
IMDb member since July 2005
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Four Brothers

Four Brothers
A Action/Crime/Drama/Mystery about 4 Brothers Bobby Mercer(Mark Wahlberg,The Italian Job),Angel Mercer(Tyrese Gibson,Flight of the Phoenix),Jeremiah Mercer(André 3000,Be Cool)and Jack Mercer(Garrett Hedlund,Friday Night Lights).Who come home for there mothers funeral.But they didn't just come home for the funeral they came home to avenge there mother by making the people who murdered her pay.But first they have to figure out who killed her and why.

Mark Wahlberg(Bobby Mercer)is really a great actor he is extremely flexible he can play a vast assortment of rolls, unfortunately this was not his best performance it was quite a disappointment.Tyrese Gibson(Angel Mercer) has really advanced every time he makes a movie he does a better job with his acting and I think this pattern will continue until he becomes a well known actor.André 3000(Jeremiah Mercer)don't let his name shake you because he has some real talent I expected him to give a horrible performance but he didn't I can't wait to see what he does next.Garrett Hedlund(Jack Mercer)I don't know how this kid is getting all of these rolls but he bugs me this is the 2nd time he has played a rebel and i think the reason why he does that so well is because he looks like plain white trash.The directing was interesting I expected it to be pretty basic but it wasn't it was a pleasant surprise.The storyline was great I really liked the several twists right when you think you have figured it out it changes which makes a very exciting movie.However the screenplay was so stupid I mean it had its moments but overall it was just incredibly stupid.The soundtrack was good I expected it to be a loud rap soundtrack but it wasn't it was a very colorful upbeat soundtrack.

Best actor/actress-Tyrese Gibson

Exceding my expectations by a mile-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 7 out of 10

Rated-(R) for strong violence,pervasive language and some sexual content.


The Great Raid

The Great Raid
A Action/Drama/War based in the Philippines during world war two about a battalion of rangers including Lt. Colonel Mucci(Benjamin Bratt,Miss Congeniality) and Captain Prince(James Franco,Spider-Man).Who are ordered to set out on a mission to liberate 500 American soldiers(POW's) that have been in a Japanese POW camp for 3 years including Major Gibson(Joseph Fiennes,Enemy at the Gates) and Captain Redding(Marton Csokas,xXx).

Benjamin Bratt(Lt. Colonel Mucci)did a great job this is definitely the best movie he has done so far.James Franco(Captain Prince)showed me that he is not just a mediocre actor he is much much more and I expect big things out of him.Joseph Fiennes(Major Gibson)was exactly what I expected him to be he was great!!.Marton Csokas(Captain Redding)has really come along way from his "xXx" days he gave a very solid performance and he did a good job thinning out his accent.I am surprised that John Dahl(Director)was able to pull "The Great Raid" off the only real credible thing he has done was "Joy Ride" and I really didn't like that movie at all.The screenplay was great one of the things that bothered me however is that I think that soldiers in world war two would have used a little fowler language but I wasn't there so I cant be certain.The raid scene when the rangers were rescuing the POW's was excellent it is on a par with the last battle scene in "Saving Private Ryan".The storyline was great I have a feeling that it was pretty close to what really happened but again I wasn't there so I wouldn't know.I really liked how at the end of the movie they showed a bunch of footage of the real Lt. Colonel Mucci and Captain Prince and all of the pow's it showed how well the actors had there characters down.

Best actor/actress-James Franco

You can not afford to not see this movie-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 9 out of 10

Rated-(R) for strong war violence and brief language.


The Dukes of Hazzard

The Dukes Of Hazzard
A Action/Adventure/Comedy about two cousins Luke Duke(Johnny Knoxville,Walking Tall)and Bo Duke(Seann William Scott,The Rundown)Bo Duke is a local hero well him and his car General Lee are local heroes because they have won the Hazzard county race 3 years in a row.But now the entire Hazzard county is going to be turned in to a coal mining camp.So Bo and Luke are going to stir up a whole lot of trouble with the help of there cousin Daisy Duke(Jessica Simpson)and there uncle Jesse(Willie Nelson).so the local tycoon Boss Hogg(Burt Reynolds,The Longest Yard) wont be able to trick the entire county into allowing this mine to be built without them even knowing it.

Jessica Simpson(Daisy Duke) was simply a cameo they basically used her for her good looks and her music video that she put out based on this movie.They gave her as few lines as they could and they put as little clothes on her as she would allow them to basically she was a cameo.The main characters were Seann William Scott(Bo Duke)and Johnny Knoxville(Luke Duke).Seann William Scott is by far a much better actor then Johnny Knoxville he had me laughing a few times he also had me thinking how much of an idiot he is so I guess you could say he gave exactly the performance I expected him to give.Johnny Knoxville has improved since his performance in "walking tall" but still has a long way to go he only made me laugh half as many times as Sean William Scott.Willie Nelson(uncle Jesse)is not a actor he looked like he had no clue what he was doing the only way they could have him talk and have anybody think he knew what he was doing is if he yelled swear words or said some stupid jokes(They were funny stupid jokes though).The directing was pretty boring it did reach the medium though.The only good part about this movie was the car chase scenes they were very cool i loved the jumps they had general lee do they must have had 100 of those cars to be able to shoot this movie because it looked like it took quite a few takes to get them right.

Best actor/actress-Seann William Scott

running on empty when it came to the acting-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 3 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13) for sexual content, crude and drug-related humor, language and comic action


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
A Adventure/Comedy/Family/Fantasy about a young boy Charlie Bucket(Freddie Highmore,Finding Neverland)who finds one of the five golden tickets that.Pirates of the Caribbean Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp,Pirates of the Caribbean) sent out all over the world hidden in his candy bars.The golden tickets are a invitation to come to Willy Wonkas famous chocolate factory that know body has been in since Willy fired all of the personal because his competition was stealing his ideas by sending in spies.

Johnny Depp(Willy Wonka)gave a absolutely perfect performance I cant think of one other person who could have made a better Willy Wonka.Usually children actors either hurt the film or just don't add anything to it but that is not the case in this movie all of the kids in the cast were pretty good actors they all added to this movie.Tim Burton what a director!! he took everything good about the old movie and put it in to this movie and he took everything bad out of the old movie and made it perfect and then put it into this movie and then he added a few other things that made the movie a little more crisp.The screenplay was very entertaining there was a couple lines that were a little off but most of the time it was pretty good.The storyline is far better then the original unlike the first this one has a detailed past to it.

Best actor/actress-Johnny Depp

A vast improvement compared to the original-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 8 out of 10

Rated-(PG) for quirky situations, action and mild language.


Wedding Crashers

Wedding Crashers
A Comedy/Romance about 2 bachelors John Beckwith(Owen Wilson,Starsky And Hutch)and Jeremy Grey(Vince Vaughn,Dodgeball)who go to peoples wedding's without even knowing the people.They make fake stories up to pick up women then after they have got what they want from the women(If you know what I mean)they ditch the women and start all over again.Until something unexpected happens John Beckwith falls in love.And Jeremy Grey falls into something I'm not completely sure you could call it love though.

Owen Wilson(John Beckwith) gave a hilarious performance as the leading man in Wedding Crashers.Vince Vaughn also gave a hilarious performance you cant help but feel sorry for his character which is so great because it really makes you feel like you know him.The screenplay was great every person had something to say and for a change what they said was meaningful.The directing was pretty basic nothing special there.The storyline was great up until the very end i would have gave this movie a 10 out of 10 but the ending was a little off in my opinion.Will Ferrell(Chaz Reingold)gave a hilarious cameo the most colorful character in the entire movie.The soundtrack was great there was fun upbeat music the entire movie.The one thing this movie had plenty of was beautiful women including Rachel McAdams(Claire Cleary)Isla Fisher(Gloria Cleary)and many more.

Best actor/actress-Owen Wilson

A comedic masterpiece-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 9 out of 10

Rated-(R) for sexual content/nudity and language.(Definitely not for your 12 year old)


Batman Begins

Batman Begins
A Action/Adventure/Crime/Fantasy/Thriller about how Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale,Memento)became batman.And his fight against a group of men including Henri Ducard(Liam Neeson,Kingdom of Heaven)Dr. Jonathan Crane(Cillian Murphy,Girl with a Pearl Earring)and Ra's Al Ghul(Ken Watanabe,The Last Samurai)who want to destroy the city of Gotham by putting a poison in the water system.And it is Batmans responsibility to make sure they don't succeed.

Christian Bale(Bruce Wayne/Batman)does fabulous as Bruce Wayne but when he is playing batman I'm not really sure I liked him he definitely has a future in acting but I don't really think he is the perfect person for this role I would have gone with someone else but I wasn't terribly disappointed.Katie Holmes(Rachel Dawes) I was surprised with her acting it really impressed me,she has come along way from "Dawsons Creek".And every other person on the cast did really good which is very unusual for a super hero movie.The directing was great Christopher Nolan is going to be a huge director.The screenplay was great a little cheesy at times but it wouldn't be batman if batman didn't have a really deep voice.And of course the storyline was perfect the beginning was great and the end was even better i wont tell you how it ends but it is so good it leaves you wanting more.

Best actor/actress-Katie Holmes

A vast improvement from the Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Carey days-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 9 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13)for intense action violence, disturbing images and some thematic elements



A Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi/Thriller about the three best pilots in the world Lt. Ben Gannon(Josh Lucas,Sweet Home Alabama)Kara Wade(Jessica Biel,Blade: Trinity)and Henry Purcell(Jamie Foxx,Ray)who have flown with each other for awhile.But now they have been informed that there will be a new pilot joining them.The catch 22 of it is that it isn't human it is a computer.That is far more efficient then a human pilot.But when it gets struck by lightning its wiring gets all messed up and it starts making his own missions.So now its up to the original three pilots to take it down.

I thought that Jamie Foxx(Henry Purcell) was supposed to be the main character but that is not the case it is Josh Lucas(Lt. Ben Gannon) who takes the lead in "Stealth" which was a big surprise to me because Jamie Foxx has won a Oscar and Josh Lucas has not even been nominated.But i think it was a good decision because I thought Foxx did a crappy job he was really annoying however i am not going to reveal what happens to him but i promise it will surprise you.Josh Lucas however did a pretty decent job with his acting it wasn't great but it was the best out of the entire cast.Jessica Biel(Kara Wade)gave exactly the performance you would expect out of her which wasn't very impressive (Only in the movies would there be a really really really hot pilot).I hated the jets they looked so fake the wings looked like they were made of cardboard(They probably were).The directing was typical Rob Cohen very fast loud and well Annoying.The storyline was ridiculous I mean a lightning bolt give me a break.The screenplay was pretty stupid as well and they added way to many phony innuendo's.

Best actor/actress-Josh Lucas

A loud obnoxious movie a total waist of time-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 1 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13) for intense action, some violence, brief strong language and innuendo.


In Good Company

In Good Company
A Comedy/Drama about a guy named Carter Duryea (Topher Grace,Win a Date with Tad Hamilton) who works for a company called Globocom. That just took over a magazine called Sports America. Dan Foreman(Dennis Quaid,The Day After Tomorrow) has always been in charge of ad sales at Sports America. But now Carter Duryea(Topher Grace)is in charge. So you can imagine how mad Dan Foreman(Dennis Quaid) is about the fact that his boss is young enough to be his son. And to add insult to injury Carter Duryea(Topher Grace)is dating his 18 year old daughter Alex Foreman(Scarlett Johansson,Lost in Translation).

Dennis Quaid(Dan Foreman)was pretty good in this movie it definitely wasn't his best performance yet. Topher Grace(Carter Duryea) had his moments but most of the time he was really annoying.Scarlett Johansson(Alex Foreman)gave one of her better performances but I think she will do a lot better in the future.The directing really surprised me I expected it to be pretty standard but it wasn't Paul Weitz hit some really good angels and he did this thing were he went super close up into Tophers and Quaids faces making it seam like a old western it was really clever.The screenplay had a lot of holes in it I am not even exaggerating the cast said a couple of things that didn't even make sense. The storyline was clever I expected the bases of the movie to be a love story but it really wasn't it was mostly about Dennis and Topher Scarlett was just a foot note I don't want to give the ending away but it was really clever showing you just how little Scarlett meant to the storyline.

Best actor/actress-Dennis Quaid

The story came out through the directing more then it came out of the actors which was really original-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 7 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13) for some sexual content and drug references


A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind
A Biography/Drama/Mystery about the Famous genius John Nash(Russell Crowe,Gladiator)who is on the brink of being the next Einstein.But he is starting to suffer from skitsophrania and it is hurting his ability to be able to see extensive algorithms and codes because of the medication he is using to take care of it.Therefor he is becoming the village idiot(A very smart village idiot).

Russell Crowe(John Nash)gave a out of this world performance it was absolutely amazing.Jennifer Connelly(Alicia Nash)also gave a great performance it did not surprise me at all that she won a Oscar for best actress in a supporting role she definitely deserved it.The directing was very interesting Ron Howard is definitely going to have a great directing career.The screenplay had no flaws that i could find it flowed very smoothly and the storyline was very interesting there were a couple of minutes when i was a little bored but mostly it kept my attention.I thought it was very cool how the entire cast was flawless every character had a purpose and every actor performed that purpose extremely well.

Best actor/actress-Russell Crowe

A great biography about one of the most beautiful minds are culture has ever had-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 9 out of 10

Rated PG-13 for intense thematic material, sexual content and a scene of violence.


Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven
A Comedy/Thriller/Crime about 11 guys Danny Ocean(George Clooney,The Perfect Storm),Rusty Ryan(Brad Pitt,Fight Club),Frank Catton(Bernie Mac,Life),Reuben Tishkoff(Elliott Gould),Virgil Malloy(Casey Affleck),Turk Malloy(Scott Caan),Yen(Shaobo Qin),Saul Bloom(Carl Reiner),Linus(Matt Damon),Billy Tim Denham(Joe La Due),and Livingston Dell(Eddie Jemison).Who are going to rob 150 million dollars from three casinos in Las Vegas the MGM grand the Bilagio and the Mirage these are all Terry Benedicts(Andy Garcia) casinos.And Terry Benedict is not the kind of man that you want to be stealing 150 million dollars from.

George Clooney(Danny Ocean)after his disgraceful appearance in "Spy Kids" I wasn't sure what to expect out of him but Clooney bounced back very well he really pulled off the character of Danny Ocean.Brad Pitt(Rusty Ryan)didn't surprise me at all because I expected him to give a great performance which he did.And the rest of the cast was great there characters were extremely colorful, not a single person in this movie gave a bad performance.The screenplay was pretty good but it had its cheesy moments.The directing was surprisingly good i expected it to be pretty standard but Steven Soderbergh hit some really interesting angels. The storyline was really good I really enjoyed the heist it was extremely clever.

Best actor/actress-Brad Pitt

A extremely colorful movie-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 8 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13)for some language and sexual content.


The Island

The Island
A Action/Drama/Sci-Fi/Thriller about two people/clones Lincoln Six Echo/Tom Lincoln(Ewan McGregor,Big Fish)and Jordan Two Delta/Sarah Jordan(Scarlett Johansson,Lost In Translation)who escape there artificial life's.Ever since they were created they have been led to believe that a nuclear bomb went off and they are survivors in a sanitary environment.But in reality they are clones that are used for there organs.

Ewan McGregor(Lincoln Six Echo/Tom Lincoln) gave a OK performance definitely not the best he has ever done.Scarlett Johansson(Jordan Two Delta/Sarah Jordan)gave a pretty good performance one of her best yet.The rest of the acting was OK nothing special really.The directing was really exciting it had me on the edge of my seat during the 2 car chase scenes.THe screenplay was a little sketchy at times and the storyline was a little off the wall but i have to say that i liked it.

Best actor/actress-Scarlett Johansson

On the surface it was a action thriller but underneath the surface it was a political piece raising the issue of cloning-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 6 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13) for intense sequences of violence and action, some sexuality and language.


Secondhand Lions

Secondhand Lions
A Adventure/Comedy/Drama/Family about a young boy Walter(Haley Joel Osment,The Sixth Sense) who get's dropped off at his 2 uncles Garth(Michael Caine,Miss Congeniality)and Hub's(Robert Duvall,Open Range)House in the middle of nowhere by his mother.Who is going to go to college.Garth and hub tell Walter about there adventures in Africa and all over the middle east.But Walter has some exciting adventures of his own.

Robert Duvall(Hub)and Michael Caine(Garth)both gave pretty good performances.Haley Joel Osment(Walter) gave a OK performance but after awhile he got really annoying.Tim McCanlies(Director)This is his second film he has directed and i am pretty impressed,for only his second time he did pretty good.The screenplay was funny it made me laugh at times the storyline was really clever and fun.

Best actor/actress-Jake Hyden

A good story with a good ending-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 6 out of 10

Rated-(PG) for thematic material,language and action violence.


Walking Tall

Walking Tall
A Action/Drama/Thriller about a man Chris Vaughn(The Rock,The Rundown) who comes back to his hometown to find that everything has changed.The old lumber mill has been shut down and replaced with a crocked casino that petals drugs.And he is not going to stand for it.

The Rock(Chris Vaughn) is not the best actor in the world but he is highly entertaining i really enjoy a huge guy walking around smashing peoples faces in with a 4 buy 4.The rest of the acting was pretty cheesy i guess you could say that it was exactly what i expected it to be.The directing reached the medium very easily.The screenplay was pretty stupid a little over the top.The storyline was great i really liked it i cant believe that it was based on a true story.

Best actor/actress-Neal McDonough

Action packed but not really that impressive-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 5 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13) for sequences of intense violence, sexual content, drug material and language.



A Action/Comedy/Crime/Thriller about a cop Washburn(Jimmy Fallon,Anything Else) who gets his license taken away so when he gets the call that there is a bank robbery.He jumps in a cab but not just any cab Belle's(Queen Latifa,Chicago)cab.So now he is in for a big surprise.

Jimmy Fallon was funny in this movie he was the only good part of this entire movie.Then you have Queen Latifa who did a horrible job with her acting and her comedy and her boyfriend in this movie is way out of her league.The screenplay was stupid funny at times but mostly stupid.The directing was a joke it didn't even reach the medium it looked like somebody was filming it with 2 cameras and a camera stand so BORING!!.The acting was pretty bad especially the stupid models i mean they tried to make people want to come to see a couple hot model bank Robers but it ended up just insulting my intelligence.

Best actor/actress-Jimmy Fallon

I cant believe somebody would even think about making this movie-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 3 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13) for language, sensuality and brief violence



A Adventure/Fantasy/Sci-Fi about a group of people including Chris Johnston(Paul Walker,The Fast And The Furious)and Frank Gordon(Neal McDonough,Minority Report)who travel back to 14th century France to find there friend Profesor E.A.Johnston(Billy Connoly,Beautiful Joe) but due to complications things are not happening the way they want them to.

I cant stand Paul Walker(Chris Johnston)i felt like he was playing the same character he played in "The Fast And The Furious" this whole surfer dude thing is getting really annoying if you ask me.The rest of the cast were just as bad in my opinion they just didn't add one thing to this movie.But the storyline was great based on Michael Crightons book basically the only thing good about this movie is the storyline.The directing reached the medium which is good enough for me.The screenplay was pretty bad it was cheesy at times and then the rest of it was just plain old stupid.

Best Actor/actress-Billy Connoly

With this good of a storyline this movie could have been really special but the casting director really screwed this movie over-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 5 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13)for intense battle sequences and brief language.


The Time Machine

The Time Machine
A Sci-fi/Adventure/Action about a man named Alexander Hartdegan(Guy Pearce,Memento) who travels 800,000 years into the future.To find that civilization has started all over.But now the race of man has split into two different species one is close to what we look like now.And the other is a creature that is extremely strong and treats the other race like cattle.

Guy Pearce(Alexander Hartdegan)gave a horrible performance i mean he had his moments but it was like he was in a community theater play it got really annoying.Actually the acting all together was horrible i would have to say that the only one who gave even a OK performance was Mark Addy(David Filby).The directing reached the medium but not even close to passing it.There were some really cool special effects especially when he was traveling through time.The storyline was a little out of wack but clever i suppose you could say.The screenplay was horrible i mean no real content at all.

Best actor/actress-Mark Addy

To far out there for me i can buy the time travel but the rest was ridiculous-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 4 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13) for intense sequences of action violence.


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord Of The Rings:The Fellowship Of The Ring
A Fantasy/Adventure/Action based on J.R.R Tolkien's about a Hobbit Frodo Baggins(Elijah Wood,Oliver Twist) and 8 companions who have received a very difficult task.To take a very powerful ring to.The mountain of fire and destroy it before the enemy intercepts it.

Elijah Wood(Frodo Baggins)how did he get this role he is a horrible actor i mean he is either overacting or underacting all the time.But the rest of the cast did a pretty good job.Especially Ian McKellen(Gandalf) he overacted a little bit at times but most of the time he did pretty good.The directing reached the medium and almost passed it but couldn't quite pull it off.The screenplay was cheesy at times but it is what you would expect out of this kind of a movie.The storyline was great very unique i have never seen anything like this.

Best actor/actress-Ian McKellen

Setting the mark for fantasy movies-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 7 out of 10

Rated-(PG-13) for epic battle sequences and some scary images.


Knockaround Guys

Knockaround guys
A Action/Thriller/Crime/Drama about 4 guys Matty Demaret(Barry Pepper,Saving Private Ryan),Taylor Reese(Vin Diesel,The Fast And The Furious),Johny Marbles(Seth Green,Rat Race),and Chris Scarpa(Andrew Davoli,first movie).Who get a opportunity from a mobster named Benny chains(Dennis Hopper,Speed).The job is they will fly to Canada get some money and bring it back. But Marbles loses the money and it finds its way into the hands of a sheriff and his deputy.

Vin diesel played a guy that didn't really talk a lot his purpose in this movie was to be the big strong bad*** and he did it well he did what he was supposed to do and for that i say he did a good job in this movie.But none of the other actors gave a good performance they didn't give bad performances but they didn't give good ones either.The directing reached the medium but not even close to passing it.The screenplay was what you would expect out of a mobster movie.The storyline could have been better but it was what it was i guess.

Best actor/actress-Vin Diesel

A pretty average movie-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 5 out of 10

Rated R for violence, language and some drug use.


Blade: Trinity

Blade Trinity
A action/fantasy/horror/thriller about a vampire/human/hybrid named blade(Wesley Snipes,The Art Of War)who hunts down vampires and kills them.But the vampires have asked for help from Drake aka Dracula(Dominic Purcell,Mission Impossible 2)to help them kill blade.But blade has some help as well they are called the Night Stalkers.

The Night Stalkers consist of Jessica Biel(Abigail Whistler)who i thought was going to give a horrible performance but i was wrong she really did not do that bad and then there is Ryan Reynolds(Hannibal King)who is hilarious in this movie he gave the comedic relief that hasn't ever been shown in the Blade trilogy before in my opinion he saved this film.Wesley Snipes(Blade) is ridiculous in this movie i mean the tattoos when does he have time to get tattoos if he is always hunting vampires his character is a joke and so is his acting.The screenplay is very cheesy at times i mean its not extremely deep if you know what i mean hahaha.The directing barely reached the medium at times it wasn't even close to the medium.

Best actor/actress-Ryan Reynolds

Far fetched but entertaining-Jake Hyden

I rated this movie a 6 out of 10

Rated-(R) for strong pervasive violence and language, and some sexual content.


A Man Apart

A man Apart
A action/thriller/drama/crime about a cop named Sean Vetter(Vin diesel,The Fast And The Furious) who takes down the biggest drug cartel in northern Mexico.But now there is a new cartel on the block the leaders name is diablo and to show how tough he is he tries to kill Sean Vetter he doesn't succeed with that but he does kill Vetter's wife.Now Sean Vetter is out to find and kill the person who had his wife killed.

Vin Diesel(Sean Vetter) gave a pretty good performance.Actually there wasn't any bad acting in the whole movie.The storyline was a little sketchy at times."A Man Apart" didn't quite reach the directing medium.The screenplay also was a little sketchy at times but not extremely bad at all.This is a great movie if you are looking for a shootumup action packed Vin Diesel movie but if you are looking for something with a deep storyline this definitely is not the movie you want to see.

Best actor/actress-Vin Diesel

Classic Vin Diesel movie-Jake Hyden

I rated this movie a 6 out of 10

Rated-(R) for strong graphic violence, language, drug content and sexuality.



A action/drama based in Rome around the time of 180 a.d. about a man named Maximus(Russell Crowe,L.A.Confidential)Who is betrayed by the emperor Commodus(Joaquin Phoenix,The Yards)the emperor of Rome.Maximus and his wife and son are to be put to death but Maximus escapes his death yet his wife and son did not so the emperor Commodus assumes Maximus is dead but that is far from the truth.The truth is that he has been captured by a slave trader who sells him to a man named Proximo(Oliver Reed)who makes him a gladiator "The Gladiator that defied a emperor".

Russell Crowe(Maximus)Gives a electrifying performance as does Joaquin Phoenix(Commodus).Yet i found the young boy Spencer Treat Clark(Lucius)very very Annoying i cant quite say if it was his acting or the character that i found annoying maybe it was both.Ridley Scott as always flies pass the directing medium at the speed of sound.There are some extremely exciting battle sequences the gore was not out of control i really appreciate when a director can keep the gore under control now i am not saying there was no blood because there was but the way he showed the blood was quite classy.The music is extremely powerful making the movie very exciting.I really enjoyed the screenplay the actors worked very well off of each other.The storyline was very good i was only bored for a total of about 10 minutes out of the 2 hours and 35 minutes which is quite good.

Best actor/actress-Russell Crowe

A powerful experience-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 9 out of 10

Rated-(R) for intense, graphic combat


Hearts in Atlantis

Hearts In Atlantis
A drama/mystery about a man named bobby Garfield(David Morse,The Green Mile)who goes to his childhood friends funeral in the neighborhood he grew up in.His memories of himself and his two friends and the mysterious house tenant Ted Brautigan(Anthony Hopkins,Meet Joe Black)come flying back to him.

Anthony Hopkins(Ted Brautigan)gives a stunning amazing performance.Anton Yelchin(Young bobby Garfield) and Mika Boorem(Carol Gerber)gave rather annoying inadequate performances.Hearts In Atlantis reached the directing medium but couldn't quite pass it.At times the screenplay was pretty awful but it had its moments.The storyline was interesting especially since it was written by Stephen king you would assume that it would be scary but the element of horror does not appear at all in this movie.The movie covered a great era and the music perfectly fits which was fun.

Best actor/actress-Anthony Hopkins hands down!!

It had its moments-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 6 out of 10


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
A drama/romance/sci-fi about a man named Joel Barish(Jim Carrey,The Truman Show)who meets a woman named Clementine Kruczynski(Kate Winslet,Titanic).After 2 years of being together Clementine decides she is unhappy and has a procedure that erases every memory she had of Joel Barish(Jim Carrey).So Joel goes and gets the same exact procedure that Clementine had.But nothing is as it appears.

The best thing Jim Carrey(Joel Barish)has done since The Truman Show.Kate Winslet(Clementine Kruczynski)gives a excellent performance.The directing in this movie is fanominal The screenplay was extremely good it felt like real life conversation.The storyline was mind boggling i loved it.The acting in general was very very good.Kirsten Dunst,Spider Man(Mary)gave a really good performance i just don't like the character she had to play.I loved this movie this is one of my favorite movies ever.

Best actor/actress-Jim Carrey

Nothing is as it appears and i love it because of that-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 10 out of 10


The Fast and the Furious

The Fast And The Furious
A Thriller/Action/Crime About a undercover police officer Brian O'Conner(Paul Walker)who goes undercover in Los Angelas.Because somebody is hijacking trucks the police know they are part of the racing world because of the tire tracks.So Brian O'Conner is accepted into a racing team,Dominic Toretto(Vin Diesel)is the leader of the team.Now O'Conner has to find out is it Torretto or a different gang who is hijacking these trucks.

Vin Diesel(Dominic Toretto)gives a very solid performance.Paul Walker(Brian O'Conner)Gives a very cheesy performance.The screenplay was really cheesy at times sometimes it was good but usually it was pretty cheesy.The storyline was entertaining nothing spectacular.But the cars were awesome the racing sequences were very cool.The directing was pretty standard.If it wasn't for Vin diesel this movie would have been pretty bad probably.

Best actor/actress-Vin Diesel

Fast cars not much story-Jake Hyden

I rated this movie a 6 out of 10



A action/thriller/crime/fantasy about a young boy who get's blinded by toxic chemicals.Now with only 4 senses his sense of hearing becomes super human making him able to see sound vibrations.Now he is a grownup lawyer by day and a justice seeker by night his name is Matt Murdock the Daredevil(Ben Affleck)

Ben Affleck(Daredevil)did a pretty good job with his acting.Jennifer Garner(Elecktra)did a horrible job in this movie.Colin Farrell(Bullseye)also did a horrible job with his acting.The Directing was not as bad as i anticipated it would be.The soundtrack was crappy nothing special with that.The screenplay was pretty bad.In my opinion the storyline for "daredevil" is better then the one for "spiderman 1".But Bolth of those movies are just to fake for me i am really sick of this superhero crap Lets see something original.

Best actor/actress-Ben Affleck

nothing special hear-Jake Hyden

I gave this movie a 5 out of 10


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