
IMDb member since May 2005
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Captive State

Grateful for coming across this movie
I missed this movie, completely, and accidentally came across the trailer few weeks ago. What prompted me to watch this movie was the fact that it did not look like another sci-fi block-buster.

After movie ended, a silly "Thank you" came out of my mouth, since I was that grateful for finally seeing something different and something that doesn't focus just on shooting aliens and/or CGI.

This is not an action movie, this is a drama. This is not a movie about alien invasion, this is a movie about humans. Anyone expecting Independence Day type of movie will be very disappointed.

I loved the slow pace, I loved the acting, I simply enjoyed this movie.


How was this even made?
I really can't comprehend that something as horrible and awful as this movie can be made.

I read the reviews before, I knew this was going to be really bad, but I have a high tolerance level and I try to watch any Sci-Fi related movie/series.

So, even if I knew how bad this was going to be, I was still completely stunned at how bad this pile of vommit was.

After Earth

This was ridiculous
I understand that Will Smith loves his son, and probably wants the best for him, but giving him a lead role in a movie is a complete disaster. As has been proved before.

Kid's acting is horrible (he seems to be unable to speak clearly too) and even if the story was great (which it wasn't), this movie would still be junk material since this kid is a distraction. No acting skills whatsoever.

Story is beyond silly, and although I have to see every sci-fi movie I can get my hands on, I do regret seeing this one in a movie theater.

Movie is so bad that I had to reset the IMDb password and write this review, although I never bother writing them.

Do yourself a favor and go watch (literally) anything else.

Les triplettes de Belleville

Shockingly brilliant
I assumed this animated movie will be boring, but wanted to watch it anyway. Movie ended 80 minutes later, and I almost cried for more. My girlfriend kept on asking me "Why do you love it so much?", and yet I couldn't explain it to either her or myself.

Movie is very original. There are almost no dialogs, and you would never think that such 'silly' animation (which I love, since I am used to various French comics and types of drawings they use) would be able to give so much clarity to characters.

If nothing else, you must watch the movie just to see the dog (I'd give him an Oscar :)

Immortel (ad vitam)

Confusing at start, but brilliant overall
French "comics culture" is very specific, and although I've been exposed to more commercial French comics, it probably takes full understanding of that culture in order to fully appreciate the movie.

I loved the way movie was filmed (mix of great and, at times, less great CG - along with real shots), I loved the story. I loved Horus.

I don't understand, though, the complaints about CG in the movie. It's not the CG that makes movie like this great, it's the story. I don't think it was ever intended to compete graphically with likes of Final Fantasy.

This movie is everything but "usual", so open your mind when you watch it.

Sibirskiy tsiryulnik

Either you like it or you hate it. Just what I love.
Saw it today (3 hour version), and loved it. Although I didn't expect much, I was pleasantly surprised with both the picture and the story.

Quite many people gave bad reviews based on their 'political perception' of Russia in that period of time, but since movie was made like a fairy-tale comic tragedy, at no point of time did I even think "Is this true image of Russia from that time?" At the end of the day, this is not a documentary (nor was it intended to be) about Russia at the end of 19th century - it is just a story, and should be watched like a story.

Acting was fantastic (I even liked Julia Ormond very much), shots were great, and altogether, this is a movie worth seeing.

At least, you will experience emotions after you see it. You'll either like it, or hate it.

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