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How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Kate Hudson is delightful!!
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a sweet, funny but admittedly predictable romantic comedy. It's not supposed to be a serious movie, and that's the beauty of it. Matthew McConaughey is quite handsome, and while not perhaps the world's greatest actor, he's good in this role. But Kate Hudson is absolutely stunning. She's radiant and beautiful, just like her mom Goldie Hawn was at her age. She brings this movie so much spice and liveliness, it's hard to imagine anyone but her in the role--Gwynnie's got nothing on her! Bottom line, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a humorous, cute romantic comedy with a delightful star, and another nice one.

Sweet Home Alabama

No "Legally Blonde"...
I think Reese Witherspoon is a charming actress and I really enjoyed last summer's "Legally Blonde". I thought it was witty, entertaining, and well-acted. "Sweet Home Alabama" is tolerable, I suppose. But it definitely did not fulfill expectations I had when I walked into the theater. It had a few funny jokes, nothing hilarious. It was utterly predictable and I was bored silly for most of it. The plot switched around a few times, I think they were trying to make it seem more unpredictable, but all it did was take focus off the main plot, and making it even worse. And, this is just me, but I thought the scenes about Melanie's life in New York was a hell of a lot more interesting than those about her white trash life in Alabama. Witherspoon was pretty good and I thought Candice Bergen was excellent, so that's the upside.

Moulin Rouge!

A beautiful, lovely, amazing film about "truth, beauty, freedom, but above all, love"!
I must admit, before I first saw this movie (my friend Jessica dragged me to the theatre) I was utterly skeptical (this was before the Oscar nods and raving reviews). How could a musical about a nightspot with a stale, old plot be any good? In more ways than I could have dreamed.

The acting is spectacular, as are the cast's voices. Ewan MacGregor and Nicole Kidman sing and act beautifully; their chemistry jumps right off the screen! MacGregor has one of the loveliest voices I've ever heard. Listening to him belt out "Your Song" is amazing (not to mention the fact that his smile makes me melt). How did he not get an Oscar nomination?!? Jim Broadbent (as the exuberant Harold Zidler, the "king" of the Moulin Rouge) is fantastic in his supporting role, and Richard Roxburgh as the villianous Duke is perfect for the part.

Baz Luhrmann is an utter genius. A genius! It has so many of his special little touches that make the film unique and original. I can think of few other directors who could pull this off with as much grace as he did. It was a cinematic crime that he was robbed of an Oscar nomination. (This movie recieved far less Oscar recognition than it deserved).

The story may have been used many times in the art of film, but Luhrmann and Craig Pearce (his co-writer) make it stunningly unique. It's heartbreaking yet beautiful. There are few other movies that touch the heart such as this.

The music is spectacular! Reinventing many songs such as "Roxanne", "Your Song", and "Like a Virgin" (though I must admit I found that sequence a bit unnecessary) was delightful to watch, and I especially loved the "Elephant Love Medley" where Christian sings a mixture of classic love songs including "All You Need is Love", "Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong", "Just One Night", and "I Will Always Love You" in attempt to convince Satine that they "could be heroes forever and ever". The few originals of the movie (such as Satine's hopeful melody "One Day I'll Fly Away" and the wonderful, beautifully lyrical "Come What May") are absolutely FANTASTIC!

All in all, this movie is stunning. This movie is colourful. This movie is beautiful. This movie is heartbreaking. This movie is hopeful. This movie is quietly happy. This movie is more than just a movie. It is a secret longing to be loved, and loved alone that we all have inside us, which whether we have it boldly out in the open, like Christian; or silently locked in away inside so that barely even we know, like Satine, is undoubtedly there. See this movie. You won't regret it.

the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return....

Joan of Arc

A beautiful portrayal of Joan of Arc...
Now, understand that Joan of Arc is one of my heroes, and I would not stand for a movie about her that was bad, but this one was excellent.

First of all Leelee Sobieski is a very talented young actress, and I cannot think of anyone to portray St. Joan better than her--especially since she was the first actress to portray her at the right age.

And though slight inaccuracies...*SPOILER BELOW!* (For example, Jean De Metz and Joan could not have been in love because Joan pledged her celibacy and virginity to God)

Peter O'Toole was excellent as were many of the other actors. If you want an entertaining and interesting and dramatic Joan of Arc story, then watch this.

You'll be blown away. This movie was in my mind for a long time after I finished it. It is very moving and beautiful. I think you'll like it.

Big Fat Liar

Wittier than I expected
I went into this movie thinking it would be terrible. And, I'll warrant it's no competitor for Best Picture. And that Frankie Muniz and Amanda Bynes are not the world's most talented actors. But they were good for this movie. Anyhow, my best friend had a business meeting, so she begged me to take her 10-year-old daughter to see this movie. Cringing inwardly, I agreed. Lana (her daughter) of course was delighted with this movie, and I found myself laughing along at certain parts. It wasn't a disappointment, in fact I was pleasantly surprised. But I warn you, don't go into this movie expected something Oscar-caliber or even halfway brilliant. Just go in with an open mind.

A Walk to Remember

Yeah, that's basically all I can say: Ugh. I truly did not like it. It was pretty stupid. I was surprised it was only rated PG, but that's not the point. I give Mandy Moore the credit she deserves: Her acting may not be Oscar-caliber, but it is fair. Why didn't I like it? It was boring and it had a lot of drama for really no reason. To sum it up, don't waste your time seeing it. See a better movie, like Lord of the Rings, Black Hawk Down (if you can handle a good deal of violence), or A Beautiful Mind. Once again, I stress A Walk To Remember is a waste of acting, time, and money!

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The greatest movie that I have had the pleasure of seeing!
When I saw the Lord of the Rings, I was astonished with its breath-taking scenary, amazing adaption of the book, and fantastic acting! Yes, perhaps not everything is true precisely to the book. And it's not quite as good as J.R.R Tolkein's immortally epic classic. But could any movie be that good? I should think not. But The Lord of the Rings came pretty darn close. See, I had always disapproved of movies recreated from books. I had not seen one that was as good as a book that is good. For example, I hated Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone (another recent release). I found it partially untrue to the book, and though a good movie, not good enough for Harry Potter (as you can probably tell, I'm a pretty big fan of those books.) I think that great books, (like Harry Potter) cannot be made into movies. Yet, immortal books (like the Lord of the Rings) can. The acting (notably the performances of Ian McKellan, more so than any other; and Elijah Wood, surprisingly good) was simply wonderful. It was quite moving. *SPOILER DON'T READ THE NEXT SENTENCE!* *(I felt a lump in my throat when Gandalf fell into the pit, and I felt what Frodo felt; his agony, his suffering.)* If you have not seen this movie, then I highly suggest you should! Maybe you feel that a book this good cannot be made into a decent movie. I felt like that once. And I still do, to some degree. Because of Harry Potter's slight differences from book to movie, I would give that movie about a three on a scale of one to ten. But for the Lord of the Rings, I would give it a ten.

Boy Meets World

I love this show!
Boy Meets World is a fantastic show. It is well acted by Danielle Fishel, Rider Strong, Will Friedle, Betsy Randle, William Daniels, William Russ, and of course Ben Savage. I love this show! It is quite clever, and very funny. Sure, maybe it's not Emmy-caliber. But it will deliver a truckful of laughs, and it is mostly appropriate for children. I think it portrays growing up nicely. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy!

The Affair of the Necklace

Hilary Swank shines, as usual, and it delivers, though not my favorite
****THERE MIGHT BE A SPOILER IN HERE!!****The Affair of the Necklace is well, basically, worth watching, and Hilary Swank, Oscar winner, is stunning in her portrayal as the main character. It wasn't totally captivating, but the drama did do what it was trying to do: To make you feel for Jeanne's plight. Though, I must say, I feel they made too big a deal about things that would normally not be important. But heck, if you like movies about upholding family honor, and the like, then see it!

The House of Dies Drear

Pretty bad.
****WARNING, SOME OF THE THINGS BELOW ARE NOT BLANANT SPOILERS, BUT THEY COULD BE CONSIDERED AS THEM BY SOME****Well, I read the book first, and I didn't like it too much, but at least it was tolerable. I wish I could say the same for the movie. I won't mince words: I hated it. Almost everything is misportrayed. Some parts they attempt to make chilling are just so badly done I could barely keep down my lunch. If you're going to watch this, I advise that you don't read the book first. Because you'll be so disgusted by the misportrayals, you'll get sick. Just a warning. :)

The Princess Diaries

A beautiful movie...
The Princess Diaries is just one of those special movies that brings joy to all those who watch it. It is very funny, and yet with a beautiful simplicity at the same time. It was also fun to see. A great family-and-friends movie. On a scale of 1 to 10, this movie would get eleven. Don't expect any Oscars. But believe me, if you go see it, you won't be disappointed...

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