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Superman & Lois: Injustice
Episode 12, Season 3

Oh Continuity, where art though?
While the current season of Superman and Lois is far superior to the other arrowverse and other DC properties of the time, it was a bad call to mismatch Lex Luthor with Cudlitz vs. Titans' Titus Welliver. Both are great, but should have represented Lex in both series. Big miss. Superman and Lois season 3 is wildly surpassing the generic superhero season by delving deeper into real human (and metahuman) issues beyond what previously made productions have previously dared to face. It's a great episode, but Welliver has a leg up role wise. As always this season, issues like cancer are well covered.

Star Wars: Visions: The Twins
Episode 3, Season 1

Great animation
4K, 8-bit style? Yes, Please! Makes me reminisce about Alone in the Dark or Master of Orion cutscenes, but with modern resolution, 3D, and sprites. Cool! I have no idea why there is now a minimum requirement for characters in a review since I only wanted to address the animation style... ok, so he stole the X-wing now... nice plot... um, I guess I should update this to say that it includes spoilers, OK got it. Animation still super cool but closer to retro computer Manga now... resolution (or my connection) has dropped now, yep it's on my end. Plot is advancing but resolution is buggered. Oh! It's back! Nice finale and pays homage to legacy animation.


The Worst Show Ever.
Wow this is just plain bad. It felt like a thirteen-year-old wrote this script. The English dub is horrific and cannot be redeemed. This is the crappiest show on Netflix. Oh my God it is so bad to the point that if you started watching it you would have to be put down.


Wow. Great Movie
This was an awesome film. I haven't seen Nic Cage act this well in a while! I'm not going to spoil it by going on about it, so just watch it ;)

Army of the Dead

So it's atmospheric and world-building
So yes, the movie is a great zombie movie thematically and the ambience and tension are there, but there is one glaring problem throughout the movie and that is the single bloody camera that is missing 3 PIXELS!!! The HELL you can't fix or buy a new camera??? I almost bought a new TV, JERKS.

Cobra Kai: Now You're Gonna Pay
Episode 3, Season 3

Love the show but...
Macallan 18? The hell you think that anyone is going to break bread over a Macallan 18?? My 1990 Macallan Murray McDavid is worth more to me than a small child. Not realistic.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D
Episode 7, Season 7

I feel behind the times because I didn't start popping my collar until 1989-90. But what this episode is, is a very comprehensive snapshot of 80s culture, to the extreme. I can't even think of a movie or cultural touchstone they left out (maybe D&D? royalties). So this episode was a frantic patchwork of 80s cliches which was done so well, you didn't even have time to absorb the story (which was good itself). I think all modern kids should watch this to understand the 80s. It's more accurate than Stranger Things and more fun!

Locke & Key

Great quality, but are they really this dumb?
So this is a beautifully decorated and filmed series (the single largest and most expensive set Netflix had ever made, so I hear). It's based off a graphic novel which adds to the stylistic flare. The plot is good but the story fails for the most part. I get that the Bode is a naive young kid, Kinsey is a teen girl trying to fit in (and impulsive later), and Tyler is a nice guy trying to play the role of dad and big brother at the same time, motivated by loss and guilt. BUT DO THEY ALL HAVE TO BE SO STUPID? Basic logic seems to be anathema to them. Connecting related points that should be so intuitive and performing acts and making choices that could only be described as idiotic is all they do. As with any mystery, these kids do each have pieces to the larger puzzle, but even when they get all the pieces together, they can't make them fit. It makes you want to slap your TV. But it looks great in 4K.

Maximum Overdrive

Classic mid-80s Film
This is a pretty good example of a great premise (the Stephen King short story) that takes a concept and runs with it. The movie cannot compete with the dramatic tension and inner dialogue of a novel, but I still feel the desperation of the characters holed up in the gas station. Totally worth watching.

Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens

It's Funny
The writing is solid and there are some great moments of juxtaposition. This is not about an Asian family living in New York, it's about a family living in New York.

The Magicians: Oops!...I Did It Again
Episode 6, Season 5

Ok, I find it illogical and disingenuous that Eliot would be experiencing horrible monster hallucinations without sharing them with Margo ASAP.

The Magicians

Unexpectedly Hard Hitting
This show is wonderful. It starts out with a Harry Potter vibe then evolves into possibly the craziest, most R-rated show on TV. It gets super dark by the end of the season. It's refreshing to see this degree of grittiness on TV. Leave your expectations at the door and enjoy the savagery.


It's fine, but utterly illogical
Why would the parliament dye their robes orange if everyone was blind? Why the massive time jump from e1 to re2? Why would Alkeens do a haka dance (which is a visual display of strength) against blind people?? I mean it's a kinda fun show, and the blind (Momoa) vs. blind fights are cool but it's not convincing in its world building.

Lost in Space

Excellent villian-ing
Ok the SFX are great and the plot is pretty good. But the thing that gets me most is the pure villainy of "Dr. Smith". It's insane the pure evil that can arise from being a full-fledged narcissist. Just the most despicable villain ever. Sure, the child actors, not that great; but Parker Posey crushes it to the point that watching her screw over everyone is painful. This show is a living nightmare in a good way, as you will never feel totally comfortable.

Fastest Car

A documentary about people (and their cars)
'Fastest Car' was, unexpectedly, an intensely engrossing show. The presentation, where they introduce each person (and their car) initially one at a time, makes them seem like hard core competitors, each of which have their own prejudices and misconceptions. But then they return to them after showing the hardships they have faced and the core values which motivates them. In the end, it only matters who wins because of the intense joy and validation it provides the winner. But everyone goes home a winner, learning something valuable with each race.

The Predator

Well it's a solid 5.
So, this was marketed as sort of a comedy arm of the Predator series; and also a launch pad to the next generation of Predator movies. I'll simply submit this... the main actor is forgettable. The kid is awful at playing someone with ASD. Like, super bad. He's good in other movies (Room), but ugh. Olivia Munn is good. The rest are OK. It got better near the end. This movie is not critical to the ALIEN filmography. The visuals are pretty fantastic, though, and are nice to watch.


Beautiful and Dark
I have to hand it to the makers of Broadchurch. The story is compelling and they don't telegraph the ending, making every minute wildly enjoyable.

Aside from being an AMAZING story, I have to give a ton of credit to the director and cinematographer because this is one of the most beautiful shows on TV. The framing, colours, and locations are stunning.

This really is a must - watch show. The second season follows with even more incredible filming. Do a favour to yourself and watch this show, but make sure it's in glorious HD your eyes and your brain will thank you!

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