
IMDb member since May 2015
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The Equalizer 3

A weak follow up
Denzel is great as he is in anything. The scenery is excellent with scenes all over Sicily. Unfortunately the script is like it was written by a 12 year old who has seen a couple of mafia movies. . Basically McCall goes to Sicily, makes alot of friends and decides the mafia are bad guys. So he kills them. That's pretty much the whole plot. It seems with each movie the need to make the villain bigger and badder then the last film just makes the writing dumber. Scenes were all the towns people stand up to the mafia boss to save him. Almost as dumb as Russians cheering Rocky in Rocky IV. It's a shame to see a great charecter wasted like this.

John Wick: Chapter 4

Way too long
To start let's talk about the first 3 films so you know where I'm coming from. I thought the first 2 films were good not great. But good popcorn films with lots of action. Third film seemed like the subject matter was getting old and more over the top to compensate. Now the fourth film is again even more over the top but now almost 3 hours long with super long fight scenes. Unless you are a super over the top fan of these films you will find yourself looking at your watch saying is it over yet. Don't get me wrong there are some good action scenes but a remote to fast forward at times would be handy.

The Big Door Prize

Interesting concept but no delivery.
It starts off well and really enjoyed the first 2 episodes. But as the weeks went buy it never really delivered on its potential. By week 7, I was just staying with it because I had watched this much let's see how it ends. Then the last 3 episodes were just terrible ending with nothing more then tune in next season to find out what it's all about. Honestly I could care less about a second season. I can't see myself watching it again. Hollywood writers are so hung up on creating series that can last for multiple seasons. That's why I like British shows because they usually wrap up a storyline at the end of a season. Sometimes one season can be enough.


Forget the music
The movie has some humorous scenes. The problem is it is over 130 minutes because they made it a musical. The songs are not memorable or catchy. If you remove all the music it could have been a decent 95 minute comedy. They are trying to make a Christmas classic instead of a good comedy.

Farrell is funny, Reynolds is great and Tracy Morgan is hilarious. So watch it and fast forward through the songs and you just might enjoy it. The music is a 3 but the film is 7.5 maybe an 8. I'm glad I saw it on Apple so l could fast forward. Don't think I could have put up with it in the theater. Just so you don't think I just hate musicals I liked Schmigadoon on Apple.

A Christmas Story Christmas

Sorry no.
I tried to go in with an open mind and really give this a chance. Unfortunately I only got about 30 mins in. A child daydreaming and fantasizing about winning an award is funny.and realistic. A grown man doing it is just kind of sad and pathetic. The first movie is a nostalgic look back to growing up in a simpler time through of course rose colored glasses to make even the bad times seem better then they really were. That's what reminiscing about your youth is all about. This has been modernized while still trying to seem folksy at the same time. It really just doesn't work. Something's just do not need a sequel.

Halloween Ends

It just keeps getting worse..
Jamie Lee has made 7 of these films now. By far and away Halloween Kills was the worst of them but now it has a challenger. The last 2 films have been so stupidly written they are unwatchable. Did she really need the money that bad to make this the last 2 films she paranoid about Michael returning. She wants her daughter and granddaughter to come lock themselves in her house for Halloween. Then he kills her daughter. This film starts she's baking pumpkin pies and worrying about her granddaughter hallowee costume. Really? The ending is beyond stupid. It was free on Peacock with no commercials and still wasn't worth watching.


It's not the book.
If your watching this looking for an interpretation of the book you will hate it. But if you take it for what it is not great but good. It's taking the world created in the Foundation books and creating a whole new story.

Halloween Kills

Nothing more then a cash grab
Not even an attempt to make a good movie. This is the 10th Halloween movie and at least 6 of them were better then this. The last one could have been a good ending to the film series. Bringing back Jamie Lee to get her revenge as a direct sequel to the first film was a good idea. But then some greedy exec decided to turn it into a trilogy.

Wonder Woman 1984

I wish I had my 180 minutes back.
After Man of Steel & Batman V Superman were such disappointments, Wonder Woman gave us hope DC was back on track. Which is why WW84 is such a disappointment. The story is weak The climax of the story with this everyone suddenly see's the error of their ways and all is good with the world again was so lame. I'm not saying it's the worst superhero movie but it is average at best.


Clerks goes to Canada
If your a Kevin Smith fan, you'll like this show. Quick talking quirky characters.

The Death of Stalin

It's satire not biography!
I see a lot of criticism about how it's not historically accurate, it's not a history lesson it's satire and black comedy. An amusing film and intelligent film in an era of dumb down comedy movies.

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