Reviews (14)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    So, to start things off I must say I am a purist at heart and strongly believe that if you are going to make/remake a beloved story you should try to stay as faithful to it as possible, otherwise it's a big F U to the person who wrote it and those who love it, basically you are saying "I could do this soooo much better than you" and in this case they were so completely and utterly wrong.

    The basic plot sounded OK - nerd hates being nerd, uses his nerd super powers in a chemical lab to make a magical drug that changes nerds personality into cool guys personality, but something goes wrong. A step away from the original idea I know, but hey they may have been able to update it and do it better....WRONG!!! The only part of this movie that even remotely stayed true to the original tale is the "there was something wrong with the drugs you got me" section. In the original story the purity of the drugs needed by Jekyll can not be found and he chucks a bit of a wobbly.

    The idea behind the story of Jekyll and Hyde is the monstrous other inside all people. Hyde is the complete opposite to Jekyll, this much they got right - but Hyde is supposed to be a twisted freak, he looks evil because he is evil, he kills when the opportunity arrives, he doesn't seek out victims, he is unarticulated and slightly slow, and I really can't remember him being all that sexually active because every time someone sees him their blood runs cool. The idea of the tale is that every human has a balance of good evil, if you try and bring out one side over the other the opposite side withers. Jekyll becomes weak and cannot change back, it is not completely his dependence on drugs that makes him revert to Hyde constantly it is Hyde's increased strength brought about by over flexing of the evil side of the personality.

    This movie is a travesty. It takes a rather intelligent investigation of the human personality/soul (written before psychology was as popular as it is today - in-fact I don't think it existed at the time) and turned into a party drug induced attempt at a slasher movie. The atmosphere is horrible, you spend about half an hour of the ending in complete blackness. You don't get any idea of a linear story line, Jekyll / Hyde shows flashes of memory of doing horrible things, but they last for two seconds and there is no explanation for any of it at all. It is marketed, I am guessing, as a slasher movie but doesn't contain enough blood to fit the category. The Director tried to be to artsy and it just comes off as badly planned, poorly written with an ending slapped on at the last minute. And, most objectionable of all, they turned it into a bloody love story. Jekyll and Hyde has no place for love, it has nothing to do with love, it has to do with good and evil, mad scientists and what can happen to you if you mess with the divine balance.


    Thank you for your time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So I have read a few reviews, checked out some comments and have decided everyone else is wrong and no not what they talk about. OK, thats a bit much but I'll explain what I mean (And yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion).

    First I acknowledge there are problems with the plot - he doesn't explain why he chooses the moment dinosaurs died to first travel back to in order to catch a T-Rex. He does constantly talk about running out of time, yet he can time travel repeatedly, but it doesn't effect my scoring because this show is made for kids.

    Unlike most dinosaur CGI shows that I have seen Prehistoric Park attempts to show Dinosaurs in a different light - they are not depicted as evil, it isn't all about blood a guts and it has the odd funny moments the whole family will laugh at.

    In my opinion the CGI was brilliant, I have seen dinosaurs I never even knew existed in this show and, in Australia at least, it was played on a main stream station allowing the educational sections to reach a lot more children then anything on at 6 pm on a weekend on ABC ever will.

    This show is fun, you feel for the dinosaurs and more importantly they make an effort to show the relation between todays animals and the dinosaurs throughout the ages. If your kid likes giant lizards, they will love this show. This is coming from a person who detests children's programs. It really is entertaining and educational, give it a try!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well.....this was a study in how far disappointment can go! I have been a fan of "The Crow" since it first came out. I was interested when they said a II was coming out but was slightly disappointed by it when I finally saw it, though it had certain elements one had to admire. When III came out I thought "It will have to end here, this is just crap" but now I have seen "Wicked Prayer" (as if the title shouldn't have given it away) I have an understanding of what real bitter disappointment really is. I would not be surprised to see Brandon Lee return from the dead to take revenge on all those involved in this travesty.

    The acting, especially by Mr. Furlong, is appalling. He does not make a convincing recently dead vengeance machine and his "I'm so scary" face is remarkably similar to my dogs "I have gas" face. David Boreanaz leaves something to be desired when it comes to least he was an interesting bad guy in buffy.

    This movie is too full of cliché, it progresses at the pace of a schizophrenic cheetah, the story line must have been written by a paralysed monkey on a type writer and I am sure most of the cast were on crack. It's not even good for a chuckle, and since when has anyone in a Crow movie been arrested in the end? Surely I deserved to see Tara Reid have her eyes forcibly removed by the end of this movie.

    This thing gets a giant BOOO HISSS!!! Don't waste your time on this movie, you will regret every last minute of it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What can I say, Oh I know how about:

    Before you make a movie set inanother country spend more than five minuets there and do some freaking research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As an Australia I am deeply offended by this...thing. According to Steven H. Berman, Don Keith Opper and John Harrison the Australian population is approx 95% American, we have the death penalty, have some kind of strange English accent and our emergency services are English. It's obvious that they didn't like our native scenery as hardly any of it appears and apparently our own Government is so inept that we need the Americans to make all the decisions for us.

    For the love of god burn this thing now, never ever ever show it to another living person again! The best part of this whole thing was writing this comment. This pile of dung is not worth the brain cells, time or electricity required to watch it.

    Oh yeah, it's about the sun exploding, the end of life on earth and hope regained through a mistake made by the experts...sound familiar?? In case your interested there is also a bad guy chasing the leading characters family down in an act of revenge....sound familiar? A move/mini full of cliché and cultural ignorance.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Don't see this movie if you are looking for a flick to scare you, it won't happen unless you are one of those abnormally sensitive to horror types. You need to see this movie as a comedy - nothing more and nothing less, any other way and you will be bitterly sorry.

    This movie can make you feel uncomfortable - not because it has violence and a lot of fake blood but because one of the leading roles is that of a gender confused walking/talking doll who has spent the first half of his life affectionately known as "Shit Head".

    You are disturbed not when a man has his face eaten away by acid but at the once in a life time sight of a masturbating good guys doll.

    You are disgusted not by the fake intestines shanked out of Redman's stomach but by Tiffany using a turkey baster (oh yes, that old joke)to artificially inseminate Jennifer Tilly with Chucky's sperm.

    There is a huge amusement factor in the Glen/Glenda role of Chucky's son, which is added to when Chucky and Tiffany decide to give up murder and then, after both breaking this vow, try and hide their murders from each other.

    I gave it 6/10, which is above average, because it is funny, not particularly intelligent but a good choice when your in the mood for both laughter and splatter
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If you are a fan of Gothic movies/ literature and have spent any time studying them at all you must watch this movie. Lemony has the feeling of a Tim Burton movie, but amped up about 500%. The scenery, costume and technology in this film is excellent, but above all it's use of all things phantasmagoric is brilliant. There is a huge element of technology in this movie. The two main plot movers are a spy glass and the diagram of an eye.

    I am tempted to say this is the most Gothic movie I have ever seen, in a style context, not a subculture. The actors are also brilliant, Jude Law has the perfect voice of narrator and I just loved Billy Connolly as the very lovable snake charming doctor. The children are going to go on to bigger and better things (I am sure) and Carrey is so good at being bad, I loved watching him in this roll.

    See this movie, I know it will be studied as Gothic form in classes all over the world.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I usually really like Lawrence and being in Australia I haven't seen much of his stand up, so when I saw this at my video shop I thought, yeah I'll have a look. I wish I hadn't seen it now. Obviously Lawrence had a profound experience that opened up his mind, and I guess he wants to share this with others but this was neither the time nor the place.

    This whole experience seemed like a motivational speech in hell, it really did. I believe the catch phrase of the night was "ride it until the wheels fall off" which he intermingled with just plain lewd jokes revolving around sex and sexual organs.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't mind crude humor, but Lawrence lacks the gift of classing it up in the fashion of Eddie Murphy, Richard Prior or Robin Williams. Lawrence was just plain lewd, the only time I laughed was when he relived his experience with the law and his recovery in the hospital. If there were minus points, i would give them....
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is brilliant, but I have to warn It is not for those soft in the brain area. This is a thinking persons horror movie. It leaves behind the usually gore that todays movies seem to rely on, and has a much more aesthetic approach.

    You will be scared by movement, music and noise, not by chainsaw, blood and gore. The idea of the movie will scare you at first, then when you think about it you will become terrified.

    There is some beautiful play with the time line and perspective, not to mention some good effects, but it is the sound that does all the work. Sudden noises, creepy guttural groans, the all builds an atmosphere of horror like I haven't experienced in a long time.

    Concept wise, it is simple and great. If you die experiencing extreme rage or sorrow, you leave the emotions behind in the place you die. These emotions then act as a curse for everyone who comes in contact with the house. The spirits hunt you down and kill you, no matter where you are or what you do. That is the truly scary part for me, that you just can't get away from it, not even going into your own home.

    A family dies in the house in question, The father finds out his wife is in love with another man, drowns their son, kills her and the cat then hangs himself. 3 years later a family buys the house. The older mother becomes mentally damaged, her son and his wife disappear and end up dead, the sister vanishes off the face of the earth and the original minder of the mother has her jaw removed. This movie has everything - go and see it, if your a smart human you shouldn't be disappointed.
  • First I have to say I have noticed a lot of people bag this movie, and thats fine, but I don't think a true Horror or Zombie fan would ever do such a thing. This version of Dawn of the Dead is awesome, I love it, it is my favorite movie ever - thus 10/10.

    Before I get to the plot I have to say I love the fact that there a ties to the original DoD movie in this one.. The preacher in this is the Cop in the first one, the truck that Norma drives is a BP truck, like the ones they use in the first movie to barricade the doors - They even have light hearted moments displayed in the music choice when they are in the mall trying on clothes and stuff. There are more as well, and it just makes it so cool

    The plot has been tweaked from the original, there is no Biker gang and no chopper, but there is a pregnant woman. The Zombies are a hell of a lot scarier as they actually move at normal (or it could be suggested at an above normal) speed and, as in the first movie, they retain some behaviors and knowledge from when they are alive, but you will not see them trying to play hocky.

    I can not count how many times this movie has inspired "what if..." conversations between me and my friends. The idea is wonderful and I love the fact there is no explanation for where the virus came from.

    In case you haven't seen/heard of this film here is the Basic plot: Something has happened and the dead are not staying dead. As expected there is carnage every where. This throws 12 "survivors" together in, of all places, a mall. Soon the mall becomes surrounded by Zombies (which leads to a dark and highly amusing game of Hollywood Squares) and the inhabitants of the Mall decided they want to die somewhere else. They make an escape, but alas there are few survivors by the time they make it to their destination.

    Amongst all this you get to learn more about the characters, you see some of them die, there is a touch of spiritualism (just a small dash) and in some cases it will leave you with many questions about the nature of man, the future and all sorts of crazy possibilities for human civilisation.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movies is the best movie to watch for comic book feel. The sets, costumes and the color are just so vivid it is just like stepping into a comic book. This is the movie I think of when the Mob is mentioned, the suits, the hats and the attitudes.

    Hoffman gives comic relief as Mumbles and you can't help but feel sorry for Madonna as she tries, and fails, to win Tracy over. This movie contains all the classic mob clichés - burying people in concrete, blowing up peoples cars, tieing up the good guy and attempting to blow up his girlfriends house.

    This movie is a classic in ever sense of the word, even camera angels cry out comic book. Its so great to be able to go back to an older movie and see that someone knew how a comic should be made into a movie after seeing such mistakes as Spawn and the Hulk.

  • Well, I thought I may like this movie as it had a rather strong cast, but I only enjoyed the first maybe 20 mins of it. It just sort of fell apart after that. It is a rather standard plot - Drifter/Crim gets played by a Judge, a "pretty" girl and the wife of a rich man. The best performance probably comes from Vinnie Jones, and he is only in it for about 10 mins all together. How this movie got made I do not know.

    Owen delivers a poor performance, and his voice and manner is more annoying than ever. Morgan does a half ass-ed job at playing someone hiding a secret and the only thing to say about Sheen is that he looks like he has put on a few pounds. This movie leaves you feeling bored but relieved that it is over.

    DO NOT see this movie if you have to pay, you will want your money back.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This has to be, without a doubt, one of the single strangest movies I have ever seen. A horror / thriller/ comedy. As posted before the deer is a little to stuffed for my liking, and the kicking legs were rather cheesy (the constant beating on the horn kind of amused me).

    Other than that, I thought it was pretty good. The worst scene cringe factor wise would be the shaving in the bath scene...sent chills up my legs. The idea is great, but I think they went a little overboard with the 'cabin fever' theme - things became strange - deliverance x train spotting x chainsaw massacre x night of the living dead.

    I think it is worth having a look at....there are some delightfully wicked moments and a lot of messy ones. There is even a cheesy little joke at the end which should at least make you smirk.......Oh, and you gotta love the Gay Redneck.
  • This movie is ok. Not the best vampire movie but not the worst. It has a cool concept behind it and some of the effects are good but it can start to get a little boring as your waiting for another short action scene. Some of it is also predicatable....still worth looking at though, it could be worse, it could be Blade II.
  • This movie is so damn funny I almost peed myself many many times....... This movie is suitable for anyone who finds movies such as Super Troopers, Dogma or American pie funny, though It seems that smokers do find It a little more amusing than others, but i rekkon everyone should see this flick........It's just Damn funny.