Reviews (97)

  • Turns out pretty good escape room kinda movies, with a shock & twist at the end !

    At first I thought what a lame poster, almost not watching it, but saw Manolo Cardona stars in it, so I eventually gave it a try.

    Storylines/drama are interesting, good pace, the stories are explains well.

    Don't expect much like Oscar worthy or anything, because this just B rated movie.

    Just something to enjoy if you have free time to pass.

    I love Manolo Cardona such a great actor, can't believe he's the one directed this movie ?

    Pretty talented now he's a charming spanish actor too.

    If you love movie like this genre go for it.
  • First of all, why people giving too low ratings? It's not that bad. I know it's cliche but still fun to watch. Not like other boring drama that all they did was talking for the rest of episodes. First ep already got actions , spy things, kidnapped , & some humors. I love the main actor Steve Howey, he's got a pretty good builds & charming & good looking, perfect to do actions stuff . It's just a fun drama, not exactly an Emmy Award kind of stuff . Pretty much like Burn Notice, Blood & Treasures, the latest tv that I watched was The Company You Keep which pretty standard pilot episode. Needs to see more of light tv series after watching The Last of Us .
  • The first reasons I'm excited to see the show is because the lead, (Joel ) Pedro Pascal is my favorite actor. He's been an amazing actor with Narcos, The Mandalorian, Game of Thrones , Prospect (go check it out if u haven't seen it yet ) , The Equalizer, Triple Frontier, etc.. Obviously because his performance is really solid and very convincing. Storylines, dialogue, actions scenes, & most importantly the attention to details, are very good. The best things about this show so far is the visual effects , the post-apocalypse settings , & stick closely to their game appearances are brilliant. Really enjoyed this show & looking forward to see more series adaptations as good as this !
  • Beautiful scenes as Yellowstone, the cow, the horses, cowboys & all but we've seen it all already in Yellowstone. What attracts me to this show is when this young alike Indiana Jones character called Spencer Dutton plays by a good looking Brandon Sklenar gets all actions , thrilling scenes with lions/ leaopard in Africa. I wish Brandon gets a standalone series or something just him & the lions & his adventures. Harrison Ford the lead , amazing as always , then I also saw James Badge Dale but his name not in opening theme not sure why. So far the storyline are well paced, I am looking forward to see more of the story of this Duttons family.
  • How come this show has average ratings? It was very well developed, got an interesting character, & good paced, as well as entertaining storylines. I am very fond of the character, Detective Avraham played by Jeff Willbusch ., what a great character potrayal ! He could have wins awards for his performance. The cast are all pretty good & solid. It makes the shows different & felt real. There's a great dialogue & some intense scenes that makes you wanting for more. If you enjoyed watching intense crime procedural drama etc,. Mindhunters ,True Detective, The Killing , then this one is very well recommended. I hope this show would be continue for more seasons to come ! Just so I can watch the handsome leads some more.
  • How come this show has low rating? It was really entertaining, It is about detective story solving crimes shows but the main character here was outstanding. Really love the main lead played by Kjell Bergqvist who delivers a strong characteristic as a detective who's somewhat arrogant but has emotional past stories. Storylines also very good , fast paced , some tense moments , mysteries & intriguing. I hope this show could continues for more seasons , more thrilling moments . I really enjoyed binge watching all 2 seasons so far. Need more people to watch this ! It was far better than any american drama series out there.
  • Pretty good action thriller drama, great performance from both lead actors that I loved, Luke Evans & Michiel Huisman !

    Bambi (played by Luke Evans) is the brother to the women who got kidnapped, and the women"s husband, Prince (played by Michiel Huisman) . They both on the rescue kind of missions.

    The more you watched , the more interesting it became.

    Wedding scenes in the pilot episodes are pretty long , might just skip it.. If you loves Jack Ryan, Jack Reacher, Terminal List kinda genre, then you will enjoy this also.

    Every episodes so far got actions stuff & some intense scenes. I love this kind of show I hope there's more.
  • First of all, how are they even shooting this dive scenes inside the caves & all ? It was absolutely well done with such a well acted cast. I love all these underrated cast, Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell, Joel Edgerton, & Tom Bateman. These amazing cast not only have to potray a character, but has to physically did the stunt performances. Very thrilling & stress to watch not knowing it was that level of difficulty since we've only heard from the news. One of the best inspired survival stories I've seen !
  • Omg, lots of action, stunt performances was very good. Then, the way they shoot with cameras was super advanced.

    Ryan Gosling was pretty cool, cute & calm, fit for these 007 role.

    Chris Evans plays his character so well, as the villain, funny & crazy guy. If you loves action movies, James Bond, Mission Impossible etc.. the this definitely worth a watch ! Hopes they make a sequel or something.
  • If you loves Jack Ryan, Jack Reacher, war drama, actions stuff, etc.. then this one totally for you ! Although we've seen this kinda cliche storylines before, this one still a great production. Drama, action / stunts & acting performances are perfect. So I'm enjoying it I want more series like this !
  • Very good storylines, thrilling, actions spy drama. Very good performances by the actors ! Keep you on the edge of seat, cause you kinda wanna know what's gonna happens next & next.. A must watch for sure !
  • I love foreign movies.. this movie was very moving, entertaining, thrilling, good pace.. Great performances by the actors, especially the lead Konstantin Khabenskiy (go see him in a tv series called The Method, he's very amazing in it ). Some people said this one copy hollywood movie, but I found it stands on its own stories in a good way. As long as it interesting to watch, go watch it people ! You won't regret it... hope there's more film like this.
  • I like the good looking father, the acting are amazing father and son.. very heart breaking drama.. should win the Academy Awards. Good storyline, visual is good, I wanna see more of this kinda film..
  • Gosh, Jack Lowden is so adorable in this show ! It's a great dark comedy espionage series ! I want more and more seasons please ! I wanna see River Cartwright in more trouble/actions !
  • This show has easily became my favorite original series ! Not related to any marvel series, it feels fresh, great storylines, casting performances, action, adventure, everything packed nicely.. The most highlighted is Oscar Isaac multiple performances.. gosh he's so good ! Plus I'm enjoying the beautiful scenes and the music...
  • People, stop giving low ratings to great movie.. This movie deserve at least 7-10 rating.. Reunites Chris Pine with Ben Foster, I love these two in Hell or High Water.. great actions, stunts, feels like watching all those action films I've used to watch back in the day.. If you loves thriller, actions drama, like Jack Ryan, Jack Reacher, Mission Impossible, James Bond, then this one for you !
  • Why people gives so low ratings ? It's not that bad.. I'm only watching cause of the great cast.. loves Pedro Pascal & David Duchovny ! Plus there's some cameos (no spoilers) This movie is clearly a parody/satirical/comedy.. so just take it lightly, and if you love the cast, just go watch it.. love Adam Levine's song at the end of credit !
  • I gave a 10/10 earlier after watching 1st episode hoping something fun to happen.. But the show progress not interesting. Actions and stuff are pretty great. Pablo Schreiber also tall & fit the roles perfectly.. plus I don't mind if he wanna take off the helmet.. But the other characters in the show not likeable. You guys better go watch Moon Knight much more interesting.
  • This show was absolutely fantastic ! The storylines, writing, pace, continuity of story were all in order.. if you binge watching all of them episodes, you will definitely understand why he's like that.. I totally got hooked watching the first ep cause the character potrayal were strong.. Lead actor Konstantin Khabensky done such a great job with his character.. I've seen thousands of police/detective procedural series/movies & I have to say this was one of my favorite ! I hope we get to see more seasons even though that shocking last ep (no spoiler) I'ma cries.. Overall if you love True Detective, The Killing, Sherlock, The Fall, Fargo or any dark crime, then this one is for you !
  • What a surprise to found this gem ! How come I never heard of this serie? I've seen so many foreign series, I would say this was one of the best Spanish series I've ever seen ! Acting was phenomenal ! Lead actor performance was so good! The epidemic plague with those disgusting scenery feels real.. Very dark,eerie, haunting, mystery, drama, history, thriller all combines into what makes this series a great one to binge !
  • Firstly, how come not many people watching this ??

    I found it very interesting.. the plot, storylines, actions & drama very good.. great acting too ! Literally got stuck into this show cause of two handsome male cast Adan Canto & Oliver Hudson ! It was worth it, hope there's more seasons to come !
  • I'm curious why everyone gave this show so high ratings when it I try to watch the first ep..., turns out got totally hooked till the end !! I haven't read any of them books & not really a fan of the movies.. but this show really worth checking out.. the storylines, character performances , & action sequences are all blending nicely... I love that Jack Reacher so damn brutal (lead actor Alan Ritchson did a damn great job potraying this badass character).. plus this show pays attention to detail.. Overall very entertaining & I do want more seasons to come !
  • One of the best Russian movie I've seen.. very good cast performances, good storyline, good pace, good actions & drama (similar to Zorro).. won't make you feel boring.. lead actor Pyotr Fyodorov, I've seen him in Sputnik, The Blackout, Stalingrad & tv show, 'The Dyatlov Pass Incident' (recommended).. he's such an incredible actor !
  • What a surprise to found this gem ! How come I never heard of this serie? I've seen so many foreign series, I would say this was one of the best Russian series (based on true stories) I've ever seen ! Acting was phenomenal ! Lead actor was good looking too ! All cast performances were great! Very eerie, haunting, mystery, drama, history, war, thriller all combines into what makes this series a great one to binge !
  • Accidentally found this serie..great cast performances.. especially the main lead actor.. it's kinda like The Rookie.. the acting are very real & believable.. some romances, drama, sometimes intense moments cause they are doing police everyday works. Overall good for a binge watch.
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