
IMDb member since July 2015
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    IMDb Member
    8 years


The Woman

Blood hell fire!
This is not a film for the weak stomached. It took me some strength to make it to the end. The use of sound in this film is very effective and the brutality will stay will me. Im despairing at humans right now with a disgusted look stained on my face. Take warning, nothing in this film will make you feel hopeful, happy or relaxed. Its violent and disgusting. I need some serious Disney therapy after this powerfully brutal film. I am violeted in every single way and need cuddles! No wonder I had a gut feeling about watching this, i put it off for weeks and weeks and now i wish i had trusted myself. Effective film. horryfying and eternally shocking.

The Hoarder

Shocking acting, watch at your own peril!
This film in theory should be amazing and creepy as hell. Instead, the only thing scary is the acting by the mono tone Mischa Barton. Three minutes in and I am in pain watching her. Ten minutes in and I realise that, in order to make it through this film I will have to pretend its a spoof comedy and pray she dies at the end for my satisfaction. I am only thirty minutes in and more bad actors have presented themselves which leads me to believe it was the director who must have been drunk on set to allow this film to go into production. To summarise, storage units are creepy, its a great story line but utterly ruined by acting that could have been out staged by a school play starring five year olds. If I make it through the rest of the film without chewing my own arm off out of frustration i shall include an update, if i don't....

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