Reviews (4)

  • While the movie itself is pretty shabby (the reenactments are hilarious, the voice-over sounds boring and the interviews are being conducted in various uninteresting settings with varying sound levels), the theory behind the plot is pretty convincing. The CIA was probably investigating Jimi and his death was very suspicious. Nevertheless, most people will continue to thing Jimi died after suffocating in his own vomit after taking too many sleeping pills, while the evidence shows that someone must have drowned him in red wine. Was it the CIA? Was it his manager? The truth remains uncertain, since most people involved have died, mostly also in suspicious circumstances...
  • If you don't want to ***spoil*** your dinner, don't eat desert first...

    It's really hard to describe the general plot of this great movie in a few words; a pure love story, an exciting police thriller, a lesson in life, a cruel mob-story or a totally screwed up road movie would all do fine, but in any case it's a real nice piece of acting with a blazing all-american sounding soundtrack. Kiefer really showed the world that he's not only a convincing bad guy on the screen, but also a mean movie maker.

    The movie builds up towards a long lasting thrilling ending, which will really nail you to your seat. The love story ends painstakingly tragically, while in the old-school gangster movie justice prevails, in true Tarantino style. As a viewer you are drawn to sympathize with the sensitive and intelligent - yet not very bright in planning a robbery - gangster Raymond and his pregnant girlfriend Addy, but as a good citizen you feel relieved that the undercover agent Marcus survives the fire fight. A real must see if you can stand some gangster style shooting and killing here and there.
  • This movie is actually the proof that all you need to make a movie in Hollywood is a lot of unnecessary stupid action and a good ending story about 2 cops lynching bad guys. All 2 women in this movie that have a line other than 'aaaah', are dumb and over-sensitive. A few scenes that illustrate the originality of the script writers: bad guys in a car chase end up underneath a fuel truck, which explodes in a sea of fire... good guy falls out of a window, but can hold on to a ridge... cop:'do you know the doctor?' - girl: 'I don't need a shrink' - cop:'I never said he was a psychiater'...

    Another aspect is the morality in this flick. On the one hand smokers are being prevented from lighting a cigarette, but on the other hand a cop can shoot someone in foot and hand during an interrogation. Of course this reflects the all-american point of view on the world: if you think someone is bad, you can beat the hell out of that person, without thinking twice.

    Anyway, I know this movie might be fun for 80% of the American population, but I'm pretty sure this movie went 'straight to video' in Europe!
  • This is one good film, that actually puts you in a German submarine during World War II. Imagine being bombarded by depth charges and there is nothing you can do but wait and keep quiet. Anybody who watches this movie, is thinking: 'never, never, never ever in my life would I put myself in that situation...'

    The innocence of the reporter, the fear and humanity of the men on board is so well depicted, that is easy (too easy, perhaps) to empathize with those nazi's under the sea. Any movie that can put feelings across as well as 'Das Boot', whether it's joy, love, hate, or in this case, fear, is definitely worth watching. Compared to other movies about fear, such as 'Panic Room' and 'Phone Booth', this movie is many times more thrilling...