
IMDb member since June 2009
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    IMDb Member
    15 years


Parks and Recreation

Really Good Stuff
I'm surprised at how many people wrote negative reviews of this show despite it being my most-looked forward comedy of the week, followed by the Office, Curb, Sunny in Phily, and the Peep Show - a great British comedy.

The characters are unique and the comedy comes mostly from subtleties such as intonations, gestures, and camera glances. It's high-end comedic stuff in my opinion. Though Arrested Development was untouchable in this regard. Boy AD was good.

I suppose if you like trite predicable comedy, you wouldn't see it as funny, but the thing about this show is that's it's also fun to watch, the characters are very charismatic on screen, I think the casting was great. Is this 10 lines yet IMDb?

A really great show.

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Marketed Well, Delivered Poorly
Based on the trailer, I expected a fun low-expectations movie, but got neither. It was lower than low. This movie fails on 3 main ingredients pertinent to its success: Acting, Special effects, and Action.

With no charisma and embarrassingly overused cheesy lines, the lead roles quickly became a burden to endure throughout the movie. As a genre comparison, take Wovlerine and Transformers (the first only) whose characters albeit teetering on the brink of cheesiness were interesting and fun to watch.

Failing in the acting, I hoped the special effects would bring some excitement to the screen. Unfortunately they were cartoony and instantly noticeable when they were used in the scene. Noticeable and distracting in the way it didn't fit the expectations of timing and rendering required for believability/enjoyment.

Touted for its action, the movie was mostly filled with the poor special effects mentioned and very little hand-to-hand combat. So all in all, there's a lot of explosions that aren't convincing, little actual fighting, and dull trite acting.

State of Play

An Entertaining Story with Confusing Ending
It's a journalist turned detective film about government conspiracy. The story itself was intriguing enough, although as the movie progressed and the pieces of the conspiracy are being put together, the movie made less and less sense, till at the end where it made no sense. It's very disappointing in this regard.

However, the acting and directing are great and if you can put up with an unsatisfying conclusion and a story with holes in it, then you'll be very entertained indeed.

On a side note, I was impressed that the story didn't have (consipicuously) a romantic subplot. This added maturity and realism to the film.

Gran Torino

Over-rated & over-acted
Obviously you'll want to see this movie because of the hype around it, but be ready for disappointment. I thought the story was interesting enough, but that it was poorly delivered. All the actors, and yes, I'm surprised to say, that includes Mr. Eastwood, over-acted their parts. It got to be annoying to say the least. As Eastwood's character changes, it does get easier to watch, but constant poor performances from his co-stars (except Ahney Her) reduce the enjoyability of the film.

My fault is probably that I expected it to live up to its rating. A strong 6/10, far from a masterpiece.

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