Reviews (8)

  • The first season was awesome and kept me on the edge of my seat. I watched every week as the new episodes rolled out. Then after the summer break when season two came around I wished I had kept my recordings of the first season to catch up because the confusion and ridiculousness of every episode just kept getting worse. By the end of season two I now longer understood why it was a top rated show and stopped recording it before season 3. It may be unfair to rate a series I never finished watching but that is the point. I rate TV shows by 3 things. First is my desire to watch the next episode & second is my desire/ability to rewatch past seasons. This show did not hold either of these for me but kept a higher than average rating because of my third thing which is production value. The filming was good and the backtracking was done well enough not to ruin the show like say Arrow's memory scenes do. Ultimately this comes down to either loving it or hating it and hate it is my call.
  • I set my DVR for every new show regardless so that I have something to try during the off seasons. This was one that I figured wouldn't get past an episode or 2 but after 2 seasons I'm still watching. The story gets deeper and changes direction alot but doesn't leave me lost like many shows do after their first season or two. There is a stupid (really stupid) character that I can't believe could ever be real but I love him. There is an irritatingly smart guy that can't connect with other humans that makes the show. There is the average Joe that tries to be better that is awesome. Ted Danson however is my favorite character in the show because he is continually changing who he is. Not a role I would normally expect him in but it fits him like a glove. If you need to laugh and feel good about yourself give this show a try. I am a clinically depressed person and I always feel better after an episode or two of The Good Life.
  • I like sex & nudity so I gave this a chance when I found it on Netflix but quickly found none of those. What I did find is a truly entertaining story with a fresh cast that made me desire to imeadiatly watch the next episode. I watch the full season on a single day and can't wait for a season 2. I began watching high school / teen shows as a teen with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and when my kids were teens watch One Tree Hill with them. This show isn't like those shows at all but is still teen comedy that can be watched by a 50 year old couple. We really connected with the characters even though neither my wife nor I had a life at all like they did. The writers and young actors do a great job and even though it's a clean show it can be enjoyed by all.
  • Ok there is a teenage witch living with 2 aunts because her parents died but that's where the similarities end. The lighthearted comedy that made being a witch OK even to Jesus freaks is nowhere to be found. There is evil at every turn and the devil plays a major part of the story. This makes the show unwatchable to even more open minded religious folks. Being a witch is exactly what the inquisition made it out to be & they even tie in the Salem witch trials in the show. I gave the first season my best effort but if there is a season 2 I will be giving it a pass and I use terms like Jesus freaks so I'm obviously not a born again or regular church goer and this was still just too evil for me.
  • Jessica Alba is my one that I'd cheat on my wife for but she's out of most people's league and certainly mine. This show however took her normal hotness and added a toughness that still had a softness to her as well. I believe this is one of the most underrated shows ever on TV and certainly for Jessica. I wished there had been more sessions but have rewatched every episode several times. If you haven't watched this before find a way to do so. It will be worth it.
  • I originally wondered if the character played by Vincent D'Onofrio was written that way or did he create his characters personality. I have since watched Daredevil and see that it is D'Onofrio's acting skills that create his odd character roles. I believe that you can compare his character in this to Dustin Hoffman in Rainman & Billy Bob Thorton in Slingblade. 10 years was not enough for this show but I loved every episode and now find myself watching anything he is in.
  • I usually hate it when actors get replaced in my favorite shows but they replaced several over the years and did it so well that it made the show more desirable to watch. I was truly disappointed to see this show end I believe several years too soon. This could have kept going just like Law & Order has done but died before it's time. If they were to bring it back with just a few of the characters it could go another 10 years at least. If they can do it with Mulder & Scully which is way lower quality they could do it here.
  • If you want to watch CSI agents investigating crime scenes in 6 inch high heels and white body gripping outfits then this show is for you. If you want to watch David Caruso pose with his hands on his hips at least 5 times per episode then this show is for you. If you want to watch a believable even somewhat realistic depiction of how CSI agents work then do not waste your time watching this show. I feel bad for a couple of quality actors who had to endure the pore writing, production and acting of their fellow actors. This was a reach to far for the CSI franchise that went on way too long while they dropped the much better CSI Cyber after just one season. Any respect I had for David Caruso from prior roles went right out the window with this show. I now steer completely clear of anything that he is included in.