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Every Last One of Them

respect that they made a movie... but
It was just an awful, awful movie

Horrible script to start with. Implausible.

Just don't even know where to start with how dumb this was. They stole some elements from Rambo, First Blood, but they could not even make them right.

Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain

good film, while not complete, it was too long
He floated like a duck on the surface, but underneath the water, he was paddling crazy. As you watch this film, a slow story evolves about a man who falls apart because he was in over his head, but addicted to attention. I wondered at how people around him could let him fall apart like that, I guess because they depended on him, made money off of him.

It was obvious to me that he had an imbalance in his brain and needed medical attention - not just a therapist but a real doctor.

The first part of the film inspired me with creativity and showing off his writing ability. He was truly talented. Too bad he didn't settle down and write more, travel less. Nevertheless, the first part of the film should inspire any artist.

The end of it goes on too long, and it is very sad.

Addendum: they used voice replication technology to recreate Anthony's voice - too much. I wish they would have been more up-front about that fact also. It was not all him. So, that part kinda left a bad taste.....

Planet Terror

one of the few that sees the good and bad points
It's a corny film with some weak concoctions - which just don't work. The machine gun on the leg was just dumb. And kind of insulting to people who lose a limb. But, still, it had it's good points. It wove a few interesting back stories into the mix. Josh Brolin had a pretty good character, and the barque joint owner who is always working on his recipe is pretty good. Rose McGowan played a good character - the rest were just there for the explosions.

There's a lot of action, but the people and the zombies die too easily. I guess that's the way it was in those films.

Worth watching, worth your time, but not a great film. You could do something else while watching it and not miss anything.


good film, well-structured
This is a well-structured, well-written film that has enough twists and turns to keep the excitement going through the film. It's a thriller, but I could not figure out if some of the comedy was really meant to be comedy - of if I'm so used to satire and snarkiness that I took some things that meant to be serious as comedy.

Reese Witherspoon did a good job of portraying a young girl who is much more intelligent than the system would have you believe. I think they tried to make her look too stupid in the beginning. Kiefer Sutherland was very convincing as the bad guy. Even had a small appearance by the beautiful Brittany Murphy.

Yeah, it's not exactly all believable, but it could happen. It's a movie. Definitely worth the time.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

enjoyed the detail, but the characters got me the most
I really identified with Brad Pitt's character and his back story -- someone who is labelled for life for something he may or may not have even done - and even if he did it was justifiable to a certain degree. He's blacklisted in a way, shunned. And he acts the character very well. Leonardo DiCaprio's character is also very interesting - how he examines his life and arcs.

I was born after the time of this film, but I really enjoyed the little details in the visuals. Amazingly detailed. This is the kind of film you watch again just to see all the signatures of the time. I watch Rockford Files a lot - and much of the details match up -- but Rockford Files was filmed in the 1970s.


visually stunning, broken story
As another reviewer said, the story offered places for a plot twist, but the writer or director failed to take up the opportunity. Through most of the film Marianne Beauséjour is the more interesting character. and once they move to London, the story is hers. She was conflicted, but we don't get to see much of this internal conflict -- rather the story follows the male lead, Max Vatan, played by Bradd Pitt. He should have been but a supporting role to her story. Once again, another film that could have been great had they worked on the script like they worked on the set design. On the whole, worth watching for the sets and setting, and the conflict with the Germans.

Birth of the Dragon

pretty good film, not a Bruce lee biopic
This is a story about a fight in Chinatown, and characters surrounding it. It's about deciding the fate of Kung Fu, and the isolationist, ethnocentric Chinese who wanted to keep it a secret versus Bruce Lee who wanted to broadcast it to the world, and thus take it to white culture.

Bruce Lee is NOT the main character of the film, rather the main character is a white guy who is pulled in two directions by the two deciding forces of Shaolin Kung Fu. And then the white guy finds something, a girl, who he wants to fight for, and possibly die for.

The film concerns philosophy and control of ideas - that's the theme. It is NOT a biopic.

The main fight scene was way too long, but the fight scenes near the end were pretty good and entertaining.

The Connected Universe

quite a bunch of hocus pocus make-believe
This has the scientific veracity of alchemy in the middle ages. It's all made-up. The filmmaker obviously has talent for special effects, but the base materials are drawn from Nassim Haramein who does not do experiments, nor does he have peers review his findings. They just make up physics that sounds good and surround it with story telling.

The Proposition

Very good film, but a little slow. Catches up at the end
It's a very beautiful film, full of magnificent shots. Really hypnotizing how gorgeous the director captures the landscape. The story is interesting on one level of brothers, on different sides of morality. Different world viewpoints. But, that's about it. Worth watching just for the scenery and the acting. The actors were outstanding. Very subtly played.

I just never gets complex enough for me, nor are the stakes high enough.

Femme Fatales

at least they produced something
I'm fascinated by the disparate reviews .... mostly all 10s or 1s

This is not a great series as it suffers from poor writing and poor acting, but what do people think? everything is going to be Martin Scorsese? These guys did their best with a low budget.

The one thing I would say is that a femme fatale should lead a man to his demise, but too often in the stories, the femme fatale takes revenge on her man or the lead man. The women should be quietly and deceptively manipulative, and lead a man to his demise. He should not go there because he's an idiot or because he's arrogant or stupid.....

The writing could use a lot of work, but the series is different, unusual. The casting of ladies is awesome - and they should slow the credits down so you can figure out who the actresses were.


So subtle that I missed parts of it the first time
This film is almost 10 years old now. I watched it a second time and I appreciated it much, much more the second time.

I think it helped that I knew it's a tragedy, not a thriller. This is not action-filled, guns blazing. It's a rather sad story of a man who becomes trapped.

I also like that it was not structured like a typical Hollywood film. It has a dual story line featuring Adrian Brody in one, with Ben Affleck and Diane Lane in the other. Yet it is also broken up into sequences - and during different sequences you're convinced a different suspect committed the murder.

I think if you set your expectations to see a good character study, with sadness and triumph, you will enjoy this film. Also, there is a lot of subtlety to the film, little hints and clues that are not hammered at the viewer. The actors play it very soft, especially Diane Lane. She does a great job. There is a lot going on with her, a woman who is married to a wealthy man. But she would like something more. She's trapped also. All the characters are trapped in some way.

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