at all. It is funny, entertaining, plenty of action, has a great cast, a terrific acting...but if you think a little , and remember "Hot Fuzz" or "Letal Weapon" you obtain the right perspective about this film. The other guys is funny. there are lots of funny moments. Anyway, it could have been a tremendous comedy and it is not. Anyway, I liked it. As I said I love Will and this is one of the best ones in years. It is a pity that it doesn't get the excellence it could have.


Good intentions, but....
This is not a bad movie. In my opinion, the film has a lot of very good intentions. Not bad. How many films nowadays are made with the purpose of spreading a good message. message of love, loyalty, faith...friendship...you have it all in rust. But the script is poor, the conversations are "almost good" and the characters should be given a better opportunity to be shown. I would say that maybe the writer/director/actor Colin should have asked for some help here, because the impression I got during the 1/30 hours of watching this movie, was "it is a shame, with a little more elaboration it could have been so good". Well that is my humble point of view. the best of the film, i think, is the character of Colin.

El mural

Very interesting, intense and sensitive film by Hector Olivera
I wish if there were more films like this in Argentine production. interesting, very tell written...an intense,100 % true story, a complex storyline which includes Argentina history, romance, drama and much more. Hector Olivera has many valuable films in his career and is today one o the most acclaimed directors of Argentina. He uses tremendous actors, as Luis Machin , Adriana Celentano and Carla Peterson giving the best of themselves. A story of ethics, infidelity, love and hate around the reonwned David Ciqueiros. no one is innocent here; everybody shows weakness and values as well. there is no black and white. There are multiple tones, as in a Siqueiros painting. It is a real shame this film didn't receive the corresponding public answer. Maybe in this times of so many commercial films we tend to discard this tipe. Anyway, I recommend you to spend some time watching this so well made movie.

Case 39

Well...just another American movie
Really...I enjoyed the film. Renee is a decent Renee (i mean, doesn't she perform the same character of the other films??) ....the little demon-girl steals the film with a really astounding work...I have to admit that tension is present along the whole movie. But...it is so predictable, SO equal to so-many-other films with kids...I frankly cannot understand what the hell is happening with American screenwriters. Have the ideas run away from your country? come on! those who adore sitting at home and watch a Saturday night thriller will enjoy this film. But if you expect some kind of decent original horror film...forget it. You will have enough fun but will end disappointed.

Step Brothers

You're kidding...what's the matter with American public?
"Step Brothers" has everything which is needed to be a great comedy. Ferrel and John Reilly, to begin with. With such good actors how can you destroy a film like this? it's easy: drop the gags into the movie withour any imaginative plot, thinking that all the pop corn lovers are going to laugh anyway...well, it seems to be the case, as the votes indicate most people liked this piece of crap. Well, the first 10 minutes (sorry, I meant 5 ) are excellent. I begun watching the movie with great hope to have great fun...but after the first half hour, the result was a boring consecution of stupid jokes supported by extremely good actors who by themselves, could eventually save the film. Well, if you liked this film, happy you! I am absolutely disappointed. I wonder where is American Comedy directing nowadays...

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