
IMDb member since October 2014
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Travis Bickle Jr.
For those of you who can't recall the name of Travis Bickle, just lean your head backwards and remember the time when the iconic Robert De Niro performed the role of silent psychopath in one of Scorsese's master pieces, yet that will still leave you with a lot of options. "Taxi Driver" was a sensational movie about a LONELY, PSYCHOTIC, NIGHT-OWL DRIVER where the female lead is of different age level. Although Taxi Driver was a far better movie, miles ahead of Night Crawler, yet Night Crawler aside from the thrilling story and the performance tries to convey a message about inhumanity in the media sector, how immoral this sector is evolving. Jake was THE Oscars biggest snub of the year. His weight loss is a dedication, his performance is CREEPY and that's the least description of that performance. The script helped Jake to reach the summit of brilliance. The movie was a thrilling adventure, The movie was smart, explored the life of a free lancer for the first time -I suppose-. The movie was good but Jake stole the show with his Jordan Belfort's quotes and Travis' insanity. Louis Bloom is the off-spring of Travis and Jordan.

Gotham: Rogues' Gallery
Episode 11, Season 1

No Oswald No Fun
After the mid-season finale's plot twist, it all looked good for Gotham. Strong cast,some creative writing, solid show about Gotham without Batman which is quite an achievement. it succeeded in introducing some of Batman's villains wittingly leaving us with an open mouth just to watch how they'll become Gotham's tormentor. Robin Lord Taylor is of course the standout performance of the series and that episode proved that without him much on the screen, the show won't be that great. Arkham is quite a place to increase Gordon's reputation as Batman's sidekick. it was a smart move to move him to the place where he'll lock down all the super villains later on. but that episode lacked the Gotham's entertainment. This show has already surpassed Smallville which was expected given the Dark Knight's higher prestige as a superhero. One of the best things about the episode is exploring Bollock's and Gordon relationship even more. A classic Detetctives' partnership. Some of the focus must be on young Bruce Wayne and on the Wayne's case of course which seems forgotten in the current time. Gotham is a start of a good thing.

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Farewell Middle Earth
Although it wasn't the best way to bid farewell with that EXTRAORDINARY universe, but it'll always remain miles ahead of any other cinematic universe(The galaxy far far away,Hogwarts,....). This universe incorporated each and every human feeling, it showed us the true nature of Men. Greediness, courage, ambition, disloyalty, fear,love and friendship these feelings make us human. The Battle Of The Five Armies was indeed a major letdown in the context of the series. But if it's reviewed as a separate movie if we decided to forget The Lord Of the Rings series. This movie is good. Peter Jackson can still manage wars on a gigantic scale. Still the movie lacks the spirit of the lord of the rings like the 2 previous installments. As for me, i wanted to see what will happen between Saruman and Sauron. what happened to alter his loyalty. On the other hand, the movie explored some hidden secrets the relationship between Lady Galadriel and Gandalf. "One Ring to rule them all, One ring to find them; One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."

Requiem for a Dream

More than just a movie but rather an Experience
I'm just a huge fan of the movies which try to explore the dark side of Humans. That ECCENTRIC movie succeeded in transmitting a message -a serious indeed-. Every thing about that movie is some sort of art. starting from the brilliant Darren Arnfosky -in what can be regarded as his best movie ever-way ahead from Black Swan- to the inspiring performance from all the cast, specifically Ellen Burstyn and Jared Leto. to the music which fits the movie perfectly. That piece of art showed that Addiction any sort of it is nerve wrecking which can terminate the human life. the portrayal of how each character ended is one of the most inspiring things to watch. the refrigerator scene affects me every single time i watch that movie. maybe that movie isn't entertaining but it can be watched thousands of time without getting bored. And That's ART at its finest.

Cold in July

Dexter Season 5 armed with guns
I watched this movie just because of the amazing Michael C. Hall. since, I've just finished Dexter season 7, I rushed to watch that movie. At first, the acting was simply amazing, Don Johnson and Sam Shephard were eye catchers, Michael C.Hall showed the brilliant transformation from a father who regrets killing to a pimp shooter. But what really makes this movie so nice is the turbulence, you never know where the tide is taking you. At the beginning, it can be regarded as a drama about a religious over protective father who can't live with the guilt of shooting a man. Then you'll probably head to the theory that this is a normal home invasion thriller. Uncovering police corruption is the next story in line. But shooting helping the home invader taking out his sadistic son, that's what is called A BANG. The only thing which the director failed to do is letting us see the whole picture, why did the police want to kill Russel, why did Richard return back to help the man who threatened his kid and why did the police made a deal with Russel's son. If the movie had all these details it'd have been a way better movie. Overall this movie is a sure recommendation despite these plot holes, and i guess watching C.Hall with a gun killing sadists is a joy to watch.

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