
IMDb member since May 2013
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    IMDb Member
    11 years


Young Sheldon

Hollywood proves they don't even know what communism is
The bread episode sums up that Hollywood is completely brain dead when it comes to knowing what socialism or communism is.

Since Sheldon was protesting that he was upset about the cost cuts a new company took to make the same loaf of bread (meaning a new but mediocre bread), that actually means he supports capitalism, not communism. Those stale, tasteless soar loafs is what you will find in the old communist soviet union.

This is another blatant example of Hollywood/Netflix trying to shove socialism in everyone's head.

The Hunt

One of the dumbest movies ever made
Seriously, what kind of mindless clown came up with this rubbish? , has to be the worst movie ever made. By an angry hate fueled party of losers.

Seriously, what kind of mindless clown came up with this rubbish? , has to be the worst movie ever made. By an angry hate fueled party of losers.

No Time to Die

Go Woke Go Broke
Another franchise bites the dust and tries to force this disgusting woke agenda on us all. Why did they have to destroy the Bond franchise for? I do not recommend watching this.

Space Jam: A New Legacy

Worst movie I have ever seen in my life
Talk about total waste of time and money. The original was 1000 times better than this trash. I do not recommend anyone wastes their time nor money on this sorry excuse of a movie.

The Midnight Sky

This movie seems like it was written by AOC, in her sleep
What a pile of messy garbage. This movie makes NO sense at all. Don't waste your time watching it.

Death to 2020

Another Woke POS
Why does Samuel L Jackson have to be in every single effen thing? Does he have some sort of sickness? attention seeking sickness, definitely a Narcissist. "I must be in every movie and ruin it for everyone".

I'm Thinking of Ending Things

The girl is unbelievably annoying
What an arrogant, self absorbed, condescending POS.

The I-Land

Why is the POTUS a female?
Talk about total fiction. I can get past all the other stuff, but this? come on!!!!

Uncut Gems

Good story but unnecessarily annoying with the audio
What's with all the stupid music playing constantly? what was the point of that? It was totally unnecessary.

Paradise Beach

Camera work was great
But the storyline was atrocious. Absolutely no thought went into the script.

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