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National Treasure: Edge of History

Ratings are harsh
Only two episodes and an average rating of 4 that is quite harsh. I'm a big fan of the movies and the genre. Sadly this genre hasn't been so popular the last 20 years when you compare it to the succes Indiana Jones had in the 80ties. This show targets a more younger audience with a original storyline diverting from the movies.

People comment about the bad special effects but shows like the Librarian or Warehouse 13 are much lower in special effects but still enjoyable. Let's hope the other episodes will get better/more interesting. So if you like the puzzle treasure angle, try it you might still enjoy it.

I remember the tv show 'Unnatural History' this show got canceled and was also for a younger audience but it was actually a fun show when it came to history and treasure hunting.


Found the movie boring, acting was not so good, story was poor and slow paced. I don't understand why they chose Chloé Zhao for a Marvel movie that's like asking Tobe Hooper to make the sequel to Brokeback Mountain. Also am I the only one that felt the movie started wrong with the accents? How do beings not from earth have a South-American Hispanic- a Scottish-, an Irish- and American-accent before the start of human/earth civilization. That alone was a no go for me how can you not pay attention to a detail that obvious. I'm not even gonna start with the sign language apparently that's universal and existed far beyond time and space. While watching the movie with the celestial beings as a theme I realized again how much I love 'Final Space' If you don't mind cartoons go watch that instead!

Cry Macho

This movie can make a macho cry
Like other reviewers have mentioned the acting is really bad. I thought the 15:17 to Paris was a fluke and somebody else made that movie but now I wonder If the same thing happened with this one?

I must confess me and my partner gave away 30 minutes of our time which we will never get back. For those who finished the movie I salute you! That's some sacrifice. Both me and my partner are big Clint Eastwood fans we have almost all his movies he played in or directed. Like the 15:17 to Paris and this movie we will never complete our Clint Eastwood dvd collection! NEVER!

Wonder Woman 1984

Thank gawd for Gal
I adore Gal Gadot she has those eyes that smile so having her jump, twirl and smize for more than 2 hours I'll take it! Although I still feel she's too skinny to be Wonder Woman.

The story btw is just as thin as Gal's waist Yes that thin. Chris Pine is cute so I take that too. But there are so many 'silly' flaws in this movie and the weird phallic references I dunno just wasn't necessary we know it's a chick flick! The weak evil lady adversary what was she suppose to symbolize the jealousy that women feel towards each other that succes and beauty divide us making us choose for the dominant male to give our being meaning..WEAK I felt there were a bit too much girl clichés which I think this franchise does not need. I mean a female director doesn't make this movie a better match for Wonder Woman I mean the creator of WW was a man does it make the character less woman? A female director with a bunch of supermodel Amazons yes you hit the feminist nail agenda on the head she did great. More respect for woman all around...nah The movie is a slow burn most of the time and for me it felt a bit empty. If you like WW for Gal just watch it she's just sweet to look at and as a Dutch girl kudos for Doutzen for getting more screen time this movie would have been a bust without her! Even so I would still watch a third installment of WW just cause they try and they might get it right the next time.

But because the movie is long I recommend to watch it if you have nothing better to watch and do some knitting or scrapbooking while watching this it's not that hard to follow great movie for multitasking, one of those things women are suppose to be better in than men (which by the way is a fable but yeah try it).

BTW side note why the fuggly wedge heels that's just..ahumm noooo Amazon with wedge heels they don't need it only modern women would buy such an atrocity (Me included :D but that was a long time ago).


Watch Togo!
I used to love this animation until I watched Togo. Please do so so you can learn about the True Hero of the 1925 serum run to Nome! Stories like these should be told properly especially if this can educate kids.


I'm gonna throw my Balto movie away!
So this is based on the real story of The 1925 serum run to Nome. I loved the 1995 animation movie Balto but I'm going to take that out of my dvd collection! I was so upset to see Balto got all the credit for the amazing work Togo did!

Great movie if you like animals and believe in great friendships between all living things watch this. The lives we take for granted. The strenght of companionship. You don't own animals, we live side by side with them. To grow a strong heart. I'm a cat person but I also love dogs.

Project Power

Boku no Hero Academia much?
So this was like a borrowed story arc from Boku no Hero Academia. If You've read or seen the manga remember the story with the kidnapped daughter who's Blood is used for illegal pills that can amp the power of supers or take them away. This story is about a man Looking for his daughter who's blood is used to sell illegal pills to give normal people powers....do I need to say more. Boku is better. But I love watching Joseph Gorden-Levitt in an action movie wish he did more of those. This an oké movie nothing new but enjoyable enough people complain too much this is not a 2 star movie I've seen movies that don't even deserve stars and I still enjoyed them (Jack Frost 1 and 2 and there are others lol) so anything under 5 stars is harsh.

The Predator

Should have been a different alien
I get why people hated the movie but only those who are fans of the original will be bothered by it. I loved the first and 2nd Predator movies although the first is the best. This movie is an enjoyable action flick and almost suitable for kids but I would have loved this as a kid regardless of the blood lol. I also saw the original Predator as a kid and adult and that one is more like an evergreen and this new one not so much. Btw love Fred Dekker, Monster Squad was one of my faves as a kid. I'm gonna give this movie a ridiculous rating of 10 stars I wanted to give it 7 stars but so many people are giving it a 1 star which is very unfair. Lets be reasonable a movie of this quality can never be a 1 star.

Btw I wasn't interested in writing an indepth review just want to counter those 1 star ratings. Watch it if you like action movies it's still very enjoyable. Definitely not a 1 star movie. For that I reccomend other bad movies which I still enjoy sometimes like Jack Frost horror ones, Troll, Leprachaun please people with all the movies accessible these days we are spoiled rotten.

Pacific Rim

Looks great..story and acting not so much
Visually amazing but it's not a very good movie. The story is very weak, acting was mediocre with very bad dialogues. A couple of decades ago I'd totally love this movie especially with all the Japanese influences. There's action, a bit gruesome at times but thankfully these aliens don't bleed red. I was planning not to have several anime, 80/90ties cartoons or Japanese monster movies flashbacks while watching this but that ended up being difficult to ignore.

Guillermo del Toro has a beautiful creative mind but I don't see how this movie has a director. The movie has so much cgi in it, it's completely made by the story-boarders, editors and cgi tech guys. I can see someone being an art director guiding movies of this sort but the concept of directing a movie is totally lost in movies like this. And since it's not such a great movie I can't even say it's well directed.

Online cgi artists complain that some of the stories tend to be weak giving them a bad name but I don't see how the people who are suppose to write good stories get paid enough since all the money is needed for the cgi!

But anyway if you are looking for an sci-fi monster action flick and are not much concerned about the quality of the storyline. Then watch it! I like the Japanese influences, the visual works, sci-fi in general so it's hard for me not to watch any type of sci-fi movie (especially the dystopia type) LOL. But the story is really weak and some of the acting made my toes curl.

The Amazing Spider-Man

Not the worst spider man ever..
Honestly it's not as bad as some people make it out to be. The movie is a retelling of a story we already know, some minor flaws but no movie is perfect. In this setting Peter is a just a kid in high school you can expect things not to go as mature and smoothly so just don't compare it to the Peter Parker you know from the Sam Raimi movies. Sam Raimi's third Spiderman movie was the worst and this is nothing like that movie. What I found bothersome is how meager and unoriginal the story is. Like Spiderman only has one enemy? There are tons to choose from do something with that or ad a female super hero romance like with the Black Cat. Anyways because the story was so skinny the movie drags on too long you don't need more than 2 hours to tell this story =_=. Regardless I did enjoy the movie it's somewhat what I expected it to be, no serious high hopes but just action fun. If you're looking for a super hero, action flick and you are just in the mood for it than you should just watch it.

Also I think it's silly for people to go all badd @ss online comparing this movie to Sam Raimi's work and not knowing anything about the many different Spiderman comic stories or animations. It's a movie based on a comic, a lot of comics tend to have great artwork and enjoyable simple stories only a few have the high quality stories. So be grateful for what you get everything better is extra!

Ps:I must say if you haven't seen the Sam Raimi ones, shame on you XD. Go watch those first (the first and the second, I don't recommend the third).

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