
IMDb member since October 2022
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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

Absolute rubbish
I had started to watch the original film many years ago and really didn't enjoy it, which is a shame as, like many others, I am a big fan of ABBA. However, I thought I would give it another go with this sequel. I didn't think it could be worse than the original, but I was wrong. What absolute rubbish this is. I trip on a step, can I think of an ABBA song to sing which is about tripping on a step? I go to the toilet, can I think of an ABBA song to sing about going to the toilet? And so it goes on. I appreciate that in musicals, the actors burst into song which obliviously doesn't happen in real life. But this film is simply an excuse to sing an ABBA song. You might as well listen to an album of their greatest hits and free up the time to do something else.


Distasteful in the extreme
Only watched the first episode, which was more than enough. Apart from not being funny at all, who thought it would be a good idea to commission a comedy about millions of people dying from a deadly virus when it had actually just happened in real life. Tasteless in the extreme. There are so many subjects which could have been chosen, but they decided this would appeal to a public still in recovery from a terrible and tragic period in our lives. I am sure those who lost friends and loved ones would not find this series in the least bit humorous and it beyond belief that the BBC could transmit such tasteless rubbish. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Joanna Lumley's Great Cities of the World: Berlin
Episode 3, Season 1

Something doesn't add up!
Joanna meets a "Jewish" holocaust survivor who shows her the star she was given and shows photos of when she was a young girl. The mystery is that in the photo, she is clearly wearing a cross on a chain around her neck. Why would a Jew wear a cross?

The rest of the programme is interesting and Berlin looks like an interesting city to visit, not that I would. There is also very little time spent showing the huge holocaust memorial. We heard no details about it at all. Whilst Joanna says that she will not forget about the holocaust, they forgot to tell us about the memorial or clarify the cross business. A real mystery.

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