• This show had interesting things I missed seeing on a tv crime drama. Fearsome villains, daring plot twists, and believable characters that react in the face of danger, sometimes opposite to the plot's intention for the viewers surprise. I'm saddened to see that by the end it got jinxed. Not just the finale but the season four as a whole dragged on compared to the three before. It quickly ran out of surprises. A new, unimpressive cast emerged in the place of previously tight characters and the wrap-up wasted a lot of thrill with invisible payoff. It was great until it wasn't.
  • If you want something to kill your braincells like sniffing airplane glue- My guy, this is the stuff. It's got this absurd, chaotic, shockingly off kilter comedy that Adult Swim enthusiasts would adore. No wonder it failed, it's humor was way too deadpan and above the line for Disney standards. But like all misunderstood works of art, it grows on you. So buckle up for a high dose of WTF and be pleasantly surprised.
  • The first time i saw this i thought it was so insanely devoid of human comprehension i hated it. Days go by and then i figured out... that i couldn't get my mind off it. Season 2 came by and now it's official. I need more of these. There is nothing as overwhelmingly odd as this- something that just happens on these deranged sketches and things your brain can't fathom to even register as "funny" and yet, you still can't look away. What a piece of work. I still understand nothing at all, but now it makes me laugh at the face of madness.
  • It looks like a commonplace sitcom but don't fool yourself, this show has a devoted love for doing the unexpected. It has endearing characters with plenty of rapid fire and thoughtful dialogue. It's got one of the coolest portrayals of autism brought to life by Danny Pudi. It has no business playing with tv tropes like a darn fiddle, making rule-breaking shenanigans in the most playfully inventive way, and next episode simply does it again. It also finds a heart vein you thought lost in all the fourth wall-demolishing. It went through a hell-and-back production, suffered a quality nosedive on season 4 (rightfully so) and I joined so late at the party I feel guilty- and yet, ever since, i find nothing else like it- it's quirky style might not be for everybody's taste, but it got a creative spirit you hardly find elsewhere and the cast found a place in my heart.

  • It absolutely appeals to the old school while finding ways to blend in with new audiences. Kabka and Macchio's ying and yang dynamic while setting conflict is refreshing as hell, just with the actors themselves on their roles it brings this authentic devotion to all of this old school lore. Even if at times all the teen drama becomes cheesy and outwardly over the top, you can roll with it as it embraces all this 80's teen flick cheesiness, and with a heart like this one, i can't blame you for it. The fight sequences are amusing to watch to the point they're ridiculously over the top but honestly, if they weren't, this wouldn't be so fun to watch.
  • I saw this pop up on the top 250 TV list and gave it a go completely blind. It might take some getting used to, but by the time i finished it i felt it was worth it. This is a fresh, easy going and somewhat bold for today's age but ultimately lighthearted school comedy that instead of focusing on students it highlights this unorthodox, unkempt and somewhat infantile but ultimately persistent guy.

    While at first i found him to be kind of unbelievable, by the end of the day he won me over. He can be pervy, lazy and juvenile beyond belief at times but then lazer-point focused with his peers and with a "head on his shoulders" attitude. He uses his streetsmart ways to teach those who wrong him a lesson, which is the show's beating heart. He's somewhat uncaring but it comes across as a big brother'ish, you know? Fueled by his teenage desire of women, making a mess where he sleeps at but ultimately with his head straight, treating his young folks equally and pushing them to achieve what they want. It becomes this big brother'ish i-wanna-look-up-to figure.

    Even if for comedic effect it's something as childish as pulling a prank on a bratty girl that a shy kid doesn't get along with, between lines you learn something on forgiveness, solidarity, honesty, and heck, even sacrifice.

    This day and age the animation is going to look dated, while that's something time itself won't deny, the characters shine through. As well as the show's emphasize on lewd pervyness could be horribly mistaken nowadays or labeled as "sexist" but it's the show's pervyness that touches on the teen sensibility, as well as focusing the least perfect side of Onizuka himself that ends up being countered by his larger than life determination.

    The show also pokes fun at the school system and this battling with Onizuka's philosophy ends up making him look as both a big brother/someone you'd die to have as a teacher, period. It's about understanding the other ones and fighting this adult stubbornness that obstacle the learnings of life and making the young ones feel like they matter.

    And it's quite something. It's gotta little bit of comedy, drama, life lessons. A lighthearted, fun, life reflecting old anime is sometimes what you need to make a difference.

    Sorry for my English.
  • One of my faves. This one's brilliant cuz the chaotic nature of the characters seems tame compared to all the things surrounding them. It goes to show that even Dennis himself has things not even he can handle. But then some of the gang just happen to roll with it. That montage was priceless. And they just went down to town there, with that other gang. They totally got away with it, bunch of savages. Just great.
  • I love the f- out of Ilya Naishuller's Bad Motherf-er, i may have replayed the living heck out of that video, with Hardcore Henry he had definitely outdone himself.

    And with his latest hit, surprisingly a music video for another music group that is not Biting Elbows, takes an action-packed, kinetic and highly entertaining project that serves as both an insanely well choreographed bank-robbing scenario and a kick-ass dressing for a kick-ass song.

    It also shows how much he liked his collab on Payday's 2 script since the bank heist scenario, while shorter than the other half and thus concentrating more on the runaway, is gritty, police forces and bystanders are getting shot at, and the POV's character, is such a cool out mix of Henry's likeliness as an anti-heroic character (not that he doesn't show to be giving a f- to people at surroundings, but neither does he look unapparent to that) and a mercilessly random GTA player, it gives a conscience to the "Hero" and the smallest emotions shared toward him and another character are well rounded and realized.

    (Although i feel like between this and HH, Ilya has quite a different point of view of love.)

    Also, Ilya Naishuller manages to achieve something quite odd, by giving some charisma to the main character, because he really doesn't show to be a perfect action hero, nor he does things done flawlessly on his own, it's a somewhat nice character you kinda effortlessly root for.

    Expect also quite amazing stuntwork and awesome blood-thirsty gunfire-driven action that while not being as mindblowingly gory as Hardcore Henry, it doesn't stop it from being more violent than the standard music video as it genuinely feels as though you were watching a next-gen gameplay of an FPS.

    And quite an excitingly blood-pumping good short action story well told in less time that a film could do so.
  • One of the fewest time killers i had with friends at home was playing co- op with this game, a lot. This is one of the few points Kane & Lynch has at a fun value, with a title like this and a concept like that, it does really feel like an old-school game meant to be played with co-op (like an arcade game whose name i forgot, but consisted in one driving a car and the passenger seat shooting the bad guys at front)

    Anyways, the story follows at a psychological drama emotional vibe, and certain strong elements that would put the player in enough stress if it isn't by the story's way of f'ing up the characters lives, and although it doesn't grab enough interest on it's character development it does at least satisfy you with those individual personalities of each that makes a credible duo that are not precisely role models, but personifies our GTA player inside us.

    The Sound is decent, although i noticed some of the same music/soundtracks are a bit over-exploited, voice acting is convincing enough to put you on stress through the characters.

    Gameplay-wise is pretty Kinetic and non-stop, shootings are exciting whenever you control it (although a bit stiff with recoil when trying to shoot enemies) and blood-packed enough for those who find this satisfying (AKA: Me) And although it can get repetitive at times, there's no stop sign to show at you by the constant number of henchmen coming at you. There is another command system that plays out in a strategic way where you can command NPC's to kill X enemy or take cover somewhere else, i personally found it under-exploited, because i was doing all the killing and shooting to sum up... ._.

    Also, level design is sort of simple, some of the maps are pretty short and it could get repetitive to miss out or going all the way around the map in some missions, but also it has a decent amount of variety on it's missions that also offers another level on the "old-school" game vibe that you could really have a grip on.

    And although there is also a 2-way ending that has some flaws in it (since one is cannon to the supposedly disappointing sequel and the other is not, and both endings do have some of the same annoying conclusion, it does still have replay value through both campaign co-op and multiplayer.

    In conclusion, Kane and Lynch: Dead Man is a Flawed, but Kinetic Shoot 'Em Up Game with Lots of Shooting, Co-op Replay Value and Potential for a Franchise that makes this starter of a series (that i hope doesn't die and deliver us a Better and more submersive K&L3) a kick-ass of a time killer.
  • I haven't seen such a rich way of storytelling and humor deliverance until i saw this short film, it has it's unique ways of telling the personality of the guy behind the computer, and the actions shown on screen (whether it is a chatting room, internet statuses, web-cams, among others) have a very convincing way of delivering it's character development and a smart story puzzle that can be set up by it's own audience, this, with sprinkles of black humour presented in clever visual comedy with such honesty about human behavior, the way people connect and share experiences through modern technology, and when it does end, it is sort of heart-breaking also, but the way it settles it's honesty and doesn't fall into typical teenage movie trappings is also one of the little things that "Noah" does well enough to deserve recognition and take note of the clever visual metaphors applied to perform it's simple yet creatively honest and darkly hilarious plot on the best and most relatable way possible. "Noah" is a must see. And, not talking about the Darren Aronofsky's one.