
IMDb member since March 2015
    2018 Oscars
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    9 years


Me and You and Everyone We Know

The modern realistic family love drama
Very nice, weirdly realistic with dramatic art in the background of a beautiful origin love story. My girlfriend found the main guy protagonist to be an useless failure, while I saw a dude that was alive and with a positive relationship to this kids. The youngest of the two brother is the most charming I have seen in film.

A Primeira Tentação de Cristo

Playful and offensive religious art
Sometimes the shining beauty of the divine can be to intimidating. This film was just what I needed after feeling useless and humiliated by my own behavior. I first thought of this film as a parody, and the creators might have been synical atheists, but they anyway created for me an artwork where I could see my religious ideal in a more playfull and fun style. Many of the other Jesus films are so heavy and serious, and I don't think the truth is only for those who take life so seriously. If you are somewhat orthodox in your perspective, this film can be offensive, but with a playful attitude and with understanding of the atheist perspective, this is a absurd fun film with livefull acting and some clever narrative choice.

One thing I would point out which made me wonder ln the creators own perspective is how one of the main characters play blasmehy song on the keyboard, and this is later found to be Satan. To actually be unsure if the creators are believers or not, I find to be very nice so that I don't have to feel like I'm getting spoon fed with and ideology, its so Godd*mn annoying when a film knows what itself is about and is just trying to make you change your mind on a chase. I was somewhat high viewing this so my last interpretation might be off.


Perfect when you're tired of magic, but want a super hero
Damn, this film is the perfect blend of realistic drama & fantasy adventure. The actors are so well fitted in their roles that it is so seemingly real and fun. The story not super out of the game, but has simple surprises that made me reflect after the credits revealing more layers. The part comapring mythology and comics I felt was a bit ideological tho. Might be the greatest super hero film and reminds me of the convergent of metaphors and physical reality as with the resurrection of Christ.


The path is too straight, but magic and Pratt is fun
I like the message of technology taking away the magic from the world, but as this as the theme, I felt like the movie was to concrete and not going far enough on the edge creatively exploring. This might have been sort of a intersting artistic choice as the world itself is supposed to be a magical alternative reality, but having too explicit path and goal as well as not many magical surprises made me wish for more. It might have worked to such a straight forward story if the world was more creatively diffuse and confusing, but this is not the case.

The acting I very much enjoyed. Chris Pratt is amazing at expressing living dynamic personality through his character which made me empathize more then I usually do with these animations.

The magical vibe is fun, too concrete story, and good acting.

The Trial of the Chicago 7

Boring courtroom with intersting memories.
Eh, I went into this film with the mindset that it would be somewhat funny cus Sacha Cohen was in it. Maybe I should have looked closer at the Cover. This is a courtroom film with some interesting flashback of memories outside of the court. I myself who self identify as a stoned hippie, felt my inner tribal being being dragged in chanting excitement as fellow hippies attacked the scumbag popo's. There was also some well acting symbiosis moment that i enjoyed, especially between Potter 2 and Cohen.

The Courtroom scenes I mostly found boring tho, I think there were too many people in the room to get a good vibe or something, I could kinda feel the script and the passing of lines as it became too big to the momentary dialogue in context.

Baby Driver

Questioning commitment through criminality
Kinda cool, some bits were a bit too straight on course, but others felt like unknown diving. Sort of felt like a less serious "drive" with more daylight and classical us blockbuster aesthetics. I identified with the low testosterone protagonist trying to fit in a criminal environment, a fun and light tone to the characters. The story does not go terribly deep, but still has a touching edge. Our person of attention is out in a rather corned situation, which made me wonder myself what the right thing would be to do. There is something especially beautiful about good people in dark places, and combining this with a love story makes for a romantic escape. The lady and our protagonist have a very smooth connection and inspiring vibe, which makes this a very hot film, in a like abstract sense, it's not like "love" by Gaspar. Would recommend very much if you desire some romantic inspiration that isn't rom com and involves criminal suspense which calls out for real sacrificial love, maybe good fit for couples recently fallen in love looking for questioning commitment.


Modern folkelore kairos
Me and my gf wanted to over-intergrate the Christmas spirit this year to compensate for the otherwise dispiriting year. We decided to watch this show alongside Skomakergaten. It started off with a lot of clichés and felt somewhat rigid in both acting and story development, but at one point there was a certain change where it felt like things loosened up and genuine creativity was expressed. Might just be projection as I became more familiar with the show, but it also felt like the acting became more engaging and had a personal expression instead of rereading of a script. I felt like the main message trying to be communicated is the unbalanced overreliance on scientific thinking, and a encouragement to look at stories and folklore when science is not sufficient. I do agree that this is an important imbalance to point out, but I do feel like it became a too obvious point, like it was actively trying to change the viewers from one perspective another. I wonder if I would have enjoyed it more if there was only a finger pointing out the problem without giving any solutions, but I'm sure the show wouldn't had gotten any funding then. So I don't really feel like the creative spark and beauty lies in the overall or core idea of the show, but rather in its tangents scenes. Like the school play rehearsed and performed within the show I was openly and creatively engaged by, maybe cus it was not too reliant on being consistent with the rest of the story. It might had been better actually if the show had more of this sort of scenes that we're not so much directly correlated to the main story development, but that might be weird for a julekalender. This also accounts for the asocial autistic teacher that felt like novel exploring and became very funny. One aspects of the show that was charming was the sharing and passing on of hope. As one character attained hope from inspiration, the other lost it, and on the journey they go a bit back and forth on this front. This sort of keeping the flame alive game I felt was very fitting, as this year has been disheartening for a lot of people. This idea of actively keeping and seeking hope is also heard in the theme song, which both me and my gf found very beautiful. This show was quite engaging and funny, at least after a couple of episodes in. Might be most appropriate for old kids and not too enjoyable for the youngest ones and maybe it should also had has more complex patterns for adults to chew on, like Pixar is very good at achieving while still being kids friendly. A lot of good creativity here.


A classical self aware slasher
This is a ironic post modern horror film that took advantage of the horror film genere becoming predictable. It is a classical horror film with all the known elements, but mentions and makes fun of the known traits of the horror genere, making it refreshing and also funny. It had a great combination of having a humorous light side while not faling to keep it scary.

The acting and character are very expressive, somewhat cartoony, but it fits the style quite well. The story is also intersting, it has a good amount if information withdrawn to keep you wondering while still being straight forward on where your focus should be. At some moments I would have preferred the film being slower to build up tension. The story could also have been more novel.

This film is such a classical piece of horror that it becomes the first film I think of when I think of slashers. Fun and scary and a great capture of old horror film vibe makes it one of the safest films to turn on whenever one feels the need to feel fear,.


Heavy & engaging ideology
An interesting take and perspective on modern racism and deeply rooted sins. I might have preferred a bit more subtle acting at times, but it was still very engaging and I could heavily empathize at moments. The camera work and pacing is very smooth. It reminded me of 12 years of slave in some scenes, but it turns quite unique and symbolic later and some interesting novel genre mixing. The story itself is quite skewed to a left leaning perspective, which is totally fine, but it would be nice to show some self referencing irony or some more nuanced perspective, because it felt a bit ideological limited in content. It should be fine to have a film with a hard perspective, but I think what is more needed today is to bring nuance to the dialog to open up the polarised views we have today. Anyways, I very much enjoyed the film, it made me engaged, feel a lot of heavy emotions and react with complexing uncertainty, as well as a good film for afterthought and fun to talk about.


Psychodynamic feminist Sunyata
The movie has a distinct and warm vibe, but dark at the same time. The film is very dreamy, and it feels like I was going deeper within the dreamworld, as the happenings within became more absurd. The dream state here is a lot more wavy and natural then how it is done in inception tho, here it is not too clear what layer of dreaming we're on. It made me think of psychodynamic theory and also had some very interseting inteconnectedness ideas.

The acting was quite good, I was heavly amused by weird gaze acting and the strong female protagonist was very cool. The only thing that wasn't that good was the editing or special effects. The first time the monster is revealed I was kinda taken back by the film and sort off fell away from the immersion. It was also some abrupt cutting. Might have been an artistic move tho.

So it's a wonderful story if one is open enough to follow, there is a nice tone to the look and setting of the film.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Thrilling ride, good style
The style of this film fresh, deep and coherent. With a voyage and return plot, it flips the parts a bit around and becomes a unique piece, while stile being blockbuster action with a basic story on the top layer, making it a film even a kid would really like, not that kids should see it of course. It puts the experience of the protagonists on the edges of experience, and it is not often I have been so dragged into the drama we see our heroes go through. Super fun stoned but I'm sure its ok+ sober.

Ready Player One

Pretty good
I don't think the casting was the best, and the antagonist is pretty boring and flat, but the world created is really interesting and beautiful to watch, at least if you have ever have been a gaming nerd and you smoke up beforehand.

Ivanovo detstvo

A beauty to watch, but not Tarkovsky's greatest work
Yeah its nice to look at, but I need a films to be more than a hot beast. Yeah, the kid actor is superb, and the most of the others actors are OK, still, its' structure i flawed. I miss a driving conflict. Tarkovsky did not build up enough tension for us to wonder if the kid will make it. Another grand problem is the phasing towards post middle and end, especially the end. I know a film necessarily doesn't need a climax, but this films really clumsy cuts to the victory of the bolsheviks.

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