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Spider-Man 3

It's nothing like the first two movies.
I honestly don't know what to say. Good direction. Okay story. Fantastic effects and action. The story itself is getting pretty old. The whole love affair not working out with Peter and Mary Jane is getting rather old. Well, to me anyway. What I really liked about this movie is that we experience Peter's dark side. Like with Venom taking him over and Peter expressing his pain to all the people that have picked on him instead of Peter been the good, polite and generous hero Spider-Man. That's what I liked about this movie. We see Peter Parker as a brand new dark character. Sandman was pretty good. There was a huge secret about him killing Uncle Ben right at the end, but I wont spoil it. Harry as The Green Goblin was a good idea, if not predictable to see coming after watching the second one. Harry loses his memory after he tries to kill Parker, but it slowly grows back to what he has to do...KILL SPIDER-MAN. Venom was excellent. Only problem was he came in just after 100 mins of the movie. He's my favorite villain. I wanted to see more of him. But Venom was powerful, quick and awesome. He's in it in the last 20 mins. From 100-120 ins you'll see him on screen. But a pretty good movie...but the whole love affair between Peter and Mary Jane needs to be stopped and over with. It's getting too much. Other than that, pretty good movie. 8/10

Wild Hogs

It will never win any Oscars. This film is great for cheering up and nonstop laughs.
This movie had a pretty weird cast. Weird characters. Weird everything. But the movie works out really well. It's actually good to see Tim Allen playing in something else besides the boring Christmas and family movies. The acting is very weird...but it really suited the characters they were playing. The plot itself is original and the whole idea is original. The plot is just 4 friends setting off on an adventure. Very simple and entertaining. John Travolta said in an interview that he had a blast doing this movie. He hasn't said that since Pulp Fiction and that's saying something.

Overall a very entertaining and hilarious movie. My theater was crying with laughter. Everyone around me was laughing at some joke. Good for a laugh. If you're in the mood for laughter, see it. 8/10

Mr. Bean's Holiday

It definitely had its moments.
Mr Bean is back and is again going to be causing more disaster! Rowan Atkinson still plays the part tremendously. 19 years later and is still playing the same guy. Rowan Atkinson just never seems to want to get old. He still looks young and as fit as anything. Rowan Atkinson does his stunts in this movie too. The acting is somewhat good. What this movie tends to do is not be funny for 5 minutes and then they throw in a laugh out loud joke. It doesn't seem to fail once. This film is a movie for everyone of all ages. All the kids and adults were laughing all the way through it. Don't believe all the critics or haters. It's exactly the same with Meet The Fockers. Whenever there's a comedy sequel people bash it, and guess what? They haven't seen it or all of it. So ignore the haters and enjoy a laugh out loud joke every 5 minutes or so.

Hot Fuzz

Action packed, fun, funny movie!
The trailer didn't really make me laugh at all. It just wasn't funny or well told. I went to see this movie in theaters to see see exactly what it would be like. It was funny, hilarious and action packed. The only thing I didn't like about it was the c word been used. It just wasn't necessary and to me it was out of place. Didn't work for me. I also thought them showing us the killings all over again was a bit too repetitive. I doubt the adults will enjoy it much. Depending upon if they love teenage humor and comedy and things teen i doubt they will enjoy it. If your parents love true funny movies and know what comedy is about bring them along. If they don't, then they're really missing out. Funny, action packed film. What's not to enjoy?

The Majestic

6.6/10? What absolute bull. Don't believe the low rating.
I heard bad things about this movie. I heard it wasn't well written and that Jim Carrey was a bad actor in it etc. DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT! It's not true. This movie is absolutely amazing. Jim Carrey did an excellent job at acting serious. He was 100% serious in this movie. He didn't try any facial expressions or noises he was 100% serious. He did an unforgettable role. He's even more serious than The Truman Show. The story is well put together and well written. Carrey losing his memory after a car crash in the river. The town people think he's someone that went to war and who has come back. Carrey must try to remember who he is. The people they know who he is are looking for him and will cause a lot of trouble if he doesn't find out quick. Fantastic, sweet and dramatic story. I recommend it to anyone. It is to be enjoyed by anyone. 10/10


Was it good? No, pretty mediocre.
Let me start off by saying that this film was getting a lot of good reviews and excellent praise. Just like The Departed. Okay direction. Pretty good cinematography. Good visuals, boring film, lots of TALK TALK TALK, and then they get to the fighting and the fighting is uneventful. The trailer's awesome, but the movie is mostly boring. The Best War Movie is Saving Private Ryan and it always will be. I only recommend it to people who love war movies on matter what or are fans of the actors or the director/writers. Bridge to Terabithia was excellent though. Disney's trying to make it LOOK like Narnia or something, but it's more about these kids and their lives, with not a whole lot of 'fantasy' CGI stuff. But anyway, I give 300 a 5/10.

Epic Movie

Not as bad ad Date Movie, but definitely still a bad movie.
This film is bad, don't get me wrong. I saw it because I had nothing else better to do. Nothing else was on so I thought i'd see this. The acting is bad, the jokes are not funny at all. There are however surprisingly a few jokes that made me laugh. I wont tell you what they are for I hate doing spoilers, but there are a few jokes in there that work and that can make you laugh. PG-13 just doesn't work with these type of spoof and reference movies. The first Scary Movie worked because it's R rated and it works better as gross out spoof comedy and not a toilet humor PG-13 movie. Only see this movie if you want to laugh out loud a few times. If that's not good enough, don't see it all...period. Not as bad as Date Movie, but so close.

Nacho Libre

Not nearly as good as Napoleon Dynamite.
Nacho Libre" is one of those films where the personnel involved are more interesting than the movie itself. Director Jered Hess follows up his successful "Napoleon Dynamite" with a new film that lacks all of the idiosyncratic charm of the earlier effort.

In the previous movie, Idaho came off as strange land that was in its own way as exotic as something J.R.R. Tolkien might have created. With a Mexican monastery as a setting, Hess' imagination isn't as fertile.

A lowly friar named Ignacio (Black) has spent most of his life cooking for the orphans and the monks who live with him. Better known as Nacho (presumably for the fact that he both makes and eats a lot of nachos), he has never been able to get past his secret longing to become a luchador.

He forms a tag team with a skinny thief named Esqueleto (Héctor Jiménez), and the two secretly enter the ring for real. Despite some painful training, Nacho and Esqueleto lose most of their matches but earn enough money to prepare better meals for the orphans. The pay also helps make up for being clobbered by a pair of ferocious midgets.

Back at the monastery, however, his fellow friars would not look kindly on his new activities, and a pretty nun (Ana de la Reguera) that Nacho pines for thinks luchadors are doing the Devil's work.

Despite some over the top moments, "Nacho Libre" seems curiously listless. Black can earn a few chuckles simply from the fact that his bulky frame belies his volcanic energy. Big guys aren't supposed to be able to run around like he does.

Many of the gags that Hess, his wife Jerusha and "School of Rock" writer Mike White come up with fall as flatly as Nacho does during the middle of his matches. After a while, it becomes tiresome to watch Nacho and Esqueleto taking yet another beating.

In "Napoleon Dynamite," our nerdy hero gradually became more dignified as the movie progressed, making him progress from a butt of jokes to a genuinely sympathetic character. Nacho's transformation isn't as well conceived.

Napoleon Dynamite had well written character development. This one does not.

Both "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Nacho Libre" had loose story lines, but the former had so many moments quirky surprise, that the threadbare story didn't matter. It also helped that Hess avoided using a lot of flatulence gags and other overused crutches that have used to death in the first film. This time around Hess embraces bodily function humor but lacks Mel Brooks' or even the Farrelly Brothers' gift for making it amusing.

"Nacho Libre" would have been more enjoyable if Hess had found a way to present Mexico in the same oddly delightful way he depicted Idaho.

Night at the Museum

It had its moments.
It's true after all.

You remember your childhood fantasy that when the lights go off and the doors are locked at the museum, the stuffed animals, detailed dioramas and monster dinosaurs come to life.

With the help of some impressive CGI, the New York Museum of Natural History does come to amazing life in the new Christmas offering 'Night at the Museum' taken from Croatian illustrator Milan Trenc's kid's book. And all in service of a story that is pure Hollywood schlock but largely saved by ingratiating performances.

After churning out 5 wildly successful films last year, Ben Stiller has returned to the big screen. With all history coming to chaotic life around him, what the film needs is grounding in humanity and Stiller wisely downplays his usual brand of frenetic comedy. The man is an actor and there is a subtle, heartfelt quality to his work not often seen.

That doesn't mean there aren't a few scenes of vintage Stiller as when he gets into a slapping contest with a recalcitrant capuchin monkey named Dexter.

Stiller is Larry Daley, a loser who can't seem to get his life going. His marriage has dissolved and he is trying desperately to hold onto his son's affections. When his latest wacky invention fizzles he reluctantly takes a responsible job as the night guard at the museum.

The new guy is welcomed to the position by three old coots who are being retired. The trio are the smooth octogenarians Dick Van Dyke, and Mickey Rooney and long time character actor Bill Cobbs.

The three geriatric actors seem to be having a rare old time back on the big screen.

As the night falls, Van Dyke warns ominously before leaving, "Don't let anything in. Or out!" When the sun sets, the museum comes to life and our hapless hero is on the run. He is chased by the bones of a massive T-Rex, lions prowl, Huns pillage and he is attacked by tiny railroad builders and vast armies of Roman soldiers – with large fiery catapults.

The railroaders are led by a tiny (and unbilled) Owen Wilson doing his Owen Wilson thing.

The two armies mount a battle as they want to conquer each other's territory – with poor Larry in the middle.

An excellent Robin Williams is Teddy Roosevelt come to life to give Larry advice on how to make something of his life. Mostly by coping with the carnage around him.

The museum is run by a humorless stuffed shirt named Reginald played with dead pan hilarity by The Office's Ricky Gervais.

Director Shawn Levy ('The Pink Panther') fills his screen with action. While Larry is being terrorized, there is inevitably a mastodon or group of Neanderthals just wandering around in the background.

And the geezers return in the night with an agenda of their own.

'Night at the Museum' could easily have become a one-joke movie. After the first night – what have you got? Well, writers Thomas Lennon & Robert Ben Garant don't let their screen-lay stop at that. Larry is persuaded to come back for a second try – this time prepared for the onslaught.

Hilariously, none of his planning works.

The writers make one big mistake in their fantasy. A relationship develops between Larry and a docent named Rebecca (Carla Gugino). She can't finish a paper she's writing on Lewis and Clark's great Shoshone guide Sacagawea (Mizuo Peck).

Larry introduces her to the museum's now animated wax character and, presumably, the two talk history. But at another point, when Larry needs Roosevelt's historical expertise, the character observes that he really knows nothing – he's just a wax figure created by a factory in upstate New York.

You can't have it both ways guys.

A small detail I suspect and the kids who will make this one of the most popular films of the Christmas season won't notice.

"Night at the Museum' is not a flat-out comedy (though Stiller always has something droll happening) but that is not what its producers are after. Besides its spectacularly realized fantasy world, it wants to tell a story of a poor schmuck with good intentions who learns a few life lessons in self-reliance.

Fun and entertaining though it is, 'Night at the Museum' will not go on to become a season classic as Tom Hank's 'Polar Express.' No E.T here. But it takes a worthy place beside 'Jumanji' and 'Gremlins' and even this Christmas' 'Charlotte's Webb' as a fine fantasy family entertainment.

It will be scary for the little ones.

'Night at the Museum' is being released simultaneously in the big screen IMAX process. If you can, that is the way to see it. The digital effects are remarkably detailed and the huge IMAX screen really shows them off.

Happy Feet

Great movie for both adults and kids.
Just as some films can take a wrong turn early on and lose an audience, with only a miracle able to prompt a recovery, so some can grab you from the start and never let go. After about three minutes on screen, I was hopelessly in love with Happy Feet and it would have taken a disastrous collapse to change that. Thankfully, that collapse never comes and the film only gets better the longer it goes on. Without even accounting for the fact that it's been a pretty weak year for animated fare, Happy Feet is a balls-out masterpiece, easily and instantly one of the best non-Disney/Pixar American animated films ever made. It's Planet Earth narrated by way of Moulin Rouge instead of David Attenborough.

The theory goes that each penguin has its own individual "heartsong" which it needs to find a mate. Young Mumble (voiced by Daily when he's tickle and oh so cute, then Wood when he gets a bit older) is born with the worst singing voice in the penguin world, which can make for a pretty tough ride when your parents sound like Marilyn Monroe and Elvis. Compensation for this comes in the form of his love of dancing via his nonstop "happy feet". His mother (Kidman) is supportive but his dad (Jackman) is embarrassed by the whole affair ("It just ain't penguin son"). Marked as a disruptive influence by the elders (including Weaving doing a pretty damn good Scottish accent) and even blamed for the dwindling fish stocks, he's ostracised from the community and takes up with a group of Hispanic penguins on a quest to discover why the fish are disappearing.

There's nothing about Happy Feet that doesn't work, with every element just another layer of delicious icing on the cake. At its heart it's one of the most glorious celebrations of individuality, diversification and acceptance ever committed to film. But then it gets wrapped in a blanket of breathtaking visuals and a level of artistry that's almost photo-real in its beauty. The voice work is exemplary (Robin Williams does three different characters and doesn't annoy) and it will either have you laughing or on the verge of tears throughout. Then, just when you think it can't fit anything else in, we get a sharp eco-message. And if that's all a little too preachy and worthy for you, then just revel in the sight of tens of thousands of penguins bursting into pop and soul classics every five minutes. Sublime.

Napoleon Dynamite

Hilarious movie. The only people who don't like it are those who wouldn't give it a chance.
Gosh! It's "Napoleon Dynamite," a trashy Midwestern remake of "Rushmore" with lots of wry laughs, bad food, and a pet llama called Tina. Written and directed by the young husband-wife team Jared and Jerusha Hess, the film was an audience favorite at Sundance and won Best Feature at the US Comedy Arts Festival. The formula is almost identical to Wes Anderson's brilliant film: take an oddball outsider with lots of energy and bizarre ideas, give him a funny sidekick, a peculiar family, a geeky love interest, an immature adult antagonist, and plop him into a high school crawling with bullies, jocks, bad fashion, bad food, and all the other nostalgic detritus of American adolescence. Steep in deadpan humor and wry jokes, add just a pinch of truth, and you've got yourself a high school hit.

At the film's center, Jon Heder plays the droopy-eyed hero of the title. But he's no Jason Schwartzmann, and Jon Gries as Uncle Rico can't compete with Bill Murray. Perhaps this comparison isn't quite fair either--"Napoleon Dynamite" is much sillier than "Rushmore," and some of the jokes are gutbustingly funny. While it doesn't add anything new to the formula, it's a genuinely hilarious comedy.

I'm also disappointed that this film didn't remain a cult film. Cult film means "Not Mianstream acceptance." Winning Best Movie at The MTV Awards and being the most popular and famous teen movie in the whole world= Mainstream acceptance. Oh well.

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

The first was much better. If Carrey decided not to star in the sequel it would've been down bottom material.
In this sequel, a botched rescue attempt of a raccoon in Asia leaves Ace Ventura (Carrey, Batman Forever) an emotional wreck, so distraught that he joins a brotherhood of Tibetan monks to help find his way back. While at the monastery, he is visited by an African missionary who seeks his assistance in recovering the legendary sacred animal, Skikaka (a white bat), whose loss threatens to cause tensions to spill over between two warring African tribes. Steve Oedekerk (Kung Pow, Barnyard), project consultant on Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, borrows a page from the Ernest movies by putting his obstinate and annoying character in a completely unique setting for more of the same rude hijinks and physical humor in this sequel. The result is a more visually inventive yet even more juvenile effort (hard to imagine), which once again allows the star comedian to cut completely loose with the material for some choice sight gags and sporadically funny crude humor.

When Nature Calls continues the tradition of the first film in terms of its level of humor (namely, aiming pretty low), but the main character is a little more proactive in trying to annoy the rest of the characters in the film, holding absolutely nothing sacred, save for his precious animals. The result is a fitfully funny comedy that does contain a few clever moments of fun, but your mileage will certainly vary when it comes to a very over-the-top assault on your funny bone in a very crude fashion. It's the kind of movie where once you start laughing, you might become too giddy to stop -- or if you find yourself not laughing, the film will only continue to press your buttons to the point of annoyance.

I think that younger viewers will tend to enjoy When Nature Calls more so than adults, as the gags are more slapstick-y and broad than they had been in the first effort. However, for those who liked the cameo appearances and detective storyline from the first film, there's less to identity with in this sequel save for the personality of the main character, whose famous catchphrases and one-dimensional delivery become redundant very quickly. Carrey is still a marvel, and Oedekerk often quite inventive, but in the end it just doesn't work out.

For Carrey Fans only and no one else.

The Mask

Jim Carrey at his best.
never thought it could happen. Jim Carrey (star of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective) upstaged -- and not once, but twice! While it's true that The Mask is another vehicle for the rubber-featured modern-day amalgamation of Jerry Lewis and the Three Stooges, this time around Carrey has some competition, and there are a number of scenes where he ends up playing second fiddle.

The special effects are, for the most part, rather impressive, but they're as frequently guilty of overwhelming the star's performance as complimenting it. Nevertheless, if you think Carrey has an expressive face, wait 'til you see him with the mask on. Eyes pop out and jaws drop -- literally. ILM goes to work with their own version of live-action animation whenever anyone dons the mask. Good costumes and make-up serve only to enhance the computer-generated visuals.

And, even as the audience's attention is arrested by the work of the effects wizards, there's still room for a canine scene-stealer. Milo (whose real name is Max) is the perfect foil for Carrey's goofiness and -- yes -- there are occasions where his animal antics divert the spotlight away from his two-legged co-star.

Carrey, meanwhile, is playing a split role: mild-mannered Stanley Ipkiss and his superhuman alter-ego, the Mask. Stanley is a shy, unassuming man who works in a bank and lives with Milo in a small apartment. One day, following a terrible bout with Murphy's Law, Stanley finds a curious-looking mask floating amidst some debris in a river. Later, at home, when he finally gets around to trying the mask on, Stanley learns that this isn't some archaeological curiosity. It has power - the power to transform. From the moment the mask clings to his skin and his face turns green, Stanley's personality undergoes a radical shift. Insecurity is replaced by flamboyance. Physically, there seems to be little that he can't do, from twisting his body into a pretzel to taking a bullet in the chest or forming a tommy gun out of a balloon.

While wearing the mask, Stanley makes a comment about becoming a superhero, but he's really interested in one thing: Tina Carlyle (Cameron Diaz), a voluptuous nightclub singer who works for a local gangster (Peter Greene). Following a bank robbery (to finance his wooing), the Mask discovers that a cop, Lt. Mitch Kellaway (Peter Riegert), is hot on his trail. And it's not that difficult a trail to follow. After all, how many lime-faced bandits are there who move like the Warner Brothers cartoon Tasmanian Devil? Carrey plays Stanley with surprising restraint, giving his zaniness free reign only when the mask is on. In some ways, it's a Clark Kent/Superman thing. Stanley and the Mask might share the same body, but they're very different. One is a typical nice guy who finishes last. The other is Robin Williams' genie from Aladdin come to life (Carrey provides dozens of whirlwind impersonations).

As a comedy, The Mask is genial, but its recycled plot is far too thin for the film to succeed as either an adventure or a spoof. "Comic book" and "cartoon" are two terms that come to mind for describing this movie. Neither is intended to be pejorative, but each conjures certain apt images.

Carrey is only in The Mask for 25-30 mins. I wanted to see more. But it's good to see his serious stuff as well.

For me, Ace Ventura was too much concentrated Jim Carrey. In The Mask, the forceful personality is diluted. The star is mostly-subdued except during those off-the-wall bursts of energy that accompany the appearance of the Mask. The film is entertaining enough -- in a light, undemanding sort of way -- but more than the combined efforts of Carrey, ILM, and Max are demanded to camouflage the seams and holes still apparent in this production. No one else could have played the part better.

Casino Royale

The Best Bond Movie.
Chomp, chomp, (choke), gulp. That's the sound of a good many 007-watchers, myself included, who spent the last two years or so moaning about Daniel Craig's casting as "the first blond Bond' eating our words. While I'm still rooting for Clive Owen to take his turn in a few years once the Craig/ Broccoli connection inevitably dries up, I've seldom been so happy to be wrong: Craig gives Bond a rawness and intensity that, for all of Pierce Brosnan's undeniable charm in the role, has been missing ever since the vastly underrated Timothy Dalton strapped on the Walther PPK for two money-losing late 80s installments. Craig makes Martin Campbell's fully honorable attempt to rebuild Bond from the ground up an unqualified success; if you sat through The Sum of All Fears, the disastrous 2002 attempt to redefine Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan as a single Ben Affleck rather than a married-with-children Harrison Ford, you know what a dicey endeavor that reinventing an established character can be. Amazingly, Casino Royale, like Peter Jackson's brilliant do-over of King Kong from a year before, manages the heady task of both honoring its predecessors and correcting their mistakes: after Goldfinger in 1965, most of the Bond films--good, bad or indifferent--have been as ritualistic as Japanese kabuki theater (28 minutes into the flick? OK, time for the obligatory repartee with Moneypenney!) and have been, even at their best, relentlessly bloodless enterprises in both senses of the word. Over a quarter of a decade ago, Steven Spielberg pitched Indiana Jones to George Lucas by describing everyone's favorite fighting archaeologist as "better than Bond"; the result was three films that were "must-see movie-going" rather than the "it's-there-and-it's-the-latest-so-what-the-heck" that such mediocre, by-the-numbers efforts as The Man With the Golden Gun and Moonraker had relegated the 007 films to being. Indy was no superhero...he was vulnerable, and felt pain, and Casino Royale's genius is that its Bond is still learning, makes BIG mistakes, and actually bleeds. (And bleeds, and bleeds. Make no mistake, parents, this isn't a PG-13 film at all but a hard R. If you haven't seen the documentary This Film Is Not Yet Rated, whose thesis is that the MPAA is far more lenient toward big studio efforts than small independent movies, this will convince you.) Eva Green is hands down THE best Bond girl of all time precisely because she's not a girl at all but a real woman... intelligent, multidimensional and able to give Bond as good as she gets, and I loved how this film, while remaining in the present day and being firmly rooted in the War on Terror rather than the Cold War, works as Bond's "origin story", explaining everything from his casual/ cruel attitude toward women (007 somehow qualifies as both the honorary president of the Playboy Club AND the He-Man Women-Haters Club) to his special fondness for Aston-Martins to even where the film series' famous "bloody iris" trademark comes from. (And the movie answers a few relevant fan questions, too. If you ever wondered whether Judi Dench's M has any kind of personal life, you'll find out...if you look closely.) Nearly everything works, including the risky Texas hold-em poker sequence that takes up a substantial part of the running time, but for many the most memorable sequence will be Bond's torture scene, which recalls memories of Goldfinger's legendary "laser bit" but turns up the intensity; if men in the earlier movie's audience crossed their legs in discomfort, they're likely to twist them like pretzels during THIS variant. Two more elements that place Casino Royale on the same rarified plateau as Goldfinger and its predecessor From Russia With Love is that all three are the only films in the entire Bond series that are viable Ten Best entries for their respective years, and all three of them, to refer to a very funny play that Casino Royale makes on one of 007's signature lines, are the Bond films virtually guaranteed to leave their audiences both shaken AND stirred.


This movie is one of the most original and most hilarious movies i've ever seen. The plot itself is very original. Shows you Kenny's life, his family and what he does etc. When reading the quotes I wasn't laughing at all. I went to see this movie with my friend and let me tell you, him and I were just cracking up laughing all the way through it. There wasn't a moment over 3 mins where i wasn't laughing. The film is also dramatic, but it doesn't last too long without a joke making you laugh. I hope this movie does not get released in any other Country except Australia, because Americans and everyone who isn't an Aussie will bash it. Kenny has a lisp and a strong accent and a lot of Americans had great trouble. They couldn't understand a word Kenny said because of his lisp. That's a big shame, But I understood him just fine.An excellent masterpiece. 10/10

The Departed

A very clichéd movie. The acting is what is so truly great about it.
This film had got great ratings, great reviews everywhere I went. All my friends where saying it was a masterpiece so I decided to check it out. My theater was full. I guess everyone else heard the same thing from their friends and the internet. The moment this film started I thought to myself "awww jeez, big mistake." The acting was always good through out the movie. So don't get me wrong there. The plot was poorly written. The direction could've been a lot better. This movie was just a big cliché. An undercover cop? Let me name some films right now with that idea: Reservoir Dogs, Sin City, Airheads, The Punisher, Go, Donnie Brasco, Miami Vice, The Whole Nina Yard and much more. There was not one character I liked either. All of them acted childish and just cursed each other or bashing each other up. Believe it or not, but my theater was laughing all the way through it. Everything about it was laughable. All in all, not terribly bad. But, boy was it very Hollywood. Will never make sense to me why people love this Hollywood movie. 5/10

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

It's a lot better than the remake.
I've always been a fan on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies. I saw an advance screening of it just earlier today. It was a full theater. The theater was full of teenagers. Not once where they laughing at any bit of the movie. All people at theaters these days are laugh at how cheesy or how bad it is. This theater (about 300+ seats or so) did not seem to laugh at any bits. The only thing this theater seemed to be doing is sometimes screaming and shrieking. The plot (same as the old one) very original. It is also well written and directed. The acting is superb. The music is pretty spooky (great). It's never predictable.

The only problem I had with this movie is that it never seemed to scare me. I found to be more disturbing and spooky than scary. All in all, a movie that is worth your money. If you like Horror or the original Texas Chainsaw movies I recommend you see this one. 9/10

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Actually rather excellent considering this is Jim Carrey's first (talented) movie.
This movie is hilarious. Very silly at times, but apart from that, it's hilarious. JIm Carrey does excellent. The rest of the acting is good. The plot is well written. It also has a pretty good mystery behind it. It keeps you guessing who the kidnapper is. The direction is good. Jim Carrey is always funny. There isn't a scene where he isn't funny. Only problem is that at times he acts very silly and it was more annoying than funny, but apart from that, hilarious movie. This is the movie that made Jim Carrey famous. I have to hand it to Jim Carrey. The guy has more talent than I realized. I recommend this to anyone who loves Jim Carrey. 8/10

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

A classic! C.S. Lewis would be very impressed.
I'm not usually a fan on Fantasy movies, but this one in particular really surprised me. Everything about this movie was excellent. The acting (in fact, the acting could've been slightly more better), the story, the direction, the voices, the effects. I really like Andrew Adamson. Especially after him writing Shrek and Shrek 2. I really liked those two movies. After hearing he was going to direct a movie in person, I thought I should may as well check it out. The guy has great talent. I really liked the voices too. Michael Madsen does the voice of Maurgimn the Wolf. Why his name isn't credited in the credits, i'll never know. Michael Madsen does excellent as Maugrim. Really suited his voice. Liam Neeson does the voice of Aslan. Let me tell you, there couldn't of been a better person to do his voice. Brian Cox was recently going to do Aslan's voice. I'm glad they stopped that. I also really like Tilda Swinton who plays the White Witch. She was ugly (no offense) and very wicked looking. She suited the White Witch too. The battle scenes are also excellent. I recommend this to anyone who's a fan on the C.S. Lewis book or the actors. Also recommendable if you like Andrew Adamson's work. C.S. would be proud and R.I.P. and thanks for bringing fantasy to life. 10/10

Soul Plane

Definitely not as bad as 3.3/10, but definitely ain't that great either.
I wanted to see this movie in theaters, but it didn't last long at all. Lasted for about 1 week, then it went. I just rented it last night from my local video shop. This movie actually isn't as bad as some people are making it out to be. The acting is pretty good. The script writing is okay. The direction is pretty good. The humor is excellent at times. The thing I didn't agree with was the fact that they tried to get humor out of the characters having sex or doing sexual things. That didn't work for me. I did like the whole idea, though. A plane with a disco party and rappers like Lil Jon. Who wouldn't like to have that on a plane? Snoop Dogg was excellent. He was hilarious. He played as Captain Mack. And John Witherspoon as the blind man. There isn't a scene with John Witherspoon where it isn't funny. Being a big rap fan, I thought all the rap music really suited each scene. I recommend this to anyone who travels quite a lot or who is a fan of rap or sex. 7/10

Wedding Crashers

A very clichéd love story, but pretty funny.
Let me start off by saying that I really liked this movie. I thought it was well directed and had a great cast. The only problem really was the second half. The first half was hysterical and funny. The second half was not funny at all. Take Will Ferrel for example. They did nothing with him what so ever. They just expected him to be crashing funerals funny. Because it's Will Ferrel and because he crashes funerals they expected it to be funny, but it's not. Ever since the clichéd love story started is when it went down hill. I mean, we've seen it all before. It's the same love story as "Meet The Parents, Meet The Fockers, The NoteBook, 13 Going 30, Monster In Law, Titanic, The Wedding Singer, The Wedding Planner, When Harry Met Sally" and much more. But apart from a terrible second half (and yes, Will Ferrel is part of the second half), the first half was great and hilarious. I recommend this movie to anyone who loves Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Christopher Walken, Rachel Mcadams and introducing Isla Fisher. 7/10


Takes a snap at Fairy Tales and makes fun of them and makes them laughable.
I thought this movie would be childish, but it wasn't. Well, it was in some parts. But I didn't mind it. It is well written. It isn't a Shrek movie, but it's close. The cast really suited each character. The script writing is pretty good. The pacing is okay at times, but it keeps you interested 80% of the time. I found the jokes to be very funny, mainly due to the fact that it makes fun of the Fairy Tale Little red Riding Hood and The Three Pigs and turns it into a movie reference film. it makes fun of the Fairy Tales too. Which I liked. There are many gags, and a lot of them are very funny. It's a very cute movie, with quite a few adult jokes. I noticed that the kids in the theater were getting a bit figidity and restless. The adults seemed to be interested more than the kids. I do not recommend this movie for kids under the age 8. For they'll be very bored and not understand the jokes and references. A very cute movie and recommendable to everyone. 7/10


Very surprising. A HUGE step forward for Adam Sandler.
I've always liked Adam Sandler. Been a huge fan of his movies like "Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Bulletproof" etc. You would think that Sandler would continue to be doing all that for the rest of his life. Sandler takes a huge gap and moves into Drama. This movie is Comedy as well, but it was also Drama in the last 60 mins. The direction is well done. The Pacing is perfect. Never gets boring. The cast is perfect. Especially Kate Beckinsale. She's also made a huge step forward. teaming up with Adam Sandler. Christopher Walken is pure genius as well! He plays his part excellent. Especially after you know who he is. I wont spoil it for you. The script writing is perfect and great as well. The first half of Click is very hilarious and hysterical, but the second half is one of the most dramatic bits i've ever seen. A few jokes that I didn't agree with, but i wont spoil it for those who have'n't seen it. I recommend this to anyone who likes Adam Sandler, Kate beckinsale or Christopher Walken. 9/10


Wouldn't of been anything if it wasn't for Robin Williams amazing talents.
This movie would have been terrible if it hadn't of been for Robin Williams. This movie is filled with terrible jokes and terrible plot holes. Yet, when Robin Williams says it or does it it makes you laugh. The direction is okay, but definitely not the best. The script writing isn't too good. Poorly written. The acting is OK. A lot of the jokes are toilet humor. It doesn't try too hard to be funny, it just wasn't my kind of humor. The pacing is pretty good.

I couldn't really relate to the family at all. Not one of them could make me laugh. Where as Robin Williams can make me laugh just with a movement of his face/voice. The script puts the family into some pretty funny situations, but hadn't it been for Robin Williams this movie would've been on the IMDb down bottom 100. I recommend this to any fans of Robin Williams. If not, I urge you to stay away. 7/10

The Descent

Definitely one of the best movies to come out this year. It might be the best one you see considering most of them this year are awful.
I'm a huge fan of Neil Marshal. After seeing that amazing movie "Dog Soldiers" it made me realize what talent he has in directing and writing. This movie is scary, creepy, bad-ass and action packed! There's not much more you can ask for. It has a lot of humor in the movie. A lot of it I laughed at. It gave me goosebumps from beginning to end. The acting is excellent. As is the pacing, the direction, the script writing and the humor. Everything you can basically ask for is all in this movie. "The Descent" is one of the best films to come out this year. I recommend this movie to people who enjoyed "Dog Soldiers" or enjoy Neil Marshal's talent. 10/10

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