Reviews (44)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Michael Landon played a father separated by prison from his son, his father & ex wife.

    I don't want to tell much of the movie, but I will tell you Michael Landon's character was innocent,

    All in all a great movie, it's just sad Michael Landon will make no more movies.
  • They need more shows like this one, this show is a treasure for anyone that loves the Boggy Creek & Bigfoot lore. I enjoyed every minute of it, thanks so much, never a bad episode IMO:)
  • I think the celebrity judges were more fixated on superfical criteria to judge the contestants on than actual skill. Too many people got cut IMO that had real skill vs. the ones that just looked "right".

    It's a good concept, I just wish it were a lot less focused on things that don't actually matter. I won't add any spoilers, you can see for yourself why I have my own pet peeves with the show. It's still on Netflix.
  • All throughout the movie all I saw Tammy Faye trying her best, & even though we don't agree ideologically I respected her as a person. Jim was\is a real dirtbag for touching Jessica Hahn while Tammy Faye was home waiting for him.

    Their ministry would still exist today were it not for Jerry Falwell & Jim Bakker's bad actions. I feel bad for Tammy Faye, she was really badly abused by people that should've loved & protected her. Before my grandparents passed away they would donate money to PTL ministries. They would be very sad now to see how things turned out were they still alive. R.I.P. Tammy Faye:(
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rent is one of the best musicals\movies ever made, however there were two things that kind of irked me. For one when the crossdresser chick Angel met her demise sadly enough thanks to AIDS, but Mimi also died from an overdose in the end & is somehow "revived" WTF?

    Sorry but in reality more drugheads die than LGBTQ folks, I've lost several drughead friends, but never any of my LGBTQ people.

    This movie affected me personally because I've got several family members that are drugheads. My eldest sister has an $800.00 a day cocaine habit, not to mention my eldest daughter loves synthetics & my former brother in law died from an overdose just this past spring.

    I would like to have seen the movie focus more on solutions than just talking about drug use. In reality Mimi would not have revived, she would be dead from overdose & AIDS would not have taken Angel out so easily either.

    There are many more treatment options for AIDS now in the 2000's than ever before, for drug overdose Narcan is pretty much the only top lifesaver. But it still won't help people on Fentanyl, that stuff is just lethal, never touch any drugs, but especially Fentanyl!!!

    Other than that the whole cast put on an amazing show for all, if you see the movie you should like it unless you're just a plain boring person. I'm sad I have not seen the Broadway production of this show yet.
  • This show was very realistic, my dad has coal miners in his family & they agreed with the show saying "it's very tough & dangerous work". It would be nice if they put it back on the air.
  • In the beginning of the movie we see a woman getting bashed over the head & belly losing her child. The whole point of this movie is that things are never as they appear, I don't want to write up a spoiler so I will stop here. If you like plot twists & intelligent thrillers, then this is the movie for you, well done Proxy!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Clare was very unhappy with her life so she was given an opportunity to change it for the "better" in her mind. Her father stumbled upon a Chinese wish box gave it to her & instead of being happy with her life she started wishing for things she wanted in life.

    Disaster followed with her poor dog losing it's life first, then she had several of her friends die too later because she kept wishing, the whole point of the movie IMO was to be happy with your life & as much as possible try to keep the integrity of your own timeline.

    Having thick skin in this life is a benefit, in my experience demons have only done great things for me(I've never had to deal with any bad consequences either from their help either). So I can't really say "it was a Chinese demon that finished her off in the end". More than likely she got a heavy dose of karma since she was being so selfish & looking to enrich her own life while having no regard for others.

    All in all a good movie with an underlying good message about being happy with yourself.
  • If you like Fringe & The X-Files you should love this show! I enjoyed it from beginning to end, they need to make more like it.

    An intelligent sci-fi thriller.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It was pretty interesting seeing these guys hitting Hong Kong, Tokyo & Seoul skyscraper rooftops with their Parkour moves. I was surprised how much the Chinese & Japanese authorities were hassling them though.

    But with so many lawsuits these days, they really do have to crack down ASAP on these young guys sadly enough. South Korea had the most freedom for this Parkour crew.

    Amazing skills, but If you have vertigo you may not want to watch this movie:)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Harrison Ford made a great movie about how algal blooms containing cyanobacteria are making many people ill, getting Alzheimer's disease & dying all over the World.

    It was interesting too that the Asians have an antidote to the harmful effects of the cyanobacteria. They eat alot of sweet potatos, & a Japanese friend told me "that she eats alot of leeks, along with Wasabi & seaweed too".

    I'm avoiding oysters & clams after this documentary though, as filter feeders they accumulate the contamination from algal blooms, no thanks I'll pass!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Noomi Rapace played a seasoned bodyguard basically getting stuck having to babysit a spoiled brat with no comprehension of the real World. By the end the girl Sam finally woke up & Sam helped to save her relationship with Sarah's mother too. It had awesome action sequences IMO, I think Noomi is fast becoming one of my favorite actresses:)

    Definitely worth a watch, I don't want to give too much of the plot away, but we thoroughly enjoyed it!
  • Since I'm a big M. Night Shyamalan & Bryce Dallas Howard fan, I thought this movie would be great. Sadly it almost put me to sleep. Paul Giamatti was not a great leading man IMO, I should have learned my lesson from suffering through Sideways.

    M. Night Shyamalan is a great producer & director too, but I don't think he added much to the film either. I wish I had that time back:(
  • I love nature & the wild, but unlike the contestants on this show I will have my clothes on. I put my health & mental well being above winning a 21 day challenge and bragging rights.

    The way they're going about it on this show you could very easily end up ill or dead. It's not something I'd ever do! But if others want to try it out, fine for them. Alone would be much more to my liking, my wife agrees with me on this, too many hazards in the wild to be out there without your clothes on:)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I normally don't like Bible themed preachy type movies, but this movie was awesome & far from the normal Noah's Ark type of Bible themed movie.

    It was an awesome clash of main characters when Eli vs. Carnegie came into play. Carnegie got played by Eli, Carnegie lost almost everything to get a fancy braille bible he couldn't even use lol. Thankfully Eli had memorized the bible & was able to dictate it to Lombardi before he passed away.

    It was sad though even Eli completed his mission, but he died shortly after. All in all it was very action packed & if you're looking for a good movie to watch this is one you will enjoy if you love action combined with suspense. Two thumbs up!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It kept you on the edge of your seat, & as someone who worked on the Seawolf support group I found this movie very accurate. The eventual aim is to make subs that can pass for fish\Orcas etc... Making them appear biological vs mechanical.

    It's a trillion dollar quest. The navy's standard hydrophone towed arrays can pick up sounds from 100 miles away. Their towed arrays\hydrophones others on classified subs that can can hear up to 300 miles away, not to mention our network of ocean hydrophones makes it almost impossible for anything to slip through undetected

    I really enjoyed it, but the ending was so tragic. The hero ended up deaf combined with the loss of a sub & all of those men. Sad as it was it only added to the realism of it all. 10 stars from me!
  • The fights were hardcore & realistic. Watching this now I'm sad Yue Wong has passed away.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was full of action, philosopy & kept you on the edge of your seat. My wife & I were laughing because most chick flicks put you to sleep, not this movie. My wife thought early on that Nicolette Cayman had made a deal with Monday & Monday had sold her sisters out to have the good life herself.

    Noomi Rapace played the Settman Siblings masterfully IMO, they definitely need to make more movies like this. BRAVO:)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In spite of the comedic nature of this movie, as a hardcore practicing LHP Pagan it's based in fact. There are many portals in this reality that lead to magical pocket universes with ancient beings still living in them. Some Missing 411 cases can in fact be attributed to portal slips by folks that are out of touch with ley lines & occult energy.

    My wife & I thought from the moment the group went into the portal there would be no survivors or maybe a very small number of them.

    Most people will become confused & won't be able to retrace their steps out of these realities. It's very subtle & you would do well to pay extra special attention when hiking in the woods.

    The heroine McKenzie messed up in the end IMO when she hugged her brother Martin & he stabbed her. Whatever was going on in that reality obviously affected him after spending so much time in there. A stupid needless death.
  • Even though I practice internal Kung Fu styles(Wu & Yang style Tai Chi, Bagua & Liu He Ba Fa )this is a great show IMO. It's probably one of the most realistic Kung Fu shows on TV. I like the fact there are no added sound effects in the fight scenes. Along with extensive philosophy embedded in this series, this show is a diamond in the rough.

    If you're looking for more than *** kicking this show's for you. BRAVO & R.I.P. :(
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Survivor is a joke, it's more about social engineering than an actual survival show. Survivorman shows what you shouldn't do in an actual survival situation, Alone is right on the money though.

    I love animals, but on an island full of Grizzlies, Cougars & Wolves I'm going to be eating good:) seaweed, kelp, fish, & snails are OK food, but not enough to survive on long term.

    It's still a great show IMO, I hope it stays on air for a long time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This documentary was an eye opener & showed just how Big Oil has put humanity & nature at risk, over & over. It really started when the Bush clan came into power.

    They worked for the interests of Big Oil, not the American people or keeping nature healthy. As was pointed out in the film, massive spraying with Corexit helped nothing, it made the oil slick even worse by spreading toxins through the environment instead of letting the oil get skimmed from the water.

    I doubt if the Gulf of Mexico will ever recover from that tragedy. A terrible loss to ocean life as well as Humanity's loss.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Next to the original Legend Of Boggy creek, IMO Seth Breedlove knocked this documentary out of the park. You can tell he really put a ton of effort & research into making this most excellent documentary.

    Seeing the state of the Searcy home was sad & also great that it's not been lived in any longer all these years after the event took place. Our ancient growth forests hold many secrets, the creature is a star & doesn't even know it LOL:)

    My dad grew up very close to Fouke(he lived in a tiny place named Ringgold, Louisiana, only 98 miles from Fouke. AR)next to a similar bayou\location as Boggy Creek area) as a boy, he's a Louisiana swamp rat at least according to him. Those areas in the deep south are perfect for Bigfoot type creatures to thrive in. It was also interesting how they found five toed footprints, while the original prints were three toed.

    More than likely it had some type of deformity? So in that sense it could be considered as a "monster" in relation to others of it's tribe. All in all a great movie, definitely a good watch IMO.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all the "Dr." conjuring up a succubus to wreak havoc & all sorts of death & mayhem in general on people is not how it works. When you call a succubus forth into this reality, there are very strict rules in place to prevent wanton violence. Just like when Rabbis call up a Golem they're not allowed to go hog wild either(yes they are very real).

    It could've been a somewhat OK movie were it not for the fact Hollywood is still trying to slander us LHP Pagans every chance they get. I feel like we're in a propaganda war against these Abrahamic zealots even having deeply infiltrated Hollywood, it really needs to stop.

    Why not just make her a mad cyborg? Or some other type of violent psycho killer chick like on Deadly Women? There was no reason to even mention the Pentagram in that movie. Lots of people like Richard Ramirez & Manuela Ruda are abhorrent psychopaths that have made the Darkside look bad, with what they did to innocent people, they did that on their own though. They were never one of us, both were just poseurs attacking the weak & innocent because at their core they were cowards.

    The most realistic aspect of the movie though was they did show it's possible to survive an attack, just by hiding out & saying nothing(she should've remained under the bed IMO)if you don't know how to fight back. Don't seize up in fear, wait for an opportune moment to get out of there alive.

    Sadly just like in reality, all of them ended up dead by then end of the movie. The male characters were a big flop IMO too, they both should've had highly developed senses & felt they were not just dealing with a "weird" chick, but someone evil out to get them. But like so called "modern men" in the Western World they were very out of touch characters, they lost their natural survival instincts.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The subhuman savagery Alison Botha suffered at the hands of Frans du Toit & Theuns Kruger just shows why decent people need to master martial arts & or some form of powerful LHP occult techniques to deal with evil. Or @ the least get your pistol license.

    They could've just killed her & left her in peace, but no they raped her, then attempted to kill her in the most brutal way possible, disgusting & vile creatures to say the least!

    I liked when that police detective said "they were not cuffed intentionally". That had me in stitches LMAO:) They knew what time it was, anytime they don't put you in cuffs it's a challenge to "run away'. Just try it scums, you'll get a back full of hot lead:)

    It's good to see that Alison is making her life so much better just by finding the courage to speak about her ordeal. She's a truly strong woman, I hope she & her sons are happy, even if she said: "My marriage didn't work out". With the amount of trauma she sustained, it's no surprise to me.
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