
IMDb member since November 2004
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The Lost World

Well done version, dino notwithstanding
Well acted and truer to the book than most versions, this film keeps you interested as long as you are not concerned about the dinos. John Rys Davies and Warner are very good as usual. The rest of the cast are virtual unknowns even today, so you are not seeing seminal performances by current well known actors.

As far as the dinos, think Dr. Who back in the Jon Pertwee era. Some scenes aren't bad but generally we're talking rubber dinos that look like rubber dinos. As in Who, the story outweighs the special effects. (Current Who TV has great special effects of course.) still, as I said, some scenes are better than others.

Notwithstanding them, the film is worth a look.

Warehouse 13: The Greatest Gift
Episode 13, Season 3

Great Christmas special
I gave this show 9 out of 10 only because I think nothing is really perfect, but this special is as good as it gets in itself, and as it relates to the series. Nice storyline, good intertwining with all the Warehouse characters and villain, and excellent production values. The special effects are prevalent and carried out effectively. The story is nicely thought out so that it's not a typical series Christmas special (a standard story with some Christmas balls and decorations thrown in). The interaction of the main characters is, as usual, excellent. Generally a very well done Christmas special. Highly recommended especially for fans of the series.

On the Isle of Samoa

Odd role for Jon Hall
A fairly decent formula movie of this era with Hall again on an island (Samoa) but this time after he steals some money from his nightclub boss and crashes a stolen plane on the island. Hall is not likable in this movie, which is a credit to him since I thought I would have a hard time disassociating him from his other island movies.Unfortunately his character keeps one from enjoying the movie as we did in the "Tuttles of Tahiti". Susan Cabot is the love interest and she plays the part well. Lightweight fare that does somewhat struggle to hold your interest. However, it's only 63 minutes so it won't tie up your evening or Sunday afternoon.

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