Reviews (8)

  • This movie starts off great with a very interesting premise, a haunted ship. Unfortunately this movie quickly gets boring and stupid when we are introduced to all the main characters. The characters in this movie are such IDIOTS, they walk into every mess that is possible. And those messes, boy are they predictable, and thus, not scary. This is supposed to be a scary movie, but every gag in the movie is expected, and the out-of-place and very unintelligent one liners ruin it. I know this is supposed to be a fun movie with not much of a plot, an escape... but it's not fun at all, it's boring. The movie begins good, and the production design suits what the mood is supposed to be, but the characters are completely annoying.
  • This movie is very well written. It is an in depth character study that takes a look at what some people do under pressure. It is honest, and even though what the characters do is sometimes immortal, they are honest, and the consequences are real. The dialogue is authentic. This movie has a few problems though. Spike Lee shows us things (like the WTC wreckage, and that's not all) for an audience emotional reaction, but what does it have to do with the story? Nothing. The director seems full of himself, saying "look what I can do." The ending, especially, is a prime offender. These type of things don't move the story forward, they slow down an extremely well written story. Overall, a GREAT movie, thanks to the script, and the actors.
  • I haven't been a big fan of Disney animation lately but this is a fine film! It is one of the best examples of the classic hero's journey. This film has deep characters, a wonderful story, beautiful animation, and a wonderful message. Oh, and the songs are actually GOOD. This is one of the only animated musicals that has songs that are catchy, and move the story forward at the same time. Excellent voice performences by Jeremy Irons, and James Earl Jones. 9 of 10.
  • I haven't been a big fan of Disney animation lately but this is a fine film! It is one of the best examples of the classic hero's journey. This film has deep characters, a wonderful story, beautiful animation, and a wonderful message. Oh, and the songs are actually GOOD. This is one of the only animated musicals that has songs that are catchy, and move the story forward at the same time. Excellent voice performances by Jeremy Irons, and James Earl Jones. 9 of 10.
  • If only ALL animation was this great. This film is classic because it is strong is two simple aspects: Story and Character. The characters in this film are beautifully personified. I felt for all of the characters, and human-animal relationship in the movie works perfectly. The beautiful animation and 3-D computer animation hasn't worked better in any other film. This is a great movie for kids, and for adults who want a classic hero's journey. 8 of 10.
  • I am a serious Star Trek: TNG fan. I have every single episode available on DVD. I had high hopes for this movie. It was a pretty exciting movie at some points, but it seemed unfinished to me. It was unclear on who's story it was, and the cast seems less excited about it then they were in the early 90's. The film wraps itself up well for some characters, but leaves the story unfinished for others, and that was VERY dissapointing. At no time during this movie was I clear if it was a movie for fans, or a movie for someone not familiar with the series. It's in the middle of those two, and that can leave both groups of people dissapointed. However, there were parts of this movie that were very exciting, if not predictable. Plus, the story has a good message.
  • This movie is one of the few sequels, that lives up to its previous movies. It's funnier, it's bigger, it has more of everything that made the first two movies the same. The jokes are very funny the first time you watch the movie. After a while, they may get old. The movie is a spoof on many other movies, and it doesn't hold back one bit. It's gross at times, but that's what makes it so funny (in a very uncomfortable way). There are some very HUGE cameos in this movie by some very big stars that I won't give away, you have to see them for yourself, you will be surprised. Score 8 of 10.
  • Good build up but this thriller is not always thrilling. There is one good sequence that is tense, but it is hard to care about the characters. The relationship with the girlfriend was lame. Overall pretty average.