
IMDb member since November 2019
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Game of Thrones

1-6(7) 10 stars. Season 8 0 stars
One of the best shows ever made. One of the worst season endings ever made.

I dont understand why the writters decided in the end to destroy the show. It was obvious that it wasnt possible to end this story in one season. They didnt care in the end. I dont understand why they didnt choose other writers to end the story in a way it deserved. Actors fine, Animation fine... just a very crap and not meaningful story...

I loved this show....Like many others. Now im glad my "watch" as ended

Avengers: Endgame

What happened to Thanos?
There are many reasons why this movie sucked.... Im a guy who liked Infinity war 1 and had expecations fo the second movie. Everxthing in this movie was fine except one little detail... the story. And without a good story a movie is worthless....

Lets rescue antman by a rat which is just runnig over buttons randomly... The writters put a lot of Work inside this Idea for sure.

Oh and bad character development.

I enjoyed it that it wasnt about good vs evil in the first movie. It was kinda good vs guy who think he is doing the right thing... They just throw that thing away.... In the end Thanos Just want to erase everyone... And why? Just because of dient work out the First time to erase half of the existence... I mean it shouldnt have ended with his success. But Just changing his motive and making him a simple bad guy Shows how uncreative writers had been.

Gunjou no Magmell

Long story short, i would recommend to watch it. Unfortunately the story is not very consistent and there are some episode which are boring. The first episode of this anime is great. Some humor, some action and a lot of creepy stuff with twists... Later some episodes miss some of this elements. The animations are quite nice and In my option its one of Netflix better animes releases recently.

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