Reviews (12)

  • Had the chance to see this film in a sneak preview on Wednesday. As I loved the first one I was really eagerly awaiting this one. Unfortunately High Voltage is way beyond Crank. More shaky camera, more useless cuts, more strange movie logic (and I do like films like The net for example ;-), but less story. In some parts I got the feeling, the director wanted to exceed the first part at all costs. Until the end it got more and more ridiculous. After the movie I felt quite exhausted, not because it's a hell of a roller-coaster ride (it sure has its moments), but more because it felt like a thrown together bunch of incoherent, sometimes stupid scenes, just for the fun of it. Overall no complete waste of time, but not really a good film in my opinion.
  • I'm not going into too much detail here, but i think it's one of the best Star Trek movies so far. In addition to most other ST movies, this one got some really convincing character "scenes". And it has some really brilliant Borg scenes alongside with humor and great special effects.
  • Sorry, but this is the most boring, stilted, non-enjoyable ST movie of them all. I'm really a big ST fan, but all this meta-matter stuff and oh-so-angry Kirk/Kirk's son story isn't really enjoyable. For me it's the worst ST movie. By far, as the summary says
  • OK, it has some good scenes (most funnily this are the scenes, most people dislike about that movie), but it's soooo long and has so little story behind that. I do love Star Trek, but this movie isn't too good, only ST3 is even worse.
  • 30 October 2002
    Nothing special in this movie. It contains great action scenes, average actors, to the edge unbelievable story. The usual good vs. bad scheme. But, hey, what's bad about this? If i wanna get great performance or a good story i don't watch an action movie. So, summing up, it's quite fun to watch if you dig typical action movies
  • 23 September 2002
    Let me say i have seen a lot of "horror" "thriller" or otherwise shocking movies, but i never found myself grabbing my seat like that.

    Just very few movie scenes really gave me the creeps. Let me list them:

    • "The Cell": First meeting with the boy in the desert - "Lord of the Rings": Galadriel's trial on the ring - Some Stephen King short story movie which i can't remember its title: A monster crushing an airplane's turbine

    And "Signs" has loads of scenes that really gave me the creeps. More than once i found myself grabbing the seat or jumping off it.

    The most shocking parts were not things you see but rather things hinted by shadows, noises and movement from the corner of the eye.

    For sure one of the best movies in 2002.
  • If you like to watch "realistic" movies, romantic movies and stuff, then this is definitely not for you. ELF is some of the best "popcorn movies" i have seen for years. Good looking monsters (especially the real big ones rule), all stereotypes needed (toxic waste, non-believed children, crying women, cash-hungry old men, young saviors) and a lot of action. And the best thing about this movie is, that it's partly self-spoofing. For example the little boy that exactly knows (and says) that noone will believe a little child. Or like a big spider trying to attack a deer head on the wall. As the producers said they're big fans of 50s B-Movies and you can see that in every single scene. As some might say (or have said) the acting is not that good, but i think that fits perfectly the whole concept of the movie. It even has some of the good illogical parts like the motorbike in the mine ;) You know what i mean... So, all in all i would've give it 10 stars if there were more splatter in it (scenes like the chainsaw "cutting"). But that's my personal taste, splatter isn't the prevalent part of B-Movies, so i guess it's ok.

    All in all: Watch it and have fun. Nothing more but for sure nothing less
  • 13 September 2002
    I'll hop right into it now.

    As a "Godzilla" movie it's total crap, Godzilla looks like some sort of screwed-up dinosaur, not like Godzilla must look. And it totally lacks the funny styrofoam look and strange stories of the original movies. I gotta say this as a true Godzilla (the original movies) fan.

    On the other hand it deserves some points for good effects, action and some suspense.

    All in all it's fun watching once (but not as a Godzilla movie) but that's it
  • I don't know where to start so i make this a shorty.

    This movie is really exceptional. Who would've expected a puppet movie combined with horror-movie appearance, drugs, sex and splatter? And it has all of that.

    So eccentric and packed that you should watch it several times to get all the details. And it's worth being watched multiple times.

    I really found myself lying on the floor laughing, it's great!

    If you like "Nightmare before Christmas" then you'll love this one. Believe me
  • I guess it highly depends on your personal taste of humour but in my opinion this movie is just fabulous.

    It doesn't have a lot of action, "just" several dream sequences hold together by a day on the beach. But all of the sequences exactly mimic some sort of stereotypes, mainly about german tourists as they are deemed.

    And if you've ever kept an eye on those behaviors you will love this (in parts even sarcastic) movie. You won't roll on the floor laughing but you'll definitely smirk and grin all the time.
  • OK, i will restrain myself to some lines as there's nearly everything said about this movies i guess. Just my two cents here.

    There are crap movies (never watch them)

    There are good movies (a few times will suffice)

    There are very good movies (watching multiple times and not getting worse)

    And there are gorgeous movies (getting better each time you watch'em)

    And Dune is for sure one of the last category. Perfect actors, great fx (especially for a 1984 movie). The awesome soundtrack really supports the play. And the best thing about it is the dense, neo-medieval, techno atmosphere.

    This movie really touched (or say impressed) me like very few movies actually do.
  • Ok it's crap, but very funny crap.

    It lacks so much logic, effects, story and talent that it's really worth looking at. One of those crap movies, that are even good by being crap. You know ;)

    Watch it on a geek party with some beer and you will have lotsa fun