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The only word that came to mind while looking to describe this film is "Abysmal". Filmed in Queensland's Gold Coast region, this "horror" film is below par in so many ways that it really makes SyFy's efforts commendable. The acting is a hit and miss affair with terrible American accents abounding. I live close to where the outdoor scenes were shot (Coolangatta) and there are definitely not this many Americans there.

The special effects were also hit and miss in execution as well. The shark animation was half decent at times, though most other animations were of a very, very low standard and detracted from the film significantly.

My advice is watch this during your next drunken party. Everyone is bound to have a laugh as it is quite a laughable affair. Unluckily I don't think it was meant to be...

The Sapphires

One of the Best Aussie Films in Years
My wife wanted to see this film at the cinema's and I must admit I was quite hesitant due to it being a musical. Luckily my trepidation was unneeded as this was a great, feel good film with a marvelous soundtrack and decent performances all around from the indigenous main cast.

I'm sorry if my review kind of stinks, but my writing skills are far from glamorous. Though I can say this. If you wish to be entertained, then you can't go too far past this wonderful little Aussie gem that will likely be as revered, though probably not as well known as, Priscilla Queen of the Desert.


What did you say?
I had heard about this film some time ago, and was quite excited to finally get a hold of it. Based on a single street, a woman has a falling out with her semi estranged Daughter. Not long after all hell breaks loose.

While the film has a relatively low budget, the movie is quite well filmed. The downside is this is far from being an action flick, with little in the way of violence. So it really relies on dialogue to push the film along... This is where things fall apart.

The two gripes I had with this film was inconsistent acting and not being able to hear them! I was constantly having to juggle the volume control, cranking the volume up for talking then having to quickly get it down before the speakers threatened to explode during loud scenes (which this movie loved using low end bass).

Overall i give this a 5 and that is really stretching it.

Battle: Los Angeles

Good action, very little else
Battle: Los Angeles is a funny beast. While it has been panned by the critics, it has been equally lauded by fans of action movies. There are two ways you could describe Battle LA. One, as Black Hawk Down with aliens. Two, as a 2 hour long advertisement for the military. Either way, it just does not bode well.

The story, other than a cling wrap thin veneer regarding a few people is virtually non existent. Meteors hit ocean, Army is called in, Meteors are aliens that are invading, go rescue some people and try not to die. It's pretty much that simple. While it was refreshing not to get the typical Marine, macho man garbage that seems to permeate these types of films, most of the lines were still corny as hell and did a fine job of making you cringe with embarrassment...

The FX were really quite jaw dropping. Though it's quite hard to appreciate them when all the camera operators are shaking the camera's like they are riding in a 3 wheeled shopping trolley on a bumpy road. Also there were some rather odd flaws that niggled at me. But hey, not their fault that I can't suspend my disbelief a bit better.

Bottom line is if you like just plain old action films, with lots of explosions, bullets flying and aliens being killed. Then you will love this movie. If you want more than what I mentioned in the last two sentences, look elsewhere.

The Lost Thing

Wonderfully Imaginative
Shaun Tan, is quite well known among Australian children and teacher/librarians for his contributions to the field of children's books and art work.

The Lost Thing was originally published as a children's book in 1999. The story revolves around a young man who finds a... well... Thing. Nobody else seems to notice the Thing, and the young man decides to find out where it is meant to be.

The film is set in a drab, dystopian world that is akin to Dali's impressionistic artistry.

For people that enjoy not only animation, but also art, this is a fantastic choice. The visuals and Thing are quite astounding to watch and the story is very well executed.

For people wishing to buy this film. It is purchasable from here http://www.madman.com.au/catalogue/view/13969/the-lost-thing

The Happening

Good concept ruined by poor acting
M. Night was something of a whirlwind in the early Noughties with his innovative thriller The Sixth Sense. Unluckily it has turned into a downward spiral since then, with this film being yet another drawback to his floundering career.

While I like the idea of the human race committing suicide in ever more devious and violent ways. The whole thing was marred by some truly pitiful acting on the parts of most actors. Mark Wahlberg seemed to just whine his way through each line with this falsified look of shock and horror. The only emotion I was capable of during the viewing of this film was embarrassment.

Bran Nue Dae

Cherry Ripes for all!
My wife is a musical nut, I am not. When this finally came out on DVD she forced me to endure what I was expecting to be another boring musical. Instead I was treated to a light hearted and very fun look at segregated Australia of the mid 60's.

The story revolves around a young Aboriginal boy named Willie (Rocky McKenzie) who is going to learn to be a priest. He is whisked off to Perth where he realizes that he would rather be with the girl that he loves rather than a man of the cloth. He then runs away after an altercation with the head priest and sets out on the journey back home.

The songs were a great mix of country, bush ballads and musical numbers. The characters very funny (Deborah Mailman was for me the highlight) and the story highly enjoyable.

For a person that really doesn't like musicals, I give this a 9.


Ahhh... Yeah
What else can possibly be said? 2012 is the latest outing from disaster movie connoisseur Roland Emerich.

Now to actually qualify as a Roland Emerich film, you need a few special things. You need to have a relatively good cast to waste. You need a special FX budget that could keep a poor country fed for a year, and lastly you need a cliché riddled stinker of a script.

This film has them all in trumps! The story was so unbelievably bad that at times I just could not stop laughing, and these were the serious parts. The FX of course were great and it was relatively entertaining (hence the score of 4 rather than 1). Though as I stated before this film is just one long cliché driven action bonanza.

If you do go see it, be sure to leave your brain somewhere safe before walking into the cinema. If you took even two brain cells in, you would find your intelligence offended.

The Omen

The Omen: Condensed Edition
I was hoping for good things with the remake of The Omen. I was hoping for an extension of the Omen story with some new fangled effects.

What we ended up with was a condensed remake, doing nothing more than re-running the exact same story. Though the difference is they have removed most of the character building, and just added a montage of the best bits from the original. While the sets and photography are fantastic, the acting seemed quite dull from most actors. The highlight would have to be Mia Farrow who plays the evil Nanny, and evil she is.

Overall this was nothing more than a lacklustre rehash of a classic movie. Do yourself a favour and hire out the remastered original from your local video store.


Thai Braveheart!
Thailand is not the place people would expect to see high quality movies made. Though over the last couple of years some very interesting films have surfaced. This is yet another.

This is a biographical tale of a village called Bang Rajan. During the Burmese invasion of Siam (Thailand) in the late 1700's this village played a pivotal part in the war against the invaders.

The movie starts out quite below par with a rather cheesy battle scene. Though stick with it, as the film becomes very engrossing shortly after. You get to meet the characters of the film and witness their struggle against the cruel Burmese. The film is about honor and bravery against even the worst of odds.

There may be qualms about the acting as most of the cast seem to be amateurs, though this does not detract from the film rather than actually heighten the reality. Some of the special effects are cheap, though the action is great to watch.

I give this 8 out of 10 and highly recommend it to lovers of pre-1900's war movies and Asian Cinema buffs!

Chinjeolhan geumjassi

I had the luxury of watching this last night and was awed by it's sheer brilliance. I don't want to delve into the story, as you must see it for yourself to savor the fantastic story like a glass of red wine.

The story revolves around a young woman sentence to jail due to murdering a young boy. Upon release she then embarks on a journey of redemption for the crime committed.

The cast's acting is impeccable on all sides. with sumptuous photography and a moving musical score consisting of such great composers as Vivaldi.

If you are a lover of foreign cinema this is a definite DO NOT MISS movie!


Very Enjoyable
I have to admit, I really was not expecting much from this movie. Much to my surprise the film was a very enjoyably sci-fi/action romp.

Centering pretty much around the latest game in the Doom saga. A group of UAC (the name of the company) marines are sent to Mars to quarantine a base. Upon arrival they find the place empty with the main scientists they are looking for missing.

A few people have run this movie down for lack of plot or substance. These people have obviously never played Doom 1, 2 or 3? The games only ever had thread bare story lines. So this is actually a masterpiece in literary style compared to the games.

If you just watch this movie for what it is. Which is nothing but a cheesy action flick, you'll love it like I did!

Dark Water

Slow Water
I went into this expecting it to possibly be quite good. Boy was I wrong. The movie, though holding some fantastic atmosphere in the area used (a rather grungy part of New York) just did not hold up to it's predecessor.

The original was very well paced. Building the suspense over the entirety of the film, till the inevitable climax. This film unluckily went in the opposite direction, opting more for lackluster attempts at suspense throughout the film till the BIG climax at the end.

Overall the movie was not bad. The acting was good (especially Pete Postlethwaite) as well as the cinematography and sets. It just seriously pales in comparison to the original.

If you have never seen the original Dark Water watch this, then quickly watch the original! If you have already seen the original then it's best to avoid as you'll most likely be disappointed.

The Last Horror Movie

Interesting idea thats been done before
The Last Horror Movie is a cinema verite film. Done obviously on a low budget and this does show. But this really does just add to the authenticy that the film is trying to portray, a home made documentary about a serial killers life.

Starring Kevin Howarth as Max, a seemingly normal, intelligent and suave gentleman who works as a freelance wedding photographer. The problem with Max is the fact he is also a cunning, evil and cannibalistic serial killer.

This film does borrow heavily from the great Belgian film "Man Bites Dog" and even seems to have even gone so far as to steal a couple of lines of dialogue from the above mentioned movie.

This film does hold up on it's own merits. It has some very cringe worthy scenes of extreme violence. Even I, who on the whole part am quite jaded had a chill down my spine on a few occasions. Though it is not a murder fest with every scene yet another depiction of ultra violence.

Overall it has been done before, but is still a refreshing film due to the intelligence of the script and amazingly scary portrayal of Max by Kevin Howarth.

If you are into more mindless violence it really deserves a out 5 of 10

If you like a bit of story and character interaction then this gets a 7 out of 10

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