
IMDb member since September 2013
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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Unfortunately - not impressed...
The movie was if nothing else loud and brutal. But in my opinion it did mot make it up to the standards of Mad Max: Fury Road. It was also at some moments surprisingly slow. I checked my watch like 50 min in the movie - not a good sign. I would dare to say that even the camera work was not as good as in fury road. It was not a total disappointment, but I don't think I would recommend it. It was also hard to imagine that this Furiosa will become the Charlize Theron's Furiosa. Like there is a whole universe between the two actresses and they depict her character with different depth and honesty. And I definitely prefer the Charlize's Furiosa. I am glad that I got popcorn and a lounge seat at the theater, that somewhat compensated the light disappointment that started creeping in me after the first hour.

The Phoenix Tapes '97

Don't know what to say really
I have one question: Why was this film categorized as a documentary on Prime? I was initially suspicious when it was announced that the footage had never been revealed to the public before. Given its placement in the documentary section, I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and watch it. As the movie progressed, however, my suspicions only grew. I wanted to believe it was a genuine documentary, but then the appearance of the creature behind the tree made it clear-it took me a while, but I realized I had been ignoring all the clues. It turns out, it's a sci-fi horror film, yet Prime had it listed under documentaries. I gave it two stars because it started off quite convincingly, and the meteors were impressive.


Hollywood needs a vacation!
I don't know what is happening lately but it's just disaster after the disaster of movies that come out of Hollywood. Do they all need a break?! This new addition to the series of "blockbusters" is astonishingly plain, full of cliches and zero depth. The cast was a good one, so I ask myself was that production made, because they had some money to spend, didn't want to overwork themselves and had some free time to offer??? This movie felt more like the final semester project of a film school graduate than a real Hollywood production. I am quite sure that my eleven years old niece would be equally amused with how shallow this movie is as was.


Totally unrealistic
Not that I personally had to go through such disaster, but please, scene after scene I had to force myself to ignore just obvious cliches and script disasters. The family has to get on a plane to safe their asses, insulin for the kid got forgotten in the car, they do not just ask, hey are there medical supplies where we are going, no, the father has to go out of the secure zone and back to the car. Then five minutes later the whole airport is in Panik, planes exploding, shootings, thousands of people are running for their lives and the dad finds a soldier now, amidst the chaos, and asks, hey, have you seen my family (?!?) and the soldier answers, yes, I remember them... :)))))) really???? This is where I gave up on this disaster of a movie. Two stars for the two main actors, because they are good actors, though I have no idea what possessed them to take part in this production.

This Is Me... Now: A Love Story

I was emotional
It did speak to me, on many levels. Some said it was an attention seeking attempt this musical, but please, aren't we all :) I watched the documentary first and then the movie and must say I liked both. It is really hard to work with your inner child, it is hard to see yourself and learn to at least like yourself. I was there, I am still there and I felt inspired from Jennifer Lopes and her being honest, vulnerable. She is really an inspiration also as a professional. I even cried a little, when she met her inner child. She did the hard work and succeeded. I am happy for her. The cast was also superb - many great talents. The choreography was also great. Visually - I enjoyed it. Her songs were like what we know, but I was surprised that I liked the main song quite a bit. I was never you know a fan of her music, but in the new album there a couple of titles that kind of stuck with me.


Evan Peters was just amazing, but...
I couldn't watch past episode 4... it was just too much for me. He was so convincing, bringing the macabre to life, taking the viewer inside the mind and emotional catastrophe that Dahmar was, that it felt way too real, way too much for me to comprehend, so I just couldn't watch. The turning point for me was the kiss with the chopped head... I know it's just a movie, but it was so well done, I felt as if I were there and could feel his emptiness, his longing for a friend, his sorrow... his sickness ... I even felt sorry for him and this, this made me feel sick to my stomach. I couldn't watch any further.

How did Evan Peters manage to do this? To incorporate such e disturbing persona? How did he not lose his own sanity? But I guess that's what great actors are, they somehow manage not to lose themselves in the roles they are playing.

True Detective

Overall Score from me: 6
Season 1 was a Perfect 10, then season 2 went (despite a super cast) down to 7, season 3 - pretty boring - gets a 4 and season 4... well it just gets worse - some ghosts & rural legends mumbo jambo, sorry, can it get more unrealistic? I like ghost stories, but never would have expected one with True Detectives, especially when the tone was set with the first and second seasons. A nice 3 from me for Night Country, just because Jodie Foster is such a great actress and is doing her best in saving the day there. It makes me sad, to be disappointed over and over again. The first season was just brilliant: cast, story, cinematic, music (or the lack of it) - one of the best shows I've ever watched. And it just spiraled down from there. I am really not looking forward to a next season. Will be curious though, to see if they suddenly decided to make an improvement, but I won't keep my hopes high.


Dull and painful to watch...
I had really hard time watching this movie. I am very visual and pay attention to things, that usually might not be a bother to other people. The colors and the mood were dull and depressing to experience. Together with the story which develops slow and monotonous, it was a real dread to watch. In the end disappointingly enough we are left with no aha moment, no new vision for love and relationships. And on top of all the main actress had a bad hair day for every day of the days in the script. It was just! So! Painful! To watch! I almost quit watching because of this before we even got to the middle of it. But decided to stick with it. Well for me - not worthy. I still don't know what the message was. That love is hard? That love goes mysterious ways? That we love who we love, no matter what science tells us? Nothing we don't already know, only told in a dull, slow and painful way, as if the only aim of the movie was to emphasize one more time on the hardships of love, as if we do not know that yet?!

Run Rabbit Run

Visually well done
Very atmospheric, the color theme changes along with the story, this plot itself was captivating, but I really didn't like the open ending... it leaves you wonder. It was not over the top with the horror scenes. Very balanced. No disgusting or shocking stuff, which I did appreciate. The story goes quite abstract towards the end and I could not help but think that I needed a reality check, I mean, I needed an ending that tells me what really happened there with the daughter... I imagined I would have enjoyed a scene with a tv reporter broadcasting from the house where we find out that the mother in fact killed the daughter and the husband in the midst of her delusions. I needed a confirmation that I managed to guess what the real story behind the plot was. Anyway, I liked it but did not love it.


Great entertainment!
Wonderful light entertainment! With it's catchy dialogues and friendly action scenes, the story is not complex and doesn't push me to think too much, but it's interesting enough to keep my attention, and it's also visually pleasing. Everything is well balanced - special effects are not strikingly obvious, the romance doesn't make you cringe and there is just the right amount of drama, enough to support the story and give credibility to the characters. Some say it's not realistic, well, I am personally super happy with it. If you want realistic - watch a documentary :) I must admit, I was skeptical at first. Now I can only recommend it.


Thought provoking
Many reviews took a personal turn on this one. Though I do agree with their stand, I will try to leave my emotions to weather the perpetrator should have been punished on the side.

The movie was very well structured, shows in a chronological order the events and gives the viewer the opportunity to concentrate on the two sides of the story.

In my opinion the filmmakers did a good job not taking a side, thus allowing the audience to make its own opinion, to be angry, to want to defend, to look for justice. Brilliant approach - we give you the facts, you be the judges. Great juxtaposition for the two parties - the perpetrator, the victim and the media, with its undeniable power to create and destroy.

There is clearly a lot to be done regarding punishment when catfishing involved. I am not familiar with the laws, but can only assume from this film, that there is not much to protect people from this physiologically- and as seen also life harming act of violence.


Mind blowing!
I was skeptical at first... oh, the next Brazil I thought.. but then! Omg! The music and the introduction are just brilliant. I watched it every time - usually I would skip the intro. The story was revealed with each episode precisely enough to keep you hooked for the next one. And one would think about life, about work, about how we build our existence... very thought provoking. I thought to give it ten stars, but then remembered there were some critical moments were I could actually guess what the twist was, before it was revealed - so that was a slight setback for me in the experience. However, I can't wait for the next season.


It like a parody of the original
I am so disappointed. I was looking forward to seeing it, a fan of the original - favorite movie from my childhood. What did I have to endure in the first episode: poor dialogue, naive, as if the writers did their job while having a slumber party, it even reaches the realms of comedy... the whole feeling was brought down to a light entertainment sitcom... nothing to do with the serious, emotional and deep original movie, where the characters had a purpose and the feeling of a constant dread, but also hope, did not leave the viewer at ease untill the final captions. I will not start with how annoying and without a depth the main character (and the supporting ones) is. Sadly this attempt to revive the original is very, very disappointing.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Entertaining, light, but touching!
Loved it! Will watch again! Very entertaining, light movie, with beautiful effects, fun dialogs and enchanting characters. Yet touching and even though not that deep and profound, it is a sincerely crafted story about the power of love. There were a couple of moments where I did think, oh, well, this reaction of that character was totally unrealistic, even for a fantasy story, but, then again, it was really not that bad and didn't ruin my experience. It is kids friendly and you can make a great family movie night out of it. So, may be some professionals would not give it a ten, but I, as a happy customer give it full points, for making me for an hour and a half forget my daily troubles. Oh, loved the soundtrack - how great to have Guns'n'Roses and Slashes supreme solos support the storyline!

Pieces of Her

Interesting, but somewhat annoying
I just can't believe how much I hate the daughter... incapable, weak, annoying character! But hey, she triggers something in me I guess :) Anyway, the story develops relatively slow, otherwise I like the camera angles and the colors - visually quite pleasing. But the looser daughter ist just driving me crazy :)))

The Power of the Dog

Unexpectedly suspenseful!
Compelling, at moments predictable, but captivating movie. The characters are believable, multilayered. The somewhat slow scenes pull the spectator into the dry, hot summer days on the ranch. Suspenseful.

Mare of Easttown

Superb performance!
Kate Winslet blew my mind! I mean left me speechless! What e Performance! I believed every second of it. Just masterful! Yes, I am rating this series based entirely on her performance , because she made the whole thing. I cannot imagine other actress could have done it better.

Army of Thieves

Loved it!
Highly entertaining movie, with a light and funny dialog, lovable characters and beautiful fight scenes. It also offers some love and drama, and mystery. Just loved it. Our lives are too serious to miss a lovely movie like this one.

Avengers: Endgame

5 minutes of my life
So I just waisted 5 precious minutes of my life. This superwoman character is absolutely not credible! Come on, she is not destructible, she has no limits, she can go light years in space and bring on her shoulders a whole spaceship back to, why make a whole movie, and involve and kill a bunch of other way cooler and believable characters on the way, when you can just use this, the one and only, incredible all-can-do woman and just finish the film in 5 minutes. It makes no sense what you people did there. Even Superman had his limits, and was vulnerable and felt real, we were glad to accept him as a hero, because he felt like one of us. But she, she is nothing like us, humans, so I just don't get it. Sorry, one star for this nonsensical thing you call Avengers: Endgame. And yes, my rating is based on 5 minutes watching, but it is like reading a book - if you don't like the first pages, you won't fall for the rest of it...

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