Reviews (9)

  • What is there to say about this movie, except it is a triumph in film making. First of all anything narrated by Morgan Freeman you know is going to be a great movie. A story of a life behind bars with no end, this ordinary man turns Shawshank prison up side down. I think the fact that this movie is so simple is also the reason it is so great. There is no complicated cinematic techniques or special effects, just men talking to each other. Tim Robbins shows us that the good guys can win even when their livelihood has been taken away. Its the kind of movie that just makes you smile on the inside and lets you appreciate the simple things even if just for that day. The Shawshank Redemption is definitely a movie everyone should see, only if just to brighten your day. But I think in the future it will prove to be an important mark in cinematic history.
  • I absolutely love this movie! Although at times hard to understand what the actors are saying the one-liners that are clear are definitely clever. In this movie there are a bunch of thugs after a twenty-something carat diamond, and no one can seem to hold on to it for very long. A star cast guarantees wonderful performances and they deliver. The story by itself is great, but the cinematography makes the movie amazing. Especially during the boxing scenes, how the camera is slowed downed at just the right moment to see Brad Pitt flying through the air is classic. Not only that but the use of colors in the character's wardrobe no doubt depicts what a bunch of characters they are. Like I have said before, I am a fan of almost any movie based in England with a cast full of Brits. But any one would be mad not to love this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When I heard the plot of the story I expected lots of violence, but what I actually got was something better. Even though nothing really happens in the movie, the characters make it thoroughly entertaining. However, I may have a biased opinion because I love British movies and there complete over-use of the word "cunt". One man broken hearted by his cheating wife and his best friends kidnap her lover. I love how all the characters are so contrasting. We have the gay sophisticate and the mean old man who thinks he is a pervert and a sexual deviant. The loser older guy who still lives with his mom, and the younger tattooed guy in a suit. Even though the whole story consists of these five men in a house, it still captured my attention the entire time.
  • 19 February 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    The movie was mildly entertaining at best. I thought the idea was original but the film lacked many things. I would have liked to hear how the time keeping system got started and more about it. It seems like the whole film crew was just lazy. The script was boring a predictable, and in actuality nothing really happened in the movie. Yes, the rebellious daughter runs away, cliché. Yes, she falls in love with her kidnapper, cliché and yes they steal some time and became outlaws. In summary this movie was one predictable cliché after the other. Also I usually really like Amanda Seyfreid and Justin Timberlake but this movie didn't do anything in the way of using their talents. I can usually be entertained by any movie because I love them, but I think if they put more effort into this movie it could have been really good.
  • This movie did not disappoint. It has been a while since I did the covering of the eyes while peeking through the fingers and this movie had me doing it! The story was unique, they took a haunted house and gave it a twist. The ending I think didn't really go along with the rest of the movie, it were as though they couldn't think of how to end it so they just went with a crowd pleaser. Still, overall the movie was thoroughly entertaining, good, clean, scary fun! As for Daniel Radcliff, I was curious to see if outside of his Harry Potter role how he would do and I thought he portrayed the lawyer very well. I was very impressed by the overall cast who all contributed to making this movie enjoyable.
  • I was a bit disappointed with Dream House. When I saw previews for it I was really excited to see it, but you basically see the whole movie in the commercials. Although the plot left much to be desired the acting was wonderful, which is to be expected from the cast. I also enjoyed the cinematography. There were times when the house when from being broken down and turned into a real home in the next second, and they did the transitioning just beautifully. In my opinion there was too much plot trying to be forced into a short amount of time and the result was a mediocre movie with an ending that didn't really make any sense or tie in to the rest if the movie at all. I can be entertained by almost any movie and this one was no different, but it's not something I want to see again.
  • Selma Blair is amazing in The Poker House as a drug-addicted prostitute who has her three daughters living with her. Jennifer Lawrence also gives a wonderful performance as the eldest daughter, Agnes who takes care of her two younger siblings. The Poker House is narrated by Agnes as she tries to deal with being 14 and living in a house where there is gambling, drugs, alcohol, and pimps. The story definitely pulls on the heart strings at times, but it does not overwhelm with sadness that it makes it hard to enjoy. It adds just the right amount of humor that three young girls can produce while being silly together. I honestly was shocked by how well the movie was produced and the character portrayal. The Poker House is definitely something I would recommend to my friends, as well as watch again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a story we have all seen before with maybe a few variations. Caleb is smart and obviously disturbed which we find out later is from a recent heart break. He picks up his brother Peter and Peter's girlfriend Emma when they come home from college for Thanksgiving. It turns into a love triangle as Caleb becomes more and more attracted to Emma because she looks like his recent ex. Caleb is estranged from their father so only comes around at night when Emma sneaks a cigarette. First Caleb attacks Emma warning her to not break his brother's heart but then decides what he wants is to sleep with her. Even though the plot is not original by any means, I still really enjoyed the movie and would watch it again. There is some dark humor and the characters are played really well. It's for certain that what makes it most enjoyable is Adam Scott's (Caleb) and J.K. Simmons' (Donald) portrayal of their characters.
  • Across the Universe is an exciting and colorful musical. This movie can easily be enjoyed by those who usually are not a fan of that type of movie. If you like the Beatles you will be singing along in no time. Taking place in New York City in the 60's, we follow the main characters Lucy played by Evan Rachel Wood and Jude played by Jim Sturgess as their love develops during these troubled times. Lucy comes to stay with Jude and her older brother Max, who is Jude's best friend, after her boyfriend is killed in the Vietnam war. Jude is from Liverpool, England and came to the United States to find his father. He meets Max and they are instantly buds and move to NYC together for an adventure. Using Beatles' music to move the plot along, you will instantly fall in love with all the characters each cleverly named after a Beatles song.