
IMDb member since October 2015
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The Great Wall

Liked it more than I thought I would (opinion, slight analysis, correctness, recommendation)
Tip: Don't get influenced by the ratings that much. See for yourself.

Warning: There are NO spoilers in my review, but there is a general characteristic regarding the main character and the Chinese people in the movie. (related to the complaints)

I watched this movie on 3D and I generally liked it. My expectations were lower, especially as I saw the rating was quite low for a movie of that type - it's supposed to be impressive, therefore more people would love it. A commercial movie related to history sounds pretty bad enough, adding that the action develops in China and the main character is a white man, and that they are fighting against monsters. All that sounded like it might turn out to be complete bullshit, but...

It's actually not. First of all, in the beginning of the movie there is an introduction about The Great Wall of China and it is mentioned that the movie is based on one of the LEGENDS about it. Secondly, the white men arriving there are just warriors who are traveling in order to find useful goods, and they are not presented in the best light - they are fighting for their basic needs and for their personal profit, they don't trust anybody, even their own friends. While the Chinese people are presented in a good way - they are hardworking, skillful, honourable, trustworthy as much as they could be in such times. They fight for their country and they are ready to die for it, they're not cowards who just take what they want for themselves and run away. This contrast is one of the main points of the movie.

Also, there is a beautiful message behind the whole story. It's not just action with monsters. So I'd say everything unusual in this movie about which many people complain, is actually pretty reasonable.

Besides that, I noticed that the effects are not that good in certain scenes, but generally they're well made. You get into the movie, it doesn't look much like a movie set, even on 3D where the flaws can be seen more easily sometimes.

I generally love historical action movies, and while I prefer for them to be historically correct and I find it important, I think that sometimes it's better that they're not because this causes a lot of conflicts and we can never be sure how correct they are exactly. In Hollywood everything is biased, pretty much, so maybe it's a much better idea if such movies are based on legends and just have meaningful morals of the story. That seems to be good enough, like in this movie.

There are some pretty intense moments, so if you get scared easily, maybe you should be careful with this movie. It gets tense and it's about war after all.

Silicon Valley

Fun, clever, hooking
It's fun, but subtle. It can make you laugh like an idiot but the scenes remain quite serious. It's not like a super silly comedy which only misses the added laughter. It's hilarious in a more realistic way. Some things that happen you understand later, and that makes some of the jokes funnier.

The characters are lovely and each of them has their own persona, with their silly flaws and beautiful traits. You get attached to them but also get entertained by their adventures, even through the failures.

But unlike many other shows, this one makes fun of everyone in a cute way and makes it hard for you to hate anybody, but rather feel sympathy and relate to the situations. It's always interesting and it doesn't go long without surprising you.

When an episode ends, I feel like immediately watching the next one. They usually end with something mysterious and unfinished, which is common and understandable. I got charmed and hooked on it. It's worth watching. I will be happy to see the next season, and hopefully many more.

The Accountant

I knew it would be good... but it's really good! Watch.
I watched the pre-premiere of the movie in Bulgaria. I knew it would be worth my time right from the trailer and even just the poster. I went to watch it with my boyfriend and we both loved the movie, even though he likes to complain about movies not being good enough.

Firstly, it is well made, which is not surprising, I guess. Secondly, it was interesting and some of the main plot wasn't revealed until the end. This made it really amusing. Thirdly, the plot itself is kinda unique. At least I haven't seen such a movie before about such an extraordinary personality to enchant me in this way and put on such a perspective about autism and people who are different and have a lot more potential than it may seem.

Watch it, I bet you won't regret it! I know no movie is perfect, but this one is definitely one of the best movies of the year and deserves a 10 from me! Excellent. Congrats on the acting, on the plot, on all the work put in it and I thank all the crew for the experience they have delivered to me and the other pleased viewers.

Jason Bourne

I watched it with slight interest, even though there wasn't that much happening. My boyfriend fell asleep on it.
I saw "Jason Bourne" at the cinema with my boyfriend (he fell asleep in the middle). I should say I was expecting more (even though this is another movie about CIA after all). Why? Because this is Jason Bourne. I last watched the previous Bourne movies long ago, but I remember I enjoyed them. Especially "The Bourne Identity". They were intriguing, secretive, with a stronger plot than this movie. As it said in another review I saw, Jason is usually a clever planner, and in this movie he's reckless. I know that the focus of the movie is Jason Bourne and in this part "he's reached his tipping point", but we still need more cleverness (since he's our main character we should love for his abilities) and more things happening. And I don't think that enough happened even just when it comes to him. Like half of the things in the whole film were predictable. The movie is a bit lazy, but I wouldn't say it's crap. I guess you should watch it and see for yourself. Many people, including myself, were disappointed that one of the interesting things that was happening didn't evolve (related to a big revelation). The ending suggests that another Bourne movie could be made. I hope they will make another and it will have a strong plot. However, I don't regret watching this one.

Point Break

I actually liked it
People hate on it so much because they expect a copy of the 1991 Point Break. Well, this is a modern version of the original Point Break and it is not meant to be the same. If it was to be the same, why would they even bother to make it? First of all, this movie should be appreciated because of the amazing extreme scenes. I would recommend it to people who really enjoy watching great views and extreme sports. The stupid thing is the banal "FBI agent" sh*t but I think I could get over it as it is an American movie, no way it doesn't include the FBI. However, the movie has its charm, and do the characters. The characters of Bodhi and Samsara are intriguing and exclusively charming. I really like how the movie is about spirituality and fighting your own self. But it's a bit saddening if you get attached to the characters and see things sentimentally. You have the typical FBI thing, the extreme sports, the sentimental moments, the parties, the beautiful sense of risking your life to help others and to take your spirit higher. It has beautiful moments of joy, terrifying moments and great scenes. Why would I not like it?

Dirty Grandpa

Another commercial movie which attempts to be funny
This might be a great movie for some audiences, obviously there are enough people who like such things, considering that they keep making them and they become box-office hits. This movie relies on the typical American exclusive sensation, on its dirtiness and dark humour. I'm a person who is able to take a joke and understands dark humour, but this movie is purely dirty, banal and unfunny. Many of the actors are overacting in their characters' dirtiness. It is pretty much a messed up commercial sh*t like Ted 2, except that at least there is not a living teddy bear married to a slutty drug addict (thank God). It's lame how they mix up the banal sentimental moments with the tasteless humour and the totally disgusting dirty moments which are supposed to be entertaining. It's full of movies like this that have banal plots plus random dumb moments filled with massive drug use. Other than that, it's well-shot. At least this we could expect to be nice. It's not too bad if we take the fact I watched it at home and managed to watch until the end.

X-Men: Apocalypse

It's cool, well-made effects, nice scenes
Probably what I appreciate most is the great effects. Yeah, movies about superheroes are always known for a lot of effects, but they're not always this good. As far as I've noticed, in most movies the special effects have a lot of flaws. I watched this movie on 4DX and it was pretty good, I appreciated how good it looked visually. I liked the scenes from the different parts of the world, I'd say they're well-planned. When it comes to the plot, I like it that Ancient Egypt is involved, I find ancient civilizations intriguing. Other than that, in many ways it's a typical American movie about superpowers and world apocalypse.

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