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Summer Rain

A pleasant surprise
Was it the best film ever? No. Did it have a few issues that maybe a more experienced team could have avoided? Maybe? BUT I really enjoyed Summer Rain - likeable characters, a solid script and a good narrative that doesn't end like you might expect and some good performances.

It also looks great - shot 35mm and (in the version I saw) upgraded to 4k, it feels like a film. There's also a solid sound track also (mostly from local bands) and really does feel like a cut of the end of the 90's - clubbing, beach parties, facing new challenges and growing up.

It wont change the world but if you get a chance to see it I'd certainly recommend.

You Should Have Left

Should Have Left joins Fantasy Island at the bottom end of the films i've watched in 2020
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: I'm usually a huge fan of Blumhouse's stripped down style of horror films but You Should Have Left joins Fantasy Island at the bottom end of the films i've watched in 2020 so far (for balance The Invisible Man is near the top) And whilst the aforementioned TV reboot at least tried to do something different a day on from watching You Should Have Left I still really have no idea what the point of the film was. The 'twist' was visible a mile off, Bacon is okay but Seyfried seems miscast and the film lacks pace even across it's 90 minute run time.

Best Bit: Bacon giving full on Bacon.

Buy, Stream, Avoid: Avoid

If You Liked this Try: Fantasy Island, Happy Death Day, The Purge


A film you just cant love...
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Tenet has a lot resting on its shoulders. Cinemas have literally been waiting to reopen for it to release. It's a film that HAS to work. That HAS to get people to the cinema. And in that regards it will... a big director with big ideas, a great cast and LOUD. So loud. But as a film Tenet is a strange one. I felt like I was a passenger not a participant - at times dragged along in a story that never cared if you could followed it or not. The thing with Inception was that it was made so well that you always knew what was happening, when and how. Tenet is not that film. You are lost, the action is confusing, the sound mix making most dialogue inaudible, the story makes no sense and it's often spectacle for spectacle's sake. But all that aside it was the films total a lack of heart & warmth that left me cold, not caring and certainly not in a rush to see it again. But please see this on the big screen as at home I fear it will probably make even less sense...

Best Bit: The plane

Cinema, Stream, Avoid: Cinema

If You Liked this Try: Inception, Memento, The Dark Knight


Far From groundbreaking....
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: IO isn't exactly a ground breaking science fiction film. Think a reverse 'The Martian' and you get a vague idea of the story. That said considering Netflix' recent journeys into the genre IO is a freakin' masterpiece! Anthony Mackie and Margaret Qualley do a good job but the film is almost so low key that you've forgotten it moments after it finishes. So far from essential but it passes the time well...

Best Bit: The ending I guess

Buy, Stream, Avoid: Stream (Netflix)

If You Liked this Try: The Martian, Sunshine, Twelve Monkeys

I, Daniel Blake

Cracking British Film
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: I, Daniel Blake is a tough watch. Whilst it shows there is hope in the actions of others, it's over arching presentation of a society so consumed by technology and so lacking in a human touch, you cant help but leave reflecting how life is so hard for some in life today. It's powerful stuff. That said it's not without heart and laughs but the bleakness hits home from the start. If it has a problem it's that it's story beats are predictable but the film is so well played you forgive it for them.

Best Bit: The performances

Buy, Stream, Avoid: Stream

If You Liked this Try: The Angels Share, The Wind That Shakes The Barley, Kess

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The Avengers

The Best Marvel Film Yet.
Let's be honest. This could have been one of the biggest disasters in (short) history of Marvel film Studios. Too many characters, an untested (for blockbusters at least) director, a raft of egos, a film packed full of CGI effect heavy action... It could have been, shudder, another Transformers 2. Or worse even… Transformers 3.

And with any other studio it probably would have been. Thank god then that Marvel have once again proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that when they bring their A game, few others can come close.

Marvel have been on a rare run of form that has seen Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and, too a lesser extent, Iron Man 2 all become both critical and commercial successes across the globe. It's fair to say then that The Avengers had some rather large shoes to fill. Well fear not as Marvel and Serenity director Whedon deliver what is probably their best film yet. The Avengers in short rocks.

The story: After a familiar villain returns from exile with an army of disposable bad guys in tow, Shield boss Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) has to do the unthinkable... get a disparate bunch of superheroes to work together to protect the Earth from an seemingly unstoppable invasion. Queue the arrival of the cocky Iron Man, buff demi god Thor, man out of time Captain America and sometime hulk Bruce Banner along side Shield mainstays (and as yet without their own solo movies) Hawkeye & Black widow.

Yes the story is as simple as that. But in honesty the 'why' is almost less important than the 'how'... because Loki's army never really feel like the insurmountable threat they are billed as and therefore the danger at the heart of the film just doesn't exist, but it's Wheldon's handling of his trademark character interplay (never more importantly mastered that it is here) that really makes The Avengers stand out from the crowd.

See because if you didn't know (and if you didn't know where the hell have you been over the past 10 years and what the heck have you been watching!), writer & director Joss Whedon was the creator of TV gold such as Buffy, Firefly and Dollhouse (not to mention a host of rewrite credits including films like Toy Story). He became renowned for his expertly drawn three dimensional characters, sparking writing and groundbreaking story ideas. So it's no surprise that the character interplay is by far the strongest part of The Avengers. In part that is because Wheldon's script delivers - pathos, humor, dread. Often in the same scene. That said if any part of this film would work it was always going to be the script. But it would be nothing without the top notch cast all delivering their A game. As usual Downey Jr shines as the ever humorous Tony Stark , but Evans, Hemsworth and Ruffalo all more than hold their own and, naturally, Sam Jackson could be cool reading from the phone booth. This film was always going to rely on the balance of these characters, potentially the films biggest downfall. As it turns out, it's actually The Avengers strongest asset. Even adding the yet only glimpsed at Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) doesn't leave anyone short changed, finding enough space to make these characters feel fully drawn. Watching The Avengers and seeing what Wheldon has achieved, I honestly doubt if there is a director in Hollywood today who could have managed to balance the ensemble cast as well as he does.

That's not to say the action isn't good... far from it. Wheldon puts together some of the best action seen in a blockbuster for some time. Well shot, expertly paced and best of all it isn't edited in that hyper kinetic super quick style that has plagued action films since Bourne & Bay hit he scene. But best of all because these are characters you care about, of actually care about what happens in the action scenes. These aren't faceless robots or badly drawn planks of wood, these feel like real (albeit super powered). Whether it's The Hulk smashing Thor through the bowls of the Shield super ship or Iron Man blowing bad guys out of the sky, the action is clear and often breathtaking.

Villain duties fall to Thor bad guy Loki is there to provide the films big bad and is played with relish by the always brilliant Tom Hiddleston. Cocky, arrogant and dangerous, Loki's interplay with Black Widow, Iron Man & Hulk lead to some of the films best (and often funniest) moments.

Does it have faults? Of course it does. The first hour takes a while to get going (mistakenly leading me to think I may not have been blown away by the film), Loki's army are a bit meh, lacking in reason or real threat with their own power coming in numbers rather than skill and I would have liked to see a little more of Thor. But these are pretty small issues in what is for all-intense and purpose is one hell of an film.

Oh and it would be remiss not to mention that, finally, after two previously flawed attempts someone has finally gotten The Hulk right. Less conflicted then we've seen before, Ruffalo brings a likable but suitably dark edge to a Banner and when Hulk finally does smash he does so better than ever.

So a great script, a superb cast, some of the best action we have seen on the big screen for some time... The Avengers is probably one of the top 3 superhero/comic book movies ever made. All this from a filmmaker who has been mostly ignored or abused by Hollywood for he past decade. In Joss we geeks have always trusted and now secret is out.

The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans

Er what the hell?
Phil's Quick Capsule Review

This 'Bad Lieutenant' is neither a remake nor a re-imagining, more of a franchise which seems like an odd choice to be fair. That said it's a damn good film, confidently directed by the bordering on insane Herzog and with a true stand out performance by Nicolas Cage that means, whilst it's never exactly fun to watch it is at it's worst inspired and at it's best just plain brilliant.

Best bit: Nicolas Cage

IMDb Rating: 7/10

Rent, Borrow or Buy: Buy

If you liked this try: Scarface (9/10); Bad Lieutenant (8/10); The Departed (8/10)

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Where the Wild Things Are

Childs film for the grown up inside
Phil's Quick Capsule Review A kid's movie for grown ups, 'Where The Wild Things Are' is a stunningly directed ode to childhood that is probably one of the scariest 'kid' films I have ever seen. Once again Spoke Jonze proves that he is one of the most exciting directors working in Hollywood today, and even if spectacle has replaced story its still one of the most innovative films I have seen in a long time.

Best Bit: The Wild Things at Play

IMDb Rating: 8/10

Rent, Borrow or Buy: Buy

If you liked this try: Nightmare Before Christmas (8/10); Being John Malkovich (7/10); Nania (6/10)

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Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever

Above Avearge Shocker
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Cabin Fever 2 is a perfectly enjoyable direct to DVD feature that ticks the blood, swearing, breast boxes you expect from this kind of film whilst injecting one or two nice "holy f**k" moments to make it stand above the crowd. That said it's not a patch on the Eli Roth original and you cant help but think the premise deserved a better idea… and budget. If this is your kinda thing you can do much worse…

IMDb Rating: 5/10

Best Bit: Bus + Person = Mess

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Rent

If you liked this try: 28 days Later (9/10); Wrong Turn 2 (6/10); Cabin Fever (6/10)

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The Final Destination

Fun by Forgettable
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Okay lets be honest whilst The Final Destination wont win any awards and probably will be mostly forgotten five minutes after walking out the cinema door, as far as does-what-it-says-on-the-tin entertainment goes there are far worst ways to spend 85 minutes of your time. The 3-D works well, the films never dull and the deaths good fun. Forgettable but fun…

IMDb Rating: 6/10

Best Bit: The initial car crash

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Rent

If you liked this try: Final Destination (7/10); Final Destination 2 (7/10); Final Destination 3 (6/10);

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Død snø

Zombies + Nazis = Smiles!
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Dead Snow takes a well worn premise, mixed in a few references to old favourites, a slop load of gore and the interesting combination of Nazi's, Zombies & snow to make what at times feels like a 'Now That's What I Call A Zombie Movie… Part 2'. Not that that's a bad thing because with it's tongue firmly in cheek Dead Snow delivers one of the most enjoyable Zombie films in a while.

IMDb Rating: 7/10

Best Bit: Chainsaw + Zombie = Blood.

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Buy

If you liked this try: Shaun of The Dead (9/10); Evil Dead 2 (8/10); Return Of The Living Dead (6/10);

Phil Hobden For more reviews like this check out:


Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Is to football movies what WestHam v Millwall is to patience and good will. Away Days wants to be cool but different. Like Green Street but with a odd gay love triangle twist. Problem is it's don eon a shoe string budget, dull as dishwater and boring to boot. Avoid and wait for The Firm.

IMDb Rating: 4/10

Best Bit: The fights

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Borrow

If you liked this try: Rise of The Footsolider (7/10); Football Factory (7/10); ID (7/10)

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Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Caprica is the way to make a TV pilot. Thrilling, engaging, with real characters in real situations brilliantly acted. A proper extension to the BSG world rather than a tacked on story it will be fascination to see how this develops over the coming seasons…

IMDb Rating: 8/10

Best Bit: The terrorist Attack

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Buy

If you liked this try: BSG Mini Series (8/10); V – The Mini-Series (8/10)

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G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Er... I quite liked it!
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Wow that was a surprise. GI Joe doesn't suck. In fact I'd even go as far as to say it's a pretty entertaining Summer film. Okay it's flawed with terrible (and far too much) CGI but there's just something about the film that just works. Entertaining, slight 9at just over 90 mins) and never boring, GI Joe is one of THE surprises of the Summer.

IMDb Rating: 6/10

Best Bit: Assault on the Pitt

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Rent

If you liked this try: Transformers (8/10); Masters Of The Universe (5/10); Transformers 2 (4/10)

Phil Hobden For more reviews like this check out:


Bad... very bad
Fighting Review by Phil Hobden First there was Never Back Down, then Never Surrender and now Fighting… all three proving that it's pretty easy to take one of the worlds fastest growing and exciting sports and make it dull as dishwater on screen. The uninspiring storyline of a street kid fighting for money has been done more times Paris Hilton and the flat direction does nothing to help it along. The fights are dull and pretty poorly put together and the whole film lacks scope… I've seen no budget Indie actioners with more style than this. Lead Channing Tatum isn't bad (if a little wet) but displays charisma that might see him be more than a pretty boy down the line but conversely Terrence Howardjust doesn't work at all as mentor/promoter Harvey. In short the dull Fighting is one to avoid.

Film 1.5/5 Action 1/5 If you liked this try: Underground; Never Back Down; Karate Kid


A strong effort
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Teaming Singer & Cruise should always have led to something special and whilst Valkyrie isn't quite that, it is pretty damn good, even if you know the ending before you even put your DVD in the machine. Don't believe the haters this is worth a watch….

IMDb Rating: 7/10

Best Bit: Blowing up Hitler

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Rent

If you liked this try: Usual Suspects (9/10); Schindler's List (9/10); Great Escape (9/10)

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A Real one Off
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: For sure one of the most interesting and unique Independent films I have ever seen, totally engaging (if sometimes a little hard to follow) with excellent performances from the leads and a script that just jumps off the page. How this director isn't doing bigger and better things right now I will never know…

IMDb Rating: 7/10

Best Bit: Figuring It All out

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Buy

If you liked this try: Double Indemnity (9/10); Body Heat (7/10); Basic Instinct (5/10)

Phil Hobden For more reviews like this check out:


Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Hush is an average British thriller with average shocks and a pretty average cast with it's average 90 mins running time and a pretty average ending… overall then? Average.

IMDb Rating: 5/10

Best Bit: The premise.

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Borrow

If you liked this try: Breakdown (8/10); Duel (8/10); Roadkill/Joy Ride (7/10);

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I Love You, Man

Witty but just not funny enough
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: Damn. You know what I love Paul Rudd and I wanted to love this film but for all it's witty moments (and they are just witty and even they are few and far between) the film never gelled for me, be it a lack of genuine spark between the leads or just the fact that they are both, well, pretty dull. It has it's moments but there are far better comedies out there…

IMDb Rating: 5/10

Best Bit: The Wedding dinner

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Borrow

If you liked this try: Role Models (8/10); Knocked Up (8/10); Superbad (6/10)

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The Hurt Locker

Phil's Quick Capsule Review: The Hurt Locker is a strange beast, more Jarhead than Black Hawk Down, and even if it fails to live up to the bloody strewn OTT of Ridley Scott's epic, it is a fascinating story in it's won right that works brilliantly for about 75% of the time. That said I'd watch ANYTHING Kathryn Bigelow does and fan or not you wont be disappointed.

IMDb Rating: 7/10

Best Bit: Bang! The opening sequence…

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Buy

If you liked this try: Point Break (9/10); Black Hawk down (8/10); Jar Head (5/10)

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The Taking of Pelham 123

Brillinat if not groundbreaking
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: The third Pelham film, and Tony Scott's fourth paring with Denzel will be a turn off for any fans of the original Pelham classic. That said as a film in it's own right , 123 2009 is brilliantly entertaining, never boring me for a second with great central performances and Scott back on top form.

IMDb Rating: 8/10

Best Bit: Denzel/Travolta banter

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Buy

If you liked this try: Man Of Fire (9/10); Crimson Tide (8/10); Déjà vu (5/10)

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The Killing Room

Seen Better, Seen Worse
The Killing Room

Phil's Quick Capsule Review: The Killing Room delivers a good ending backed up by 90 minutes of strong performances that still, however, is JUST a story about a four people in a room leaving you with the feeling that the whole thing would have worked better as an episode of the Twilight Zone.

IMDb Rating: 5/10

Best Bit: The opening interview

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Borrow

If you liked this try: Saw (8/10); Liar (8/10); Cube (8/10)

Phil Hobden For more reviews like this check out:


If you liked Oceans 11...
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: A clever film that has the spark and tone of the Oceans 11 remake, made good by two compelling a sharp performances from leads Owen & Roberts as well as a unique structure that keeps you on your toes until the end. In short although much maligned by critics Duiplicity is actually rather good…

IMDb Rating: 8/10

Best Bit: The Ending

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Rent

If you liked this try: Oceans 11 (9/10); thomas Crown Affair Remake(8/10); Italian Job Remake (4/10)

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Fifty Dead Men Walking

Violent but Factually Questonable!
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: A gritty, dirty and violent look into the 80's & 90's conflicts in Northern Ireland, 50 Dead Men… is a highly enjoyable (if factually questionable), well acted and polished romp that is spoilt only by Ben Kinsley's stupid hair piece.

IMDb Rating: 7/10

Best Bit: Torture

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Rent

If you liked this try: Patriot Games (8/10); Devils Own (5/10); Blown Away (4/10)

Phil Hobden For more reviews like this check out:

Long Weekend

Could Have Been A Contender...
Phil's Quick Capsule Review: An awesome idea (nature fights back) delivered with some nice visual flare but yet still manages to not fulfil it's potential, become just a bit dull and even at under 90 minutes feeling very long. Which is a shame because this film should be ace.

IMDb Rating: 5/10

Best Bit: The Sea Cow

Buy, Rent or Borrow: Borrow

If you liked this try: Deliverance (9/10); Blair Witch (8/10)Eden Lake (7/10)

Phil Hobden For more reviews like this check out:

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