
IMDb member since December 2015
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Fat man in a mini van
Plain, dumb, fun. Just a cool lil thriller, with a over the top Russel Crowe. Nothing special, Just a simple but fun to watch movie. Just go check it and escape for 90 minutes, out of the real madness

The Girl in the Spider's Web

Forget the Books, watch it with a hangover
A dull, nicely shot action thriller, if you love the Books (millenium trilogy) dont watch IT. Watch it on a Sunday's with a hangover and pizza.


An old fashion super Heroes movie
I have seen the movie at the première night in the Netherlands, i went to the movie with zero expectations. Almost 2 hours later i walked out of the theater really entertained. Yes the movie has it flaws, the story is so simple, bad cgi at moments, Hardy was a bit of a let down in this movie for me. But somehow i really liked the movie for what IT is. Just plain dumb old fashioned super (anti) hero action. I really missed the Gore and i can't wait for the rumored uncut version. And the after credits, haha can't wait for the sequel

The Predator

Just a fun nineties dumb action flick
It is stupid, dumb, violent, gory and entertaining. Dont expect a well writen scifi thriller/horror movie. IT is Just dumb plain fun, like almost all the nineties action flicks. Everything is Just An excuse for some brutal violence and that's it. I was entertained i had fun. I liked it. Nothing wil ever beat the first one. Just Go and see it and dont expect a new classic. Just judge it by what it is, not by what its not

The Happytime Murders

The not so happy times
I didn't expected much from this film, but it was even worse. Happy Time Murders is boring, not Funny, cheap, and definitely not Funny. The humour is so so so childish. Don't get me wrong i love most Seth Rogen like comedy Flickr. They are a guilty pleasure. But this was so all so simple and cheap. I don't think i can spoil anything, but i will be cautious but if you have seen the trailer all the "good" parts allready. Stay away from this film, save your money for something else. Like rent or buying Meet the Feebles

The Equalizer 2

Too slow, too Much and Boring
The movie had too many subplots as a result the mainstory had no impact at all. The pacing was off and the movie was somewhat boring. The action sequences, were brutal and fast, but didn't save the movie for me. I didn't hated the movie, but i felt all the way like a unnecessary sequel to me

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