Reviews (27)

  • The acting is terrible. The script is beyond mediocre. The two main characters who are married, are far from convincing, and have zero chemistry. The one liner attempts at humor don't work. The lead female character makes a sandwich of lettuce and one slice of cheese, and does not put anything else on it. No mayo, mustard, nothing. No wonder she says "I am hungry" to her husband at the 55:11 minute mark. Sorry, that's a spoiler I suppose. Oh, and the husband uses a shovel on their victim, yet no Blood on said shovel when he is finished?

    There is a scene where the husband cooks a frozen pizza in about 4.2 seconds. And the oven had not even been preheated. Impressive.

    The pace of this movie is draining, cheesy fight scenes, and the ending was just a solid excuse for you to cheer, for this 90 minute misfire of a film was over.

    At the end of the day, I cannot in good faith recommend this film. I would rather watch a documentary on staplers.
  • No need to watch this. My goodness, terrible. Ok, Marisa Tomei is indeed a national Treasure. What a resume, and still a beauty. And, Camilla Mendes is stunning. This movie however is utter gibberish, unrealistic, and as others have mentioned, a direct rip off of The Devil Wears Prada. One of the amazing parts of this movie involves Ana in London. Her first time there nonetheless, and she maneuvers around like she was born there. Doesn't need directions, finds everything in record time? I have lived in NJ my entire life, and still get lost on highways I have been driving for 30 years, I am idiot however, so perhaps she isn't .

    All the fashion, glitz, champagne, and predictable character storyline throughout this film is a flatline. I just wanted to dunk my face in lava after watching this, for I kind of knew what to expect before pressing play. And, I wasn't wrong.
  • I had zero idea of what to expect, when sitting down for this 8 episode series. 5 days later after finishing, I wish there were another 3 seasons. 100% love that this is filmed in black and white. Seems to add another level of sophistication, to an already higher class. Scenery is captivating and also almost Jack the Ripper esq at times. Beautiful and haunting. What I particularly enjoyed was how you almost fall upon every move by Tom Ridley, and become captivated in the trance of his daily life. What will Tom do next? How will Tom get out of his one?

    Nothing else seems to matter at many points, for you just want to keep up with Mr. Ripley. I thought Dakota fanning was 100% fantastic as well, personally, this was a total home run on Net Flix, and I am sure as hell watching it again.

    Starting now.
  • Well, kudos to Net Flix for starting to understand the importance of actually providing the paying masses with a decent original film. I know why I had previously cancelled my subscription, however for now, glad to be back! Also, There are zero spoilers in this review.

    The lead actors in this film are so very talented, and you can honestly feel a bond between them, from a friendship perspective. I thought the entire cast did a great job to be honest. Seriously great acting chops brought to the table. I thought the pace of the film was also pretty consistent and kept your attention. Definitely worth a watch.

    The one and only flaw I found with this film? There is a diner scene where two burgers are ordered. Neither individual requests how they would like their burger cooked, nor does the waitress even ask: now that is completely terrifying. Maybe Net Flix can make a follow up movie callled "The Bad Waitress".

    I would watch. Anyway, 7/10.
  • Totally perplexed with the high rating on this one. Figures that I didn't spend enough time going thru all of the reviews, and just assumed this movie would be great, based upon 10 stars, and a 6.5 overall rating. I trust the masses too much on IMDB perhaps? Anyhoo.....

    The acting in this movie is pretty poor, and the pace of said movie is also on track to make you hit the pause button more then once. If you do, you may want to just turn it off. I also agree with other reviews about scenes ending too abruptly... the movie should have ended sooner honestly. And don't get me started on the horrible musical band portrayal, or the never ending supply of duct tape that mysteriously appears. Thanks Home Depot!

    If you have gotten to the end of this review, watch something else.
  • Wow. Two hours and 22 minutes of cheese, " my heart is full because of you nonsense", a script that quite frankly doesn't achieve, and terrible acting. My head is still spinning. Hard pass folks. Now i am being told that My review must contain 600 characters, so let me ramble on to fulfill that. Maybe if this movie had 600 characters it would have been better. I need a cheese sandwich. I would recommend watching My Cousin Vinny or Jaws. I still have 140 characters left before my review will be posted. Honestly, I commend artists and the creativity which they bring to the table yet for me, this movie just did not work.
  • As an addict myself, both with booze and gambling, I can relate to the disappointments in life, which are in many instances brought on by one's self. Ultimately, you pray for help, and sometimes when said help is right in front of you, the poisons cloud your scenery and vision. Hope, belief, strength, and support from others are ultimately critical. Anyway, this movie brought forth such talented actors, a wonderful and meaningful script, and even when I hit pause to have a quick smoke, I debated that smoke. I have nothing negative to say about this film. Definitely a must see, and one which you just might remember for quite some time. Loved this film beyond measure.
  • What a piece of garbage. How this film sits at a 6.0 rating is beyond comprehension. Horrible acting, script, boring, annoying, unrealistic, and a waste of time.
  • Sorry, but at 49:38 seconds into this weird karate kid wanna be movie, the main actress herself says, "this is so bad". Obviously she is not referring to this film, although those words resonate. This movie is bad. I mean bad. Horrible acting, cheese script, horrible acting, a story told one to many times, and no redeeming qualities. It is just a train wreck.
  • 10 December 2021
    Nothing realistic about this film. Nothing. Even if the film contained a live performance from the Great Joan Jett, this 12 year old audience targeted film would still fail. Misses the mark on so many levels,. Cute idea, so props for that. Stick to High Fidelity for a mature and honest look at music. If seeking a film about family, perhaps watch On Golden Pond.
  • How does Antonio choose to star in this? I love the dude, but bad job. This movie is atrocious. The kid is annoying, the storyline sucks, and trust me, you don't want this in your life. And it all takes place in a mall. Again, I love Antonio. But this one fails.
  • Why? Why was this made? Why? Lost, like a bottle floating from Massachusetts to an unknown destination. Somehow to be a found by an innocent stranger in perhaps a neighboring town, or perhaps not. Either way, throw it back. The bottle is garbage, and so is Bieber.

    Amazon, you deserve to be grounded for this.
  • Feel good, funny, ridiculous, 100% winner. It is worth the time.
  • Unbelievably realistic take on a NOT funny movie. Turned off after 28 minutes. Watch anchorman, skip this mess.
  • Amazing performances from both lead actor and actress. An intricate, delicate, and powerful look into the bond between father and daughter. Beautifully scripted, captivating scenery, a genuine journey. Kudos to those who made this film what it is. So worth the watch.
  • Ok, sure, some of this movies concept steals from a variety of other movies, as other reviewers mention. Oh and yes, some cheesy fight scenes and not the most incredible script, yet ultimately, I really found this to be an entertaining 90 minutes. Who doesn't love Stanley Tucci? Bobby Cannavale is always solid. Laverne Cox is pretty damn hilarious, and let us not forget how stunningly beautiful Kate Beckinsale is. My goodness. Anyway. A good end of the week flick, glad I watched it, and you know, I would watch it again for Kate alone.
  • I should have known. Putting an Iron Maiden t shirt on a kid who looks like Gary Coleman, just won't work. Seriously. Stop that crap. I am sure the actor doesn't even know who Bruce Dickenson is. Then, you start tossing in a mixed bag of select 90s grunge hits to make the boring plot seem less bland. Didn't work. I paused this movie more times then I can remember. Simply found it relentlessly trying, painful to get thru, boring kill scenes, and laughable at best acting. Thanks Netflix for once again confirming that my monthly subscription is worthless.
  • There is nothing good about this film. I watched the first 30 minutes, started fast forwarding for 15minutes, and immediately turned it off. Poor acting, terrible script, cheese Bigfoot/predator rip off, etc. Just bad all around.
  • How does a Hollywood writer get a budget, and then Russell Crowe to ultimately make this piece of trash movie? Seriously. I shouldn't expect more in life but I do. Thank god for John Wick. This movie is just a fast paced confusing and annoying mess, and quite frankly, a train wreck. And there was a ton of potential with this film. If John Goodman had been the lead, the possibilities could have been endless.
  • Well, I watched this last night and really "dug it". pardon the pun. Seriously, what a really well made film. The script is fantastic, the characters really draw you in with their performances (which are stellar), the cinematography is spot on, and the wardrobes are seriously cool. Really glad I read all the positive reviews on here, for had I not, I just may have overlooked this one. Glad I didn't.
  • Thanks to COVID and my personal life being boring as hell, I just collect dust on the bed and watch movies, while contributing to my fatty liver by consuming pints of ice cream. And while doing so, I saw this on Amazon prime, and watched it based upon the IMDB rating. This movie rocks! Definitely worth the watch.

    Thanks IMDB.
  • I have mad respect for Dakota Fanning, and thought her acting in this film was really well done. There are some pretty funny moments as well. An uplifting story, and Pete steals the show.
  • Beautiful, interesting beyond measure, captivating, and downright memorable. A wonderful journey into the waters where a special friend awaits. Check it out.
  • 23 January 2021
    I am surprised by the overall rating of 6.5 stars. After watching this film, I would be more inclined to say it should sit at 3.5 stars, if that. Pretty uninteresting movie with weak characters, and a truly unrealistic story. Not really worth the time in my eyes.
  • Thank goodness for others who review movies on here. After reading a bunch of said reviews, I immediately watched this film. Downright worth it. Riveting, a bit twisted, never dull, solid character and character development, and a wild story. Hands down an excellent movie!
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