
IMDb member since February 2008
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Praise Petey

Honestly charming
Don't take this show so seriously. It's chaotic, excellently casted, and the art isn't awful like so many of these types of shows. The writing is genuinely clever and satirical. It's a fun romp with a unique story: a city girl inherits a small town with a twist. Lots of self-aware and purposefully ham-fisted commentary on society and cliche shows. The art is legit cute, with more varied movements than similar pop-up shows. The characters are a lot of fun, and played very well. The colors are interested and the character, clothing, and setting design keep the eye busy. Anyway, I don't have much else to say. Here are some words. Enjoy them. I love you, bye.

Ronny Chieng: Speakeasy

Setups that didn't pay off
As another reviewer said, he was very repetitive sometimes, and it fell short. "Cancel me. Cancel me! C'mon, cancel me. Cancel meeeee." He also did at least 3 setups that fell flat, with the live audience and myself. He'd do this big build-up, then tell a switcharoo joke that wouldn't quite land. And while I agree with most of what he said during his soapboxing, it's all been said by every comedian these past three years.

The Rookie

Good but noncommittal
This show is entertaining for sure, but it can't seem to commit to many plotlines. Relationships and characters disappear very abruptly, sometimes without explanation. It's very frustrating to not see romances or storylines fulfilled.

The Adam Project

Who talks like that?
Made it halfway through. If you hate precocious children in media, this isn't for you. A child scolds another character for talking like he's in a movie, saying, "Who talks like that?", then proceeds to have a smart-ass quip for everything.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Casecation
Episode 12, Season 6

Easily my least favorite
Such an important decision, solved in a few hours' time, after a lifetime of hesitation and fear. Rosa's reaction to the situation was the most disheartening. Amy has no history of desiring children, something someone so extremely organized would have brought up at least in passing. I hated how Jake was made out to be the bad guy, instead of both sides potentially being right or wrong.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Swamp
Episode 4, Season 2

Disappointing Misrepresentation of Cajuns
As a Cajun, I'm always looking for examples of good representation that celebrates our culture. In a show that has done well to uplift so many other cultures, I found no such like with my people here. The stereotypes were anything but subtle. Thick southern drawls, a mouth harp soundtrack, pirots, and, haha, those Cajuns will eat anything, won't they? This show has a lot to offer in terms of inclusivity, but this episode missed the mark.


Great story, awkward romance
It's a story that has been written into fanfiction before, but here we have it on screen. I loved the main story but the romance felt shoehorned. The actors had no chemistry and the romance came out of left field and was too large a part of the story. Some things were also left unanswered (Coke, cigarettes...). Overall, a great idea that's been had before, and executed well and with beautiful cinematography and music, but with a romance I just didn't care about.

The Lone Ranger

Not for Kids
Don't let your kids under 10 see this one. Very violent (even gory, including a main character who practices cannibalism), with innuendo including a brothel and the feeling-up (high up, "almost there~") of a woman's fake leg, and some miss-the-mark 'jokes.' Rabbits baring fangs and fighting over a piece of meat-- probably just a splash of Depp's unusual humor, or of Tim Burton in a movie made without him.

Additional annoyances: It's a bit lengthy, or so it seemed. Maybe it was just slow at parts. Also, the playing of the theme song (also the William Tell Overture) became annoying, as it was actually repeated FOUR times in a row at the final action scene of the film, then once more later.

Olympus Has Fallen

Inaccurate but Great
The White House is overcome (perhaps a little too easily, I'll admit) by terrorists. It's up to a former secret service agent to sneak in and take them down.

Despite being inaccurate (government HIGHLY considering negotiating with terrorists; military pulling troops away from one of our allies), I really enjoyed this movie.

It was a little gory for me, but luckily I was able to look away for most of it.

I'm glad I saw it at the dollar theater for the big-screen experience. I wouldn't watch it twice in a row, but maybe in a few months. It was thrilling and a fun ride. :)

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