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See: Rock-a-Bye
Episode 8, Season 2

Proper way to end a season.
I was thinking that the whole plot of the series was too weak despite having baba voss' brother as the season's great villain. Everything was so... No emotion and no action. No big happens But the end of this season really was amazing. I found the love between baba voss and his brother engaging because even if they have to fight against Edo, he knows his end and is ready for it Baba voss tries to avoid it as much as he can, because he knows he couldn't bear to kill his brother, the one he loves so much. Edo loves him too, problematically since the voss family is like that, but Still loves him. I think the departure of baba voss is a very good plot, as much as he loves his family and understands his wife's position, that doesn't He's not like that, a man who was born to be a king or a queen's husband and knows exactly where he belongs. I thought it was sensational, because he has donated himself to the family until now. So to have that personal moment with him is very satisfying to see. What about the death of Paris and Todd? It really broke the heart. A great season finale. Going into Season 3 with high expectations!


Funny and good entertainment
Very good for the last parameters that Disney has already shown us. Simple, good production and cool visual effects. Honorable classic songs and the spirit of childhood are very present in this film. I just feel enormous boredom that Disney isn't trying to bring a fresh perspective or an upgrade to the classics. It's basically the same as the same with actors. The famous live act Unfortunately, it didn't bring any air of something new, and that brings a feeling that it doesn't matter which live action it is, coming from Disney it will be the same as the same. (Peter Pan Is a good example, he always throws And it's always the same thing) a plea for Disney to diversify and give an improvement, changes bring a fresh look to The film. Something we don't have on this one.

Extraction 2

Be better than the first cheeeck
Is it possible that this movie is better than the first one? Yes it is . We began to enter not only into the action but to discover more about the personality of theBe better than the first cheeeck Tyler's personality and we started to know a little more about it. The depth they gave him is indispensable, it's not just about the muscles, or the aversion to life, much less the good handling of the weapon. And yes about the guilt he feels, the horror with The horror of life itself and loneliness. We understand more about Tyler in this film and we can finally see the poetic part beyond the action. What about the photography and fight scenes? EXCEPTIONAL! The director's skill in bringing a more dynamic and confusing aspect at the same time that with the talent and the camera in hand ties everything together A way we can understand and appreciate until our adrenaline rises to the point of interceding for Tyler. . The care that this film brings with it and the result of a job well done is incredible. I definitely have high expectations for the third installment of what we can already call a franchise.

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

Good enough to entertain yourself.
I think it's important to say that I haven't watched the main series, just this spin off. So I don't have much basis to talk about this universe of books. Although The series manages to involve us with the characters, I want to congratulate you on the script because it is impossible not to sympathize with George or Charlotte and impossible not to root for them So that it works for each of the personalities.

But I worry about the pacing of the series. Sometimes too intense and sometimes too tedious. I find this difference in POV that is divided between the lady and Charlotte's friend extremely necessary, Charlotte herself and George. I also like the minutiae that we are shown about the lives of people in the palace, it gives us a feeling of intimacy. It wasn't the best reigning series I've ever watched I believe THE GREAT can take that position very well. But it's a fun series to watch.

I Don't Know How She Does It

And as always she becomes the village
It's amazing the writers' ability to make a whole drama and a mess of something that shouldn't be. Ok, a mother's routine can be chaotic. But why in this movie does she look like the villain?

The film revolves around Kate who needs to balance her life as a mother, wife and employee in a giant company where she has to travel frequently and ends up missing important moments in her family's life.

It's actually quite problematic and difficult, but the script is so unhealthy. Creates a guilt soak all the time for Kate. She couldn't work because her family wanted her with her. She can't stay with her family because everyone judges her, and despite the regrets she also can't be involved with Jack (Pierce Brosnan) I'm not applauding the idea of betrayal, I'm just pointing out that everything she does follows a path of sin all the time. It is exhausting and very unbearable.

The plot of the film is not great, a very shallow comedy that does not delve into any feeling (except for blaming Kate's actions all the time) and does not bring us closer to any character. Unfortunately this movie is a stress.

Medida Provisória

I am sad to write this. Because as a Brazilian I love the diversity that Brazil is risking. We don't have a lot of sci-fi movies implementing futurism. So my expectation with the mixture of social debate and futurism was high, I was excited and very excited. However, I took a blow to the stomach with the grueling execution of this film. A very poor construction, plot holes that are fixed with coincidences and details that are left out. The narrative starts to go too fast after a few acts and there is no time for any connection between us viewers and the characters on screen. A very large vacuum of space in the narrative Who prefers to speed up to meet the time prescribed in the script. I am extremely upset with what they did to the resistance, a group of lost people who in the end serve no one Purpose or strength, they just want to hide. LázaroRamos I love you very much, you are a very talented filmmaker and actor, but a bad choice of approach.

The Spy Who Dumped Me

It was really fun
If you are looking for a movie to soften up before or after a psychologically difficult movie, I recommend this movie! A very light and tasty comedy, without much to demand from you. Obviously the script is very cliché and very Ctrl c+Ctrl V. But it works! I love the cliché of the duo that balances each other out when one person is too serious and methodical and the other lives in freestyle forever. I love this method of comedy, because it brings really good comic relief. And as for the Twist plot of the film, it is quite redundant and predictable, but it has its loving and even pleasant connotation to watch.

Que Horas Ela Volta?

The well-told everyday
As a Brazilian I can say that this film extracts the best and the worst of our society at the same time. It's incredible the way it portrays the reality of lower class young people in Brazil and I can say With all the words that those who are poor here need to give a lot of themselves several times in order to achieve something. Jessica looks like many women, Val looks like many ladies and Story to some may seem cliché, but this is the everyday life of a marginalized person working for a rich niche. The reality is that Jessica expresses the best of a young discontent With the reality that is imposed on her and her mother, and even with her mother's passivity, she cannot understand why classes are separated so much to the point of hurting her and her mother. As always, a good Brazilian drama to warm our hearts.

Knights of the Zodiac

always the same
They don't get tired of repeating the same mistakes of all the other adaptations. Those script holes that are solved with coincidences and a shameless adaptation of obsession with Americanize Japanese projects. Not to mention the special effects so Bad, people believe that to make a movie you really need billions. I think that the basics well done is already perfect and not even the basics well done this film has. Sadly bad, sad and creepy. I watched the movie hoping it would go fast and end. If I could watch it at a higher speed I would. I don't understand the need to transform details that are obviously part of other cultures and end up transforming even the personalities into something from the USA. Laziness.

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