
IMDb member since January 2021
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Taking a strong stance on America's history with racial inequality and intertwining it with the MCU
I've seen plenty of reviews complain about the show getting too political but what they're really saying is they don't like the realistic discussions of race. Nobody had complaints of the politics involved during Captain America: Civil War which was actually about politics. Nobody cares about the first Captain America movie which was incredibly political since it involved a world war from America's perspective. What people need to understand is that discussing race is social NOT political. Discussing history of a race is social NOT political. The only people who consider it political are people who try to use their politics to stifle conversation -AKA- racists.

"Well, that's what I mean. I didn't like the actual politics involved."... You're talking about the follow-up storyline of two guys who were best friends with a character named Captain America. Think about that name for a second and tell me if you think the name Captain America will involve any politics. If you're actually upset about the politics of the show, you were going into this show ready to be upset. I don't think that's what people mean, I'm sure they're just upset that black people were discussed and they have a hard time confronting social issues even though they're a real part of the world and it would be a real factor in choosing a Captain America that's black. Example: Look how America reacted when the first black president was elected.

AMERICAN HISTORY: Black Americans have a history of being experimented on. Isaiah Bradley's storyline is one that reflects real events that took place in U. S. history. Just because the acts are horrendous doesn't mean that the issue should be ignored. I think Disney did a fantastic job addressing it and bringing the conversation into perspective for those who don't understand it choose to be ignorant to it. Again, discussing WWII vs unethical experimentation is just history. a Overall, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is packed with action, drama, and an amazing follow-up to the events the take place in Endgame. 10/10!

Avengers: Endgame

Greatest conclusion to 22 movies
The build up has paid off. The characters, the plot, the visuals, the music, the raw action. Everything. This is how a comic book movie is supposed to be portrayed. People or bots writing the 1/10 reviews are people who don't like the comic book industry to begin with but there's a reason this film blew up the box office. Pure adrenaline and emotional moments that balance each other perfectly. I just rewatched the entire Marvel series again because of it.

Zack Snyder's Justice League

Snyder falls short on character interaction
Every. Single. Film.

This Justice League is so much better than the original, by a mile. But it's clear what Whedon was trying to accomplish with what he was given. Snyder doesn't know how to make characters properly interact. I don't give two cents about the characters that were written in this script. I love all of the heroes that are being portrayed, but there's little to no depth in the ones in this movie. Batman, Cyborg, Superman... All of these characters are just actors reading lines only to push a story plot along. There's very little reaction to the other character's lines, none of the conversations seem organic. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Flash don't suffer from this quite as much but they're still very poorly written into the script. Zack Snyder simply doesn't know how to direct characters. After seeing Ray Fisher's dialogue, it's no wonder he was cut out of the original as much as he was. Snyder did are terrible job having him in the movie. Great backstory and amazing CGI but his only lines are to say words to people, not react or show any assemblance of other people talking. Ben Affleck, same exact thing. It makes for very single dimensional characters that don't make you feel like they're someone you should care about. When you rely on fans of a series to prop up your characters at the expense of actually writing compelling figures to look up to, you'll always alienate non fans from a series. This is the major difference between the Nolan Batman trilogy and this current DC Universe. It's not Affleck's fault that Batman sucks, he's directed and scripted to be awful.

This was a huge issue for Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, and now Justice League. We can joke about how dark the Snyder films are but that isn't the issue. Keep the fanboys happy by pumping out films and it'll sell, but this is honestly just another flop; especially to people who aren't already fans of the heroes.

Overall I wasn't impressed but I loved the action scenes and there are some amazing dramatic moments. I'm also glad Cyborg and Flash were expanded on. I just can't get over how poorly Snyder's characters interact.

The Shack

Christian nonsense
Let's pretend this isn't a Christian film. It started off good but there are major plot holes and they get to nonsensical conclusions. I know for a fact, if you put the same moral teachings, but from the perspective of Judaism, Islamism, or Buddhism there would be significantly less 10/10 votes. These people vote because it's a Christian movie, plain and simple. Terrible writing and storytelling to stroke Christian egos.


This movie suffers from the biggest thriller cliché
This movie is good but sadly it suffers from the biggest thriller movie cliché. An all knowing hyper intuitive kidnapper/murderer who seemingly knows where his victim is at all times despite nearly impossible odds and no explanation on how he does it. He lacks this mystical ability for a couple of moments to further the plot.

Honestly, we had this magic superpower with Freddy, Jason, and Michael. They're at least supernatural beings. This? This is just lazy writing to create a false sense of security once the viewer thinks the protagonist has an opportunity of getting away. You can make the argument that this person is an expert tracker even though they never eluded to it in the movie. It's honestly just another cheap thriller.

6/10 because the movie is still pretty good and the acting is phenomenal. Just cut this hyper intuition BS out. It's over played and lazy.

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